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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. Can we go nuclear by Wednesday?
  2. This stuff is simply ridiculous. Jail time? ZERO percent Will he be SUPER rich forever? YES Does he care what bad stuff we say about him? NO Hey, see that guy getting 400,000 USD for a painting while buying a private jet now?!!! He's getting charged with tax crimes!!! Wow, soooo scary, he's sooo worried!!!! oh, no!!!
  3. the fact that you have to talk about air quality is a red flag to me when considering retiring. Yes, it's cheaper, but your health will deteriorate faster. You will tell yourself Thailand is better for your health, but that's simply not true. Cheaper, yes. Only cheaper. Happier? I'm sure that is based on you, not where you are at. Nobody is happy in London? NYC? Millions are happy. Happy, rich people don't go on forums and say they are rich and happy. BKK.......I think it's fine to live and work there for maybe up to 2 years if a kid. under 30. However, at that age it would be much better to actually get real experience in a falang city. If older and doing some nomad stuff, Chiang Mai has to be better until the smoke comes.
  4. I'm a little surprised this story isn't bigger worldwide. Yes, I know, there was a mass stabbings in Vegas (USA) and 20 killed in Mexico (mass shooting) and it seems like we are getting more used to all this senseless violence. My Thai "friends" (acquaintances) are pretty quiet. They are certainly not the American type screaming for answers, blaming, wanting solutions immediately....but after talking with them I'm sure they are worried about the future. I can tell. They have kids. It's too bad there isn't a "safe country" you can go to. The internet will tell you one place is super safe, but it's not. Gotta play the odds. I have to remind myself that many people are on the edge, still, after COVID. I'm not on the edge, but I need to remember others might be. Next time someone walks in front of me at Big C and stops for no reason for the 100th time.......well, I'll do my best to smile and go about my day. Drugs are now so cheap here it might be their escape while the falang drinks beer to forget. Well, Yaba and beer are not the same. Yaba is a big problem in my town, but I'll be traveling again in a few months.
  5. Here's the issue. You, like most of us, have a history here. ED stamps, Work Permit stamps, etc........ and there is still a chance they don't want you here. one wrong answer, denied. they don't care about your past, maybe they don't believe it... yea, it's a bad feeling (happened to me once) and this just means this place isn't home.
  6. you have 7500 posts, are you online in your room all day, every day? Yea, I'm the ONLY expat who does anything in Thailand. I explore, while all other expats are at a bar every day, all day. I feel bad for these expats who come to Thailand and never leave the airport. I've seen elephants!!! strawberry fields!! heard birds (like now), seen busy night markets, and bought the famous 20 baht noodle soup as they looked at me and thought, "WOW, this is the first falang who is not at a bar!!!! I think they have never seen a falang before, or heard one speak. I am the first!!! The best falang!!" lol
  7. No names. Six people. If you get arrested, they should publish their names. In this ONE case, maybe 30 underage girls. What about before? Oh, first time?
  8. Horrible. That's the thing about seeing people here really thin. Being that thin can't be healthy for many people here. Some, sure, not many. Thin when young and middle-aged, then fat when old is how I want it to be......"old" in my book is 70 and older. I don't want to fall and easily break a hip. I think being a little fat at that age might help, drink more milk I guess. I've bought tons of kids food when I was a teacher (maybe spent 1000 baht over a number of years, 20 baht here and there), but they would buy ice cream or hot dogs. Not the most nutritious. I'm not giving them an apple. Every 10 seconds..............if I can remember this I might not get upset when idiots almost hit me in their cars all day.
  9. I'm surprised, but not shocked. I've been here not yet a decade, and there are a lot of unreported murders here. Yaba is such a massive problem, and I WAS shocked nobody in Chiang Mai (falang) I talked to (OK, maybe only 10 people) thought drugs was a problem or violence was even a possibility. We, the falang, WANT to have on rose colored glasses. I want every day to be no soi dogs, nice people, happy, happy times with everyone super educated and nice and drug free with no thoughts of violence. But that's not the reality. Policeman selling Yaabaa, taking Yaba, killing kids.....stabbing children. That's a monster. On another horrible thought I have: If it was a falang, I would consider leaving LOS.
  10. Shocking, disgusting...............It's KIDS. CHILDREN.......... absolute worst of the worst. I think I read this guy got fired and it had something to do with Meth. I've been through this province ....... people seem kinder around these parts. If you don't love kids, your heart is black. I'm going to have to imagine he was on Meth, because a human can't possible kill this many kids without being on drugs. I don't want to imagine that world.
  11. I thought you could say "Oriental Rugs" but just not use that word for people. In fact, decades ago I learned this. I might be wrong. able bodied is banned. LOL. Maybe ban healthy also....or capable....or competent.... Deprived neighborhoods (I'm not putting in that U....that U is banned!!!) .... can you say poor? crime-ridden? soon we will just make up CODE names for all this stuff. soon we will say %&#*^$&#%&#*#^$&*#
  12. Hey, you like to play golf.. What's your............................................................................. ? Oh sorry, ah, hmmmmm...... Hey, who's that over there? Is that your D...................................................? Oh sorry, ah, assisted-birthing spouse person human thing? You're from the UK living in Thailand? How's it like being an ex.............................? oh, sorry, ahhh... hmmmmmm person living here who wasn't born here person thing hello?
  13. Years ago, I didn't realize how many girls come to Thailand from Laos, only to sell themselves. Then COVID hit and my Thai guy friends said all the girls went back to Laos. Entire bars where I lived only had girls from Laos........and they all shut down after COVID hit. It's sad, because it gives Laos a bad name and Thais think they are better than Laotians because of this.....I wonder if Thais go to Loas and do the same thing? I'm not sure, actually. Anyhow, bust all the underage ones....sure.......but give the legal girls work permits!!!! They want to help the Thai economy!!!
  14. In 2023, this will be your sentence, re-written for the times. <banned><ban<deleted>ned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned><banned>
  15. A language guide tells councils to use 'birthing parent' instead of 'mum and dad' The Inclusive Language Guide was issued by the Local Government Association It informs hundreds of councils about what language they can and cannot use 'Expat', 'second generation', 'economic migrant' and 'homeless' are also banned I never remember if I can share links or not, from the daily mail. take from The Sun Now I'm super triggered!!! Mum and Dad......... I knew those words were bad, bad, bad!!!! Local Government Association? lol Homeless..........actually, I like that word since it is a sad word. Seems to fit, actually. Not sure a better word for homeless. Maybe "economically displaced" or something. "Expat"......yea, not sure why that's one's banned...but it is!!!!! Maybe EX has a negative connotation. PAT is also very triggering..... OMG..... e..............x.................p.....................a...........................t.............................every letter really triggers me!! ban all books with these letters!!! lol
  16. Didn't they see that recent report from Conde something or something that said Thailand was Number 1. TAT and TIT and all those acronyms.... we need more polls... Thailand ranked Number 1 as most attractive place. Vietnam Number 2393232 and Indonesia number 932748932749328423 OK, done
  17. Seems like it's all Phuket. Possibly to attract Russians. I've found some nice rooms at only 10,000 baht a night. I'll stay a few weeks, then fly home. Phuket is fine for SE Asia, but my friends aren't impressed as much as they used to be with my pictures of water and mangos and bowl-shaped rice. Portugal might be next.....
  18. do you have data to contradict my contradiction? nope. I'm 100% right, fact. you'll see.
  19. It's a nice feeling. You help them a little, they help you a lot, and both parties leave with a good feeling. Maybe you gave them 20 baht and said, "Keep the change!" lol. 15 baht.......this goes in the WIN category. If you live in Thailand long enough, the WIN category is 10x larger than the LOSE (scam) category. We all lose, but winning feels so much better.
  20. You mean like an EMP? lol I've been in countless crises and I've never ONCE asked myself, "Where is the transistor radio?" Now, if this was pre 1990, then OK........but it's not. If all the wi-fi and TV signals get "knocked out," we have much bigger problems then finding some Double D's......................................Double D batteries that is. lol
  21. google accuweather thailand radar click on RADAR then click on PLAY do this all day, everyday and you will get an idea...
  22. I'm sure some people remember this with spring rolls.... not me.. maybe you think ham... not me.. pastrami... now you're talking... reuben..... if you can get me a reuben now, I'll put anything on it....
  23. If someone is a teacher, then maybe there needs a little more clarification if this person wants to teach again. I remember a school years ago asking about making sure my last WP was cancelled and they needed a particular form. Maybe this isn't a real problem, but maybe it is. It really should be about 20 minutes at the labor department and like 20 minutes at immigration, if it's not busy of course. Once I was in and out at the labor department in about 10 minutes.
  24. you are wrong from end to start and from start to end and from middle to start. I got satellite emergency signals regardless if my phone gets a signal. u gotta get with the 19th century, bro. batteries are so 1000 BC transistor radios have tik tok? no!!! smartphones are the future...... even my iphone watch will work!!!! will call 911, do everything.... radios and batteries???? hahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha
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