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Everything posted by Onerak

  1. You mean brothel owners.
  2. Every place has its annoyances. Just have to accept it, especially for a foreigner who is given no more than one year to stay at a time in Thailand. After one year, if you find your home land is better, you can go back. Thailand immigration policy is perfect for the types of foreigners whose only voice is this forum.
  3. Onerak

    Cialis Bangkok

    Street cialis are as good as from the pharmacies.
  4. Why arrest poverty stricken people trying to earn a living instead of people who are running brothels fronting as bars?
  5. I came in July (and left in October) and line was extremely short. I usually travel in JAL or ANA and never had long queue even in the Pre-covid days when Thailand was drawing 39 mil visitors a year. The only times I had to wait long in the queue was if my arrivals coincided with a few flights from China. Then it was a real chaos at the immigration line.
  6. Why not I am able to snort or inject cocaine in my body? The main thing is the hypocrisy of running brothels and saying that it is a bar.
  7. Thailand has a median salary of 103,000 THB per month, implying that 50% of the Thai population earns more than 103,000 THB, while the other 50% earns below 103,000 THB. I know a real estate agent earning more than 100K in Pattaya. She invested wisely and now have two restaurants running.
  8. Are not there any homeless shelters? Also, health care is free unlike in the USA. So what's the problem?
  9. Who is going to prosecute Thai judiciary? The U.S. law criminalizes only active foreign bribery. While companies and individuals subject to the jurisdiction of the FCPA are punished for paying bribes, those who receive these bribes largely escape U.S. punishment. Attempt to charge foreign government officials who take bribes under statutes, such as money laundering and wire fraud is possible but extremely difficult to prove in the US court and US prosecutors rarely invest their resources to charge foreign government officials and when they do so, it only amounts to a ban to visit US.
  10. Until bars are regulated with a minimum salary for bar girls and no requirements to sell drinks to patrons or get bar fined, the brothels will continue to run fronting as bars. Thailand needs less brothels that make it easy for a foreigner to open a brothel fronting as a bar. How many brothels (so called bars) will disappear if they are regulated with no requirements to sell lady drinks or bar fines?
  11. So as usual they were running brothels fronting as bars. That's what all Thailand bars are. They are all brothels fronting as bars.
  12. You can if you cough up money for the unfortunates with the same dreams and aspirations as one born in a Western country but unable to survive in their own lands.
  13. Sorry buddy. It does not change often. There is not guarantee. They may still ask for a return ticket and they have the right to deny boarding and you have the right to lodge a and take them to the court. Good luck with that. IOs generally don't ask for a return ticket and when they ask they have already decided to deny entry and just looking for an excuse. However, they also have every rights to ask for a return ticket and deny entry and you also have the right to lodge a complaint and good luck with that. It's 45-days till March 31, 2023 as of now. It may also change.
  14. So you came to Thailand for its temples and beaches amd foods and culture. Give me break or keep dreaming. Are you living in Thailand with a "wife visa" now?
  15. Haha. Quality tourists hopping brothels to brothels fronting as bars in search of brides or orgies.
  16. I never use cold hard cash in my life. Always use my American credit cards. Never had any hacking problems where I had to deal with a Thai bank. Just one call to my American bank and they take care of it by removing the charges. And it happened multiple times, including 80K charges once to my cards by a gold shop.
  17. Not easy to find future brides by visiting only one brothel (fronting as bars).
  18. Just like people who travel 10,000 miles to find their brides in brothels fronting as bars.
  19. Are potheads quality tourists any worse than quality tourists hopping brothels to brothels in search of their future brides or sex orgies and passing sexual innuendos to local girls in baht buses because they could not do so in London buses?
  20. I don't think civil partnership is recognized in Thailand for visa purposes. If she is a Thai, she can get her dual passport and stay in Thailand indefinitely. You however not entitled to stay in Thailand indefinitely, even if you get a "wife visa" by marriage to a Thai lady. You are only entitled ot stay one year at a time and report your whereabouts every 90-days.
  21. Most are. Pretending to visit for Thai culture and temples and language and food are all ruse for visiting Thailand in search of brides for marriage visa or orgies.
  22. From USA they can cross to Canada or Mexico for abortions. The only tourism for Westerner countries visiting Thailand is for seeking brides or orgies in numerous bars all over the country. And there is no risk of that due heavy influx of Indians because I have never met an Indian married to a Thai prostitute unless done solely for the purpose of g getting a "wife visa"
  23. Why so jealous? Unable to find your bride in the land of ...? Thailand is in a cross road because not able to provide poverty stricken local girls for marriage to 50+ years old, destitute, low self esteemed persons unable to get their bride in their home countries.
  24. Wow such a jealousy? Why? Not yet able to find your bride in the land of broth.... Thailand has not done anything to turn off Westerner except in the deranged minds of destitute foreigners unable to find a living or bride in their home lands.
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