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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. I'm looking for a recommendation of a website / agent someone has used, something that you obviously cannot help with.
  2. So what do you recommend? that's what i asked for, i'm quite capable of searching myself but i'm glad you wasted your time doing it trying to be smart - thanks.
  3. Can anyone recommend property websites in CR, looking for a 1 bed condo centrally. Thanks
  4. You're beating the same drum, i've said numerous times i'm amazed how cannabis has taken off here, like many others i'm sure. I'm sorry, but unlike you i do not know everything, my bad.
  5. hahahahaha, toys out the pram - class
  6. I have a big garden ( 3 rai ) i must have about 7 or animals burried there, nice to have them burried at their home. If you're putting an animal to sleep ( not this case ) but plaese be present so that you're the last face that animal sees and it does not go to sleep surrounded by strangers feeling scared and lonely.
  7. Too much thought.....do nothing, Covid has finished. You can travel all over the world with it now ( if positive ) without any restrictions , maskes not needed at airport or on flights themselves, move on.....get back to normal.
  8. do nothing, continue as normal. I don't see the point in anyone testing anymore.
  9. It annoys me coz it's not necessary anymore and life goes on. Don't know why people don't want to go back to pre Covid life......strange.
  10. Most places only have single pane windows and doors also which is not good.
  11. Shocking, but unfortunately a daily occurence.
  12. Likely he / they just used a bush knife. If the trees are mature they should be fine.
  13. Same in Phetchabun / KK / P'Lok, all visited in the last week. I never wear one now and not been asked to for a long time. I find it bizarre the % of people that still wear them....
  14. Are you suggesting Thailand is 3rd world? If so, you're not very well travelled, are you?
  15. So i'm in Pattaya now am i - lol. Says the person always accusing me of not being in Pattaya, which one is it?
  16. Good morning ThailandRyan, thanks for your input. Police are trained for this tho, right? I'm not plus it's none of my business, had i been there i'd have left. How do you know she was struggling with mental health issues. You've never seen, heard or read of just angry people wielding a knife? strange...
  17. Police are taught self preservation first. Could you imagine ( i've no doubt you could ) what would have happened had the police shown empathy and been stabbed....... exactly! Thanks
  18. Knew that'd you'd pipe up with an answer for everything - thanks for confirming you know everything.
  19. You for real? You don't think it's pathetic? How do you know she needed mental health expertise? Would you have expected this to take an hour to resolve in the great U S of A? Thank you.
  20. It took 1 hour for police to remove a knife from a 52 year old woman in a police station? Pathetic.
  21. PJ71

    Gas flares

    Looking at any flare during the hours of darkness will amplify the size. What health impacts are you talking about? I'm sure there is more pollution from other sources in BKK worse than that gas stack.
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