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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Get the windy app, all you'll ever need. windy.com
  2. Good questions as it seems pretty unusual for a Thai spouse to get the appropriate visa with the right to be employed in a legal job in the UK, all within a couple of years. I would add what about their social life as a married couple? This mention she has friends, but they're a few hours away and the OP "supposes" he could take her to visit suggests that there's no effort to be a couple.
  3. Accuradio has an endless selection of genres and there's no advertising on their app.
  4. What a singularly awful specimen.
  5. You'll notice that teachers don't get stabbed when they verbally abuse 14 year-olds, so it's obvious that Wan Kru works. The government could easily nip this sort of extreme disrespect for the elderly in the bud by initiating a national Wan Yai day instead of celebrating living and dead deities.
  6. They have an email address? I'm a very new Wise sign-up and having issues linking my UK bank. Their app refers me to FAQ that don't address the issue and I have sent a message via the app but so far no response. If you can share that email address (via PM), it would be appreciated.
  7. Thanks for that. When I wanted fast internet in my shed, the obvious solution was running cat6 in conduit but with that went into the 'too hard' basket as I have enough issues with existing buried and hanging stuff getting broken. Opted for a 4G/5G router with the 1-year data SIM option. Running cat6 to the annex will be similarly challenged due to cement, paving, existing drainage and once again, the perils of a suspended conduit. I won't rule it out though, especially option to run cat6 to an AP near the annex. But I think I do need to replace the original Huawei first, then everything on out will be latest tech.
  8. Only interested in improving home Wi-Fi for the itinerant users. My shed is wired. A friend has suggested that I can reconfigure the TP-Link extender as an AP and use a Cat6 cable to connect it to the Huawei, then disable the 'host' wi-fi. I may give that a shot today. I did see a display of new Huawei hardware at the local mall branch of 3bb yesterday, that included a newer Wi-Fi 6 capable modem/router (with no external antenna). Looking at the link, that looks like a promo for a new customer and requires a 24-month contract. My contract was set up ages ago and the Huawei hardware was free on a minimum 1-year contract. So I own this one now, but I may still see if I can get an upgrade. I would give that a shot, but the annex is on a separate power, utility pole, meter, account, etc.. Noted, thanks. Hopefully it will only need the one box. The annex is 50 m away from the 'source' and too far for existing hardware and tech. I was looking at a wall or ceiling-mount option and checked out the EAP425 among others but decided that was more expense and work.
  9. You seem to have a firmer handle on this than most. What's the going rates in Spain these days?
  10. She was 22, actually. Why does other people being "blind and foolish" bother you?
  11. You left Russia 110 years ago and still posting? Respect!
  12. Loving the "Instant expert, just add Google" advice.
  13. From the OP As for the "many on this board" who like their "daily drink", do they get drunk and verbally abusive? Or do they just log in and post nonsense?
  14. My friend has a duplex condo in Kuala Lumpur and the amount of rebar in the walls has been a big challenge for his home Wi-Fi. He's retired, and hedging on buying any upgrades that should solve his issues until the prices improve. Yes, the mesh option looks good, and the prices aren't as high as they were when it was all new tech. The RE305 extender I used supports mesh but the native wi-fi out of the Huawei isn't so I think I need to get something 'in between' like maybe the TP-Link AX55 or maybe AX21. At the same time, I need to see what devices can connect with 802.11ax. The gaming laptop Wi-Fi hardware is Intel Wireless Wi-Fi 6 AX200 802. 11ax Dual-Band 2. 4GHz and 5GHz featuring 2x2 MU-MIMO technology (Max Speed up to 2. 4Gbps) so should be good to go.
  15. I have fiber optic internet service from 3bb, using the original Huwaei HG8145v ONU. No issues with the service, but the Wi-Fi range has always been an issue across the 5-bedroom, single-floor villa. I now have a 4-bedroom annex about 50m away (signal has to pass through 4 regular walls, all on the same ground-level), the signal strength 'out back' was poor. I had a spare TP-Link RE305 Wi-Fi extender and installed that about 2/3 of the distance in between and that has solved the signal strength issue, but the speed still is limited. No issues with YouTube and streaming, but it's no use for gaming. The Huawei ONU doesn't have external antennas and depending on who you talk to and what you read, that can be a limitation on some home installations. I was wondering if I connect a newer Wi-Fi 6 router to the Huawei and disable the Huawei wi-fi, that would improve my "customer satisfaction"? I could also relocate the new wi-fi router somewhere better to optimise the signal. The Huawei is limited by the length of f/o cabling and available furniture in the master bedroom at the front of the main house. I have a liking for TP-Link products, so any other solutions or recommendations are welcome.
  16. I did it for the amazing peace and quiet.
  17. I think this sad story is more about having a death certificate so that whatever estate of the deceased can be accessed.
  18. When you say, "Any person that has intimate contact with a large number of people is likely to generate disrespectful opinions...", after labeling older white males in Thailand as losers, I can only assume that the YouTuber in the OP may be a bit of a trollop.
  19. To some, that is an admission to being some other type of loser. To some. I didn't say to me. I would need a bit more information before labeling anyone a loser, something that the YouTuber in the OP has overlooked.
  20. Right up the Clarets. ...and right back down again.
  21. Already acknowledged on page 3. Just adding my response as a member...we are not restricted to responding only to posts that haven't already been commented on, are we? No, not at all. It's pretty much up to you what you post. I was just politely pointing out that Gawd...you're slow!
  22. Still struggling with the culture shock then? No worries, not long now.
  23. Anywhere but.
  24. Thailand is a matriarchal society, something that the Thai menfolk don't openly admit too, but that's the way it is. I know in our house with the (slightly) extended Thai family, Yai may well be the boss, but my wife is the actual enforcer. It was like that before my father-in-law passed away too. I do the shopping and school runs (gets me out of the house). Regarding the earlier mention of forgiveness, I know my wife has that in spades. The things I used to think I was getting away with around the mid-marriage point should have seen me kicked to the curb. How does that saying go again? A man marries a woman for what she is, but a woman marries a man because of what he can be. She won. Talking of browbeaten American dads, I am not American but my friend and Godfather to my oldest boy is, and your mom sounds just like his mom. An outwardly pleasant lady who tends to go way off the rails, especially at Thanksgiving reunions (to which I was invited once), likes to 'tell it like it is' and berates her doting husband something awful. When she harangued my buddy as to why he was still single at 55, he told her because of what he saw her doing to his dad. No more Thanksgiving invites for us, for which we are eternally grateful! As for my symbiotic relationship, married 17 years with two kids here, I have found frequent separation keeps it all real and fresh. Although semi-retired, I still do what I used to do and work overseas two or three times a year. In fact, the longest time we continuously cohabited was during Covid and boy, was THAT an eye-opener. But the overseas interludes also work for my overall attitude to Thailand, and it's... unique issues (being polite here). In my fairly unremarkable and limited social circle up here in Isaan, I find the foreigners that moan longest and loudest about their lot and quick to denigrate the locals and blame everyone else for everything, are the ones that haven't left the country in years. Some probably haven't even left the province. Good luck with your mountain Sabbatical, and I hope that it works in ultimately keeping you together for longer.
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