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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. People boast about 1. being a sexpat 2. no helmet on motorbike 3. driving drunk 4. drinking on their bike 5. bar stuff 6. using agents, lying 7. you name, the falang does it!!!!! I got offered a price, took it, beat that bike and now the falang will learn not to be so stupid with their stuff, and make it clear to a Thai (WHO is more at fault that I am) to not rent out their stuff so she can make money. I'm helping all you... while the falang puts Thai lives in danger by driving drunk on the motorbike, which I see everynight. glass houses. next time you think you get a "good deal," give them more money? dog eat dog world
  2. get mad at me all your want. We had an agreement, I rode the bike as much as possible. I'm not going to bring the bike back to new before I left. That's up to the apartment lady (owner? nope, but I thought she was), and she looked at the bike when I left and didn't care. Then I found out why she didn't care, and I was told that AFTER I was done riding the bike. Rent a car, drive it 10,000,000 km and then rebuild the engine before returning it? NO. Buy new tires after you rent a motorbike and ride it? NO. She had zero interest in that bike, and told me as I moved out. I'm NOT going to NOT leave Chiang Mai, fix the bike 100%, and then leave. lol
  3. I wouldn't mind leaving if the world was open up like before. YEARS ago, sure, I would prostate myself to stay (joking) and wai all the time (not joking), but now I don't care like before. If I stay, fine. If not, fine. All about your gut feeling. Seems like you are ready to move on. Sweet, listen to your gut. Can't change who you are. Laos, Vietnam, both great. Definitely not "desperate" to stay, but I like the rainy season and the winter. I do hope come next February I'm in a different country, or planning. No sense living in a prison, if that's what it feels like to you.
  4. Exactly, it's not my problem. It's hilarious. I needed the bike to fit me better, so I lengthened the stem. Handlebars were too narrow and didn't sweep, so I modified that as well. Why would the foreign owner leave his bike unsecured and accessible to anyone for many months?? This is the comedy part. I don't know. But I can assure you someone did. Maybe they trusted the lady. That's what I'm guessing. That's what soo funny to me. You (falang) think they are helping you out, and they get your bike trashed to make some extra money. Falang comes back, super confused, can't complain. I'm laughing. I beat that bike for like 3-4 months.
  5. at the EXACT moment you saw the price, why didn't you notify the CIA???? Internal affairs!!! Forensic team of investigators!!! How many minutes were wasted finding out about this error? OMG, I have my own Makro scanner and I pay a manager to follow me and we double-check everything, even at night to make sure!!!! LOS. Once I bought two dumbells and the ladyboy only rang me up for one, thinking the price was for both. It wasn't, saved like 70 baht!!!! Amazing Thailand. Also got overcharged for fruit, bought rotten fruit, never ends... please, head back to Makro and talk to Saul the manager. He'll put this on a super special corporate ticket for a company overall!!! no worries, I just started a thread equally as interesting. lol. We get bored.
  6. Chiangmai Apartments, near one of the main gates. Rented a room for many months, they had a nice mountain bike lying around. I asked about and she said I can ride it for 400 baht a month. Great!!!! I rode it in the rain, changed parts (new stem, different handlebar) and the bottom bracket got pretty beat up but I didn't fix that. Chain destroyed, brakes worn out, you get the idea.......rode it for hours every day...... I tell the lady, "Next year, when I come back, I'll use that bike again." she says, "Well, it is a foreigner's bike and he will be here in a few months. So, we'll see." OMG. OK, late!!!! Good stuff.
  7. I own a country and I'm targeting 8,000,000,000 people to visit. Why only 30 million?
  8. Send me your Work Permit NOW!!!! It better be either 1. Smartphone Zombie Permit 2. Stoic face confused and slow in the fast lane "driving" Permit 3. Absolutely no sense of awareness when outside Permit 4. Complain for 100 hours and then do nothing Permit 5. Live in the middle of nowhere and act like it's Bangkok Permit 6. Cry for 10 hours to save 10 baht on your phone bill Permit 7. Watch YouTube for 3 weeks and confused no money Permit
  9. global warming!!! run to the hills falang!!! Don't worry, the Ark is coming for you. Remember, head to Pattaya and get two of each. In 50, 100-, and 150-years, there will be another falang with this exact same message.
  10. live, of course. 20,000 probably to LIVE> Live in the Falang sense, NO. Not in a big city. Then you have put yourself int he land of the third-world. Have respect for yourself, not deep down. Not living poor. It means you can't afford to do what most falangs can do. When I was 25, I was living on 130,000 baht a month (USD conversion). What is a good lifestyle? No, but acceptable for falang. Then it went to 200,000, sometimes 300,000 a month. Was I rich? Absolutely not. middle-class. Yes, you can live and survive. But there will be a mental toll; regardless if you want to believe there is or not.
  11. If I get Alzheimer's (specific) or dementia in general, I don't care if my liver is good. eyesight does get worse. mind isn't as sharp, reflexes not completely trusted. Red flags, nothing to lose sleep over just yet. Maybe in 10 years. probably less. one organ? like i said, brain. then heart. heart problems.......doomed. of course.
  12. But I'm guessing they figured out he was a Brit, not mentioned except in the title. I think MHS is beautiful (only been on the outskirts for a short time) but nobody lives there. when nobody lives somewhere, corruption can easily take over. plus it's on the border to one of the biggest opium producers on the planet. MHS will be a great place, but maybe after we're all gone. If I was a Chinese zillionaire, I'd be buying land there.
  13. What? Tier 2 to Tier 2 "watch list"? lol lol. Sounds like a political move. This is human trafficking, should be green or red. no shades of grey. Tier two is a shade of red, but how many shades are there and it dilutes the importance.
  14. Let's choose: forget studies. not educated, no skills, workplace destroyed, all companies can only hire complete idiots, world crumbles. fight. people die. neither is good. Kids in HS can try weed, but if they become a pot head they will be in for a shock when reality hits. kids that fight.....never know, but better odds than a druggie.
  15. 126,000 years ago...............FREEZING!!!
  16. I'll start with today's story. Restaurant, usually it's only like 50 baht. Got something different, 80. I had 3 20's and a 1000 note. They struggled to get change. No worries, I'll send it. OK, use the phone number. No scan, she tells me. OK........put it in.... SHOW the lady the name and amount and ask, "OK?" "Chai Mai?" She looks and smiles and says OK. 5-minutes later I'm still chilling. Guy comes over, never got the money. Real nice, I've been going there for a year. Never sent money before. He says wrong account, I have to resend. He says he has a scan. lol. I had to tell him, "I showed her the name and amount." She laughs, "no understand English." Whatever, I shake my head a few times and remind myself this is nothing. I do it again, show him, he says "OK." sent. I realize there's a bank on the way home. go inside. Lady says, "must go to the police station." I laugh. no. Then she gives me the phone number of the account. LOL. Hilarious. I'll have a Thai friend call. I'm 100% positive no American bank is giving over a phone number. Next story. Watch shop. OK, 1 week done. come back. It's been EIGHT weeks, and yesterday some guy says maybe three months. ???????? Had to send it to BKK and maybe they had to order whatever...... I asked why didn't they tell me any of this. only smiles. Almost six years, and I still blame myself for all of this.........it is funny, in a strange way.
  17. If you don't know who the fool is...........................it's you. what a bunch of suckers. love it how people get scammed every day, forever. I'm very puzzled Bitcoin is above 20,000 USD, but it's a scam IMO. just a bigger one. Hey guys, I got tickets to pet elephants..................50,000 baht a person. yes, I have a WP for falang elephant whispering
  18. Seems impossible to fall into a canal and drown. Stretching on a bridge..... I'm an avid runner. There is 0% this being the whole story. Even if your blood sugar collapses and/or the heat is unbearable, you don't fall into a canal and drown. These canals aren't a big risk to drowning. They found him "fully-clothed". What does that mean? Wearing running attire or not? That would make a big difference, IMO> 50 cm deep? NO way...... perhaps a heart attack, stroke, something......then drowns. Guy seemed like a nice guy, and I rarely say that about expats. Hope to hear more about this, RIP.
  19. This post might not work. I'm not trying to hijack....the Indiana shooting is horrible, and we all know these killings will continue for a long time. BUT... In 2021, the Burma military took power in a coup, attacked its own people, and increased attacks on the ethnic people of Burma. The Burma Army is killing protesters in the cities and plains and killing and displacing thousands of ethnic people in the mountains. and... In August 2018, a study estimated that more than 24,000 Rohingya people were killed by the Burmese military and local Buddhists since the "clearance operations" which had started on 25 August 2017. I know America is a "violent" place for falangs who never been there, but open your eyes to what's going on MUCH closer to home. I just wish we could cover more of these stories on Burma.
  20. Year 12. I have a feeling during years 1 to 4, this article wouldn't never be published. Don't rock the boat!! Be nice about everything......Year 12, time to complain. lol pretty normal, but I'm guessing it's only 2 years for most.
  21. sad story. A few medical bills, bad luck, maybe mental health issues, and many, many falangs could be in the same situation (except the tire and police station part). This is one guy, but google tells me 1.6 BILLION people on Earth have inadequate housing with 100 million with no housing. I guess I would take up fishing, hunting, who knows.....
  22. This was the ONE thing I never understood. 7-11, buy tickets, just like back home. pick your own numbers. I or 2 USD and you can win up to 1 billion USD. Here you get harassed while eating and they want like 6 USD and you can't pick your own numbers and you can win like 200 thousand USD. Everything else I seemed to understand. lol
  23. Is it open? I went there 10 times and every time the tuk-tuk guy tells me it's closed and we have to go to a jade shop.
  24. good luck, this seems slightly stressful but it will 100% work out for sure. It's a good time to have a minor issue, I think. We've all been or almost been in your shoes, since you never know what can happen. maybe buy that one week for 1900, or maybe try the COVID extension or maybe have them tell you how it can work. good luck.
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