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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. It's both relevant and everyone's business. You want all crimes in the world to be reported without a financial sum attached???????? More information the better, of course!!!! I want more information!!!
  2. drive a nice car, watch out falang!! nice motorbike, follow you home falang!! nice clothes, be on the lookout falang!! tell neighbors you are retired, you are rich falang!! nice phone, be careful falang!! this is not your country, come here to the Land of the Poor and show off your wealth!!! shame, shame, shame, materialistic humans!!! send me your money and I will take on this burden, but I need an apartment in BKK next to an embassy in case I'm targeted.
  3. Remember the days when you would ask for directions and a Thai would just point somewhere. No clue if close, far, my Thai was much worse back then, and I would simply go off in likely the wrong direction. Fast-forward to 2022..............get friends, get gun........................you point wrong way!!!!! lol
  4. I had my kid working in the diamond mines at the age of 8 months. Building cars by the age of 3, and Bitcoin mining before he was five. Kids nowadays....... Here's what SHOULD have happened. ANOTHER kid, or this kid (if he has a phone), calls their parents and says, "Mom, Dad, the driver just abandoned a kid on the side of the road!!!" These kids have phones and need to report bad, criminal behavior. Maybe I'm asking too much with kids these ages, but I hope they told the school when they got there. What excuse is this driver going to tell the kid's parents? I'd love to hear that ridiculous conversation. I do miss the West when it comes to these things.....as you know, in the West, oh this becomes a big story...............and people get sued.
  5. This pube was indeed a pube of a man who murdered over 3000 people. If you reported this we could have been able to find the killer!!!! That DNA was the most important piece of information in the last 100-years.....and you flicked it away????!?!?!!?? We searched around your seat for 10-days....nothing. OMG
  6. The Thailand we don't want to see. Only in West this happens, not on my soi!!!! Never!!! I am a buddhist and I order 100 large pizzas to feed the soi dogs and let the homeless sleep in my mansion. I am super hi-so falang, why get some mates and attack a man???? Reason #345349053484 don't use delivery apps
  7. Everyday you see this? You walk around and say, "hey, sad falang!!!" "hey look, negative falang?" or you read troll comments online? My happiness meter is 105/100, unmatched!! Happiest person on Earth!!! I stare at a tree, river, and another tree!!! I only see positive, happy soi dogs all day!!! If I thought people here were actually negative and sad, I would be clever enough to stop coming here!!! That makes no sense!!! Why swim in an ocean of sad, negative falangs????? lol Hold on, I see a sad, negative falang in Tesco......another one!!!!
  8. Who goes upcountry and flaunts such wealth?????? I once considered building a 100 million dollar mansion in Nan, but after one second I realized why draw all this attention to myself. Look at me, I'm rich!!!!! Inside, I have lots of rich things!!!! This is why I live underground off the coast of Pattaya in a submarine. safe. for now.
  9. How do you unthinkably staple a sign to a KID? First, think of what to write. Get paper. Write it. Get stapler, get kid, STAPLE towards the kid...likely scaring a CHILD.....etc.... this guy should never be a "teacher." In Thailand, "teacher" always has to be in quotes. lol
  10. I agree, you are correct. Entry and Visa to Laos, to me (I guess, not technically) is the same. Can't enter without a visa. No worries, I was incorrect. It's a Saturday, relax with no stress.
  11. Instagram related...... That means POOR people related. Plage de Pampelonne, Lanai island in Hawaii Barbados, etc.... It's not cheap to stay at these places, so LESS "influencers". LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  12. Interesting. BANGKOK: All foreigners entering Thailand are expected to pay the proposed 300-baht tourism fee. That was on July 15th, so I guess they changed it...... Comparing countries paying a fee when you enter. Visas provided on arrival for foreign nationals from all nationalities will be charged USD 40, except for Chinese and Vietnamese nationals, OK, that's for Laos. 40 USD seems more than when I went last time. My "linkage" is post-COVID.....I believe all countries will try to get more money, not less. I'm not seeing the less part.
  13. Kids can drop out after Mathayom 3, that's a problem. 50-minute classes: 10-minutes on your phone, kids fall asleep, all in little hot boxes Evaluations are everything. Notice I didn't say performance, it's all evaluations. If kids don't like you, you are ruined. Notice I didn't say performance, only if they like you. I would say kids get about 3-4 hours a term of actual teaching. So, eight hours a year. Eight hours a year AFTER like 30 classes and maybe 4 weeks missed due to whatever holiday. Teachers are overworked. Money in selling books, uniforms, etc.... way more important. On top of all this, it's super hot and there are 100 worthless meetings and morning ceremony in the heat.
  14. Thailand is ADDING some 300 baht fee.......Laos isn't going to reduce any previous fees. lol. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes way up......never down. It's a stinger, 1500. And I think you pay 40 to leave, I forget.....something small. but it can be done, and that's all that matter. 1500 over the course of a month is nothing.
  15. Bangkok isn't going away, ever. Like any biggest city in any country, you can't go wrong buying real estate there. Every single big city in America has seen MASSIVE increases in real estate in the last 30 years. They guys aren't flippers, sell next year. They want it forever. 30-years ago buying land in Bangkok was the way.......land is power. Bangkok will be as expensive as NYC is today. When? Maybe 50-years.
  16. I'm sure Einstein in his day was a rock star. Everyone knew him. Gifts, free dinners, etc..... I'm not listening to any hi-roller about how a modest life is the way to go. What maybe he's saying is, "I wanted to be famous, got famous, and it was horrible. Maybe a modest life is better." But everyone should try to be rich. Just to see if they like it......
  17. I've been around over a THOUSAND of Thai teachers. Yes, the older women seem to demand a crazy amount of respect from their students. Male teachers, I haven't seen anything crazy from them. New teachers? No.
  18. Words like "win" and "lost" are easily thrown around with no real meaning at all. What is Russia destroys Ukraine to the tune of 10 trillion USD to rebuild and then Russia leaves and "loses". LOL. Sure, Ukraine won. Whatever.
  19. doesn't have a job? his health? intelligence? experience? has zero baht to his name? I think people just like to say others have absolutely nothing. Doesn't sound like a friend.
  20. Education system fails them. Companies pay nothing. Hope fades. YouTube and Tik Tok shows nice things Splash a little bad luck.. now to borrow money. Probably after all the credit cards are maxxed out. Loan sharks have to be the absolute last resort. Fake Gofundme has to be better....lol
  21. Apologies is the absolute beginning towards admitting fault. Then it depends... In this case, the CChurch has 1000000000 zillion dollars. I would expect a massive payment to ......... (no idea, but many people, groups, corporations, etc....)
  22. Just met the bloke. He paid his 500 baht fine and we are having some drinks.
  23. lol. That's like saying Hawaii is just like any other state if you take away the water. Bar girls and easy sex!!!!!! Endless supply. Dude.........nobody comes to Thailand for any other reason. What, for the heat, immigration, street food, cheap stuff, .... lol lol
  24. The Nigerian got in "close contact" with 19 people. Nice!!!!! In Pattaya, I can do that in 10-hours, but I'm not bragging!!!
  25. Can we get an interview as to why? I'm deeply concerned about this umbrella guy, and his lack of pointing is a tell. A strong tell. Maybe even a clue to some hidden treasure. He knows something!!!!
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