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Everything posted by Onerak

  1. If OP is renting now 18K/month, I bet he can't live here. Please check the prices in Facebook market place what you can get for 18K/month in Pattaya. This is good for giving as a gift to your Pattaya sugar baby. May be he can upgrade it to this standard. Not sure how much it will cos though.
  2. How could you get your money back in 5 years? It will also required 100K for furniture/AC. Let's say you rent it for 2K. How many years it will take to get your money back?
  3. I don't believe heavy accents should not be a concern and can be corrected if needed. 50% CEOs of American companies are now first generation Indian-Americans with education in their native country India. They have branched from Silicon valley to Wall street. Now non Silicon valley companies are also hiring CEOs from first generation Indian-Americans like Starbucks and Verizon.
  4. Volunteer visa is under scrutiny and changes will be made to report to immigration every month what work you're doing. Unless IOs who are unfortunate not to have access to dollars are well compensated for their bad luck why they would give you a visa to live in Thailand doing no volunteer work?
  5. Why nightmare? It was the best thing since slice bread ????. No need to collate forms and documents with pics, buy MO, take it to the PO and buy stamps for mailing along with the passport. Can't use the passport to leave the country while waiting for the visa. Now I do everything from the comfort of my desk. Why it is a nightmare?
  6. I think they already have a guide about how to use eVisa website, of course it is using a computer. Why don't use a computer, instead of your iPhone.
  7. "InDrive" is it a new taxi hailing service? Is it available in Pattaya? Grab prices in Pattaya are more than bolt but accepts CC whereas bolt is only cash. My max bolt charge for a month in Pattaya was approximately 6,000 baht and the minimum as 2,000 baht. I use bolt for all my travels inside Pattaya. Wanted to buy or rent a car, but found bolt is far cheaper that any other alternatives for in-town travel.
  8. I see lots of cheap car rentals in Pattaya. Earlier I wanted to rent one for my 6-month stay in Thailand but then I discovered Bolt and my Bolt expenses are 6K max/month. Bangkok I knew a guy who used to sell stolen cars for 100K. Fake papers are additional.
  9. How is overstayers making it harder for others?
  10. While posting you comments, please don't post comments like "I won't fund her GoFundMe campaign". Nobody really wants to know that what you would do. It's a very bad situation. Every time I ride a bike as a passenger in hired motor bike, I am scared as hell and limit my ride to the back alleys (sois) only. People make mistake and land in a bad situation like this but there is nothing to rejoice about that.
  11. Condos are dime a doze in Pattaya but prices are slowly creeping up I see. Don't worry you will get find another.
  12. The OP did not say it was an AirBnb. How did you conclude that? WTH, he wants a condo why he would go to a hotel. As another poster said, most probably he found a better deal. Did you bargain hard to reduce the rent? May be he found another person who he though won't cause any trouble. Try looking for another place. There are plenty. Is it in Bangkok?
  13. When one can buy vape products which are illegal in Thailand in numerous bars and on the side walks, who says I cannot buy weed the same way?
  14. OMG now I have to endure the long haul tourists buses in narrow Pattaya sois again when I go for my 6-month stay in Thailand in March.
  15. What do you mean asserting your own status? Don't you realize that they have you like a refugee and give visa from year-to-year, force you to do 90-reporting, etc. etc. If you want to assert your status, get an LT visa, smart visa, or use an agent. Otherwise you're an insignificant ant you will kowtow to their every demand for you precious "retirement visa" or "wife visa"
  16. Female sex workers don't harass tourists because they have at least possibilities of becoming future brides of some person rejected by females of his own kind in exchange for a "wife visa". A transgender prostitute can not give any thing like a "wife visa" in exchange for becoming a lover of a homo sexual. So they are more desperate to harass and get whatever they could from tourists.
  17. That is also another reason I never eat Thai street foods except steamed lemon fish. I don't like most Thai foods except Tom Yum Kung and steamed lemon fish.
  18. Moving to a new country, start new. Sell everything and giveaway the remaining to the needy. Forget the old baggage. Start afresh and buy everything here brand new. Assuming you're moving here for retirement.
  19. METVs are issued in the home country. You need to go back to the country to apply for another METV.
  20. Ethnic Chinese are at the heart of founding of the modern Thai nation and their connection is deeper. https://www.amazon.com/Crown-Capitalists-Founding-Dialogues-Southeast/dp/0295746246
  21. Wow, such an accomplishments. May be you did not notice people all around you are also wearing earphones.
  22. Rant of an jealous insignificant ant rejected by women of his own kind and live on a foreign land using a "wife visa" like a refugee. Many people don't like to speak English like Xi Jingping but EU officials line up to lick his boot.
  23. Can you please post a details report after you successfully get your visa. Pleases include how crowded the place is (the few pics I have seen is very crowded). How long you have to wait to submit your application and get the visa the following day. Documents you submitted. Your location and the travel route you took, Hotels you stayed, etc. It will be very helpful for people wanting to do visa run (not border run). Please post your report as new post not a thread in this post. Thanks. Waiting for your report.
  24. As long as the visa is valid. It is multiple entry visa that means not restricted to the number of entries. It's the same through out the world for any visa. You are allowed to enter as many times as you wish with a multiple entry visa as long as the visa is valid. For each entry, you will get to stay for 60-day only (can extend by 30-day also). The visa is good for 6 months. After 6-month, the visa expires. In contrast a single entry TR visa is good for three months (or 90-days) after that it expires but you can only use it once to enter the country. I assume you know the difference between a visa and "permission-to-stay". The concept is the same for visas from any country in the World.
  25. Yes they could. What are you going to do? You know you're an insignificant ant. And embassy could always reject you without giving you any reason and IO could always deny you an entry. You can't do anything. Period. So don't post arrogant comments and accept others advice if you want stay in Thailand. Getting visa and entry into a country is not a rights.
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