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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Yes, plenty. Is something wrong with you?
  2. Bolt. Have you even been to Pattaya, have you heard of Bolt?
  3. Do bolt rip you off? If you think bolt is a 'rip off' then i pity you.....
  4. Have you heard of taxi's - cars. They're used to take people from one location to another ( for a fee ), they're not new... You should try them.
  5. Your examples are stupid.
  6. Are you ok? Which language is this pls?
  7. Where in PB, it's a big province.
  8. Although it's nice that you show concern, it's really none of your business. I learnt a long time ago in Thailand to mind my own business.
  9. This does not require the border to be open.
  10. Does this mean you drive in complete silence if you have passengers in the car? What about if you're on a road trip with the wife ( or husband )? that must become very boring? Do you play music? does the distract you? does the indicator or wiper noise distract you too? what happens when it rains, do you stay home?
  11. Nice dog. I've had 3 for years, great dogs, can't be arsed commenting tho coz there's too many haters / self proclaimed 'know it alls'
  12. Copy and paste your post too......
  13. Excellent. Loads of eye candy there as well.....yummy!
  14. I'm not sure, sorry.
  15. Muscle factory Pratumak.
  16. What's your name, John Rambo?
  17. Bingo, this is the guts of it. I've sold big bikes in the past for a much lower price coz i couldn't be bothered messing about with private sales and the hassles with it. Depends what you want...
  18. My wife came with me to Loas, she got her passport stamped at the border, i think it's just the people crossing daily to trade that get the waiver. I'm aware the wife is not required to attend consulate.
  19. People are actually using this app? Who asks to view your CV-19 vaccine status these days?
  20. Not sure why this even made the news, it's a daily occurance. Age of the driver is irrelevant.
  21. I've always turned one in. I've never been asked for a copy of wifes passport in numerous visits.
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