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Everything posted by Onerak

  1. Is there any flight from U-Tapao now? Pre-Covid, I used to take the U-Tapao to Hat Yai, spend a night at Hat Yai and then take the van to Penang in the morning and do the same while returning also. Did that a few times for TR visa, and twice to extend my O-A visa.
  2. I don't have any issue about economic migrants from a poorer country to a richer country and they always contribute to the GDP, specially in Thailand where there is no government assistance. I have problem and I will definitely report if somebody from a wealthy country is trying to earn a living in a poorer country without a WP.
  3. onwardflight.com does not exist any more. You can get similar verified flight reservation ticket at https://onwardticket.com/
  4. In Pattaya, as you enter the immigration on your left is an office. If you just take the passport with you, they will fill up the required form, make all necessary copies, take pics and make the bundle ready for 200 baht. You go to the immigration office, take a number and wait. I bet there must be a place like that in Bangkok also. I have not visited Bangkok (CW) office since 2011. I remember there used to be a place like that in the basement also. Not sure how much is the current rate or if it still exists or not.
  5. Hmm. That's the first time I heard. All my US bank issued credit cards are protected against fraud and now my debit cards (MC/Visa network) are also protected against fraud. The only difference is when you report a fraud for debit card, your cash is already taken out of your bank account till they refund it and it make take up to ten days (some banks like CapitalOne refunds it immediately). Credit cards may also take up to tent days for them to remove the charge but you don't pay them a dime, even if your payment is due and a bill is already created.
  6. Onerak

    Laundry Service

    OMG, quality tourists need feed back for laundry service. What land are we living? Laundry is so cheap in Pattaya are nobody needs any feed back or recommendation for laundry service.
  7. I don't want to comments on anything except my favorite - brothel owners misery.
  8. I pay COD for small amount (less than 1000 baht). This guarantees me delivery to my door step when I am at my condo, instead of leaving the product at Condo office. A few times when I ordered items more than one thousand, I used my US issued credit card. This guarantees me protection from fraud and outright denial of charges if can't get my product or there is any product misinformation in ads. It has worked wonderful for me so far. I never use a card that has access to my money in the bank.
  9. Never had any problems with Thai banks. I keep substantial amount of money (more than 100K) in two Thai banks. My only issue is that they don't give you any interest or almost negligible interest rate. It used to be the same in the USA also but in US some high yield savings accounts are giving 4% now.
  10. Was he living on a over stay visa? If not how can someone know if he has a arrest warrant or not in his country.
  11. So, they are targeting Ed-Visa, Volunteer visa, and Medical visa extension? How many criminals did they catch using these visas to extend their stay?
  12. But you keep coming. I wonder why? Is it the the lure of finding a bride in brothels fronting a bars or for cheap sex orgy?
  13. Get a TR visa and an exit ticket (even if a fake one), in case they ask you. You can say you love the country and want to come back again and again to spend your hard earned money. How old are you?
  14. From the name it seems one is a statin (for cholesterol control) and the other is a beta blocker (for high BP) of Atenolol (a generic for Tenormin) type. They are cheap even in the USA and have cheap generics all over the World. I bet Australian meds are mostly generics if available. Any Thai pharmacy should carry them. Check with Fascino.
  15. My definition of quality tourist is the one who overstays his visa and then says I like Thailand so I don't want to leave.
  16. I don't understand why people overstay. It is so easy to stay in Thailand if one really wants to. Unless one has money/income, why a person would stay in Thailand? If one has incomes, it is really easy to live in Thailand. If less that 50 years, just buy an elite. If more than 50 year, get a retirement extension for 15K. And Kuwait is a wealthy country. I understand why people from Laos, Myanmar, or Cambodia would stay in Thailand illegally. But there is no excuse for people from wealthy countries. And this guy is 56-year old. Get a retirement visa man for 15K.
  17. Yes, I had my suspicion that she stole my passport but no proof. Also, I did not want to implicate her only wanted to scare her.
  18. Yes, he was very helpful. I knew I could get a passport no matter who stole it also I wanted to report to the police as soon as I was aware that I don't have the passport with me. My goals were two things. 1. To get a lost passport report without implicating her. 2. Scare her and her family that I can summon police if needed. So, I concocted a story about how she may have my passport because we had a fighting the night before but I was not sure 100%. Will he help me to go to her house and ensure if she have my passport or not. Also, the police had no obligation to drive me around to her house or to the bus station. All goals were accomplished without any problems.
  19. The officer wrote a letter that I lost my passport and got a new one and transferred my visa info into the new one. I wanted to teach her a lesson that she can't do anything to me even if she takes my passport. She thought Police will arrest me for not having a passport and I have to come to her crawling because I am in her country and she had the upper hand. It was more than 15 years decades ago.
  20. That is just such a stupid answer that he likes Thailand so he did not want to leave. No wonder Thailand is getting quality tourists who could not even tell the truth why they can't leave or get their status legalized. Is he a moron? does he think that Thai immigration would let him go if he says he likes Thailand when caught hiding in Si Saket. I love Si Saket. My daughter's mother is from Si Saket. The cops helped me once when my GF stole my Passport and credit cards and I reported to the Police. They took me to my GF's house and her mom said he has a baby with her. The officer said oh it's a family matter and told me to sort it out with her. I said I have to go to Udon and take a flight to Bangkok. He took me to the bus station in his vehicle and told me where to buy tickets and which bus to take.
  21. Here are the main reasons for me to ask questions. If only people are able to read and comprehend. Can somebody please post how easy and the process to get a Thai visa in Vientiane. Is it better to get a Thai visa at Vientiane or two border runs flying from Bangkok to Udon Thani and then crossing the Friendship bridge? Please post your tips and tricks. Is visa on arrival available at VTE for US passport holders?
  22. Unless run on Solar Power, one cannot make a profit mining bit coin. And with current prices, it is almost impossible. In the US, I have solar powered set up in Las Vegas and was mining LTC. I shut them down because of low prices.
  23. Most of them are second/third generation Thai-Indians.
  24. Where did you get this stat? Would like to know?
  25. How much is the visa on arrival fees for Laos?
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