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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. A seriously helpful explainer from the Oz Central Bank explains the drivers for AUD value and everything related. Kudos to them for producing this. Note the part about reliance on commodity exports versus currency strength. https://www.rba.gov.au/education/resources/explainers/drivers-of-the-aud-exchange-rate.html
  2. They test for different things. The cardio stress test checks for cardiac blockages and heart health, an ankle brachia test checks for peripheral artery disease. Get the stress test, the AB test is cheap enough on its own anyway, if needed.
  3. Cardio stress test is highly recommended, it's how I found out I had blocked arteries and needed a cardiac stent.
  4. Not really. A colononscopy and endoscopy is painless, usually sedated so you feel nothing and wake up refreshed.
  5. 25 was a reference to USD, that was the rate at which THB was pegged for decades, prior to the 1997 crash. Against GBP, 35 would be the corresponding rate, a level it started to get close to, pre-covid in 2019. (GBP/THB reached 37 in July 2019) If 25/35 sounds stupid then you don't understand currencies or economics. I came here to live permanently in 2004, even at that time I did my planning based on 35, not the rate at the time....why would you! https://tradingeconomics.com/gbpthb:cur
  6. The Pound would have gained against USD as a result of the Fed rate cuts so it's difficult to see if anything budget related is already built in. https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=GBP
  7. Agreed that delay was one of the effects of the change, but the rule change was implemented as an exemption to a specific group of financial assets. EDIT TO CLARIFY: "DI No. 162/2566 was issued to clarify that the interpretation provided in Clause 1 of DI No. 161/2566 should not apply to foreign-sourced income derived before 1 January 2024". https://kpmg.com/th/en/home/insights/2023/11/th-tax-news-flash-issue-146.html As you can see, ALL income earned before that date becomes exempt.
  8. Well, sort of! Por 162 exempted income earned prior to 31 December 2023, it didn't delay anything, Por 161 is still in effect and operational, just not for pre 12/23 earnings.
  9. Go to Trustnet and register, then click on portfolio and begin to build in your holdings,,,,,it's pretty good, I use it for tracking and modelling, to supplement what my platform provider gives me.
  10. THB will strengthen on the back of the US Fed rate cut but not against all currencies. USD connected currencies, those that are pegged to USD or which are hard or soft managed against USD, will gain, others may not. THB is soft managed against USD (Managed floating rate). AUD is an odd one because AUD is a proxy for the Chinese economy and the YUAN. China is Australia's biggest trading partner and since the Chinese economy is in the doldrums, Australia has not been exporting the volume of goods they expected. That has put downward pressure on AUD because there isn't really a fall back option, they have to wait for China to recover. So AUD is more prone to move as a result of what happens in China than it is when things happen in the US.
  11. That's not quite correct! The original rule change was announced in Por 161, that did away with the tax loop hole. A concession was then granted via Por 162 which exempted any income earned prior to 31 December 2023. OP: it's work in progress, nobody knows or understands the likelihood or timing yet, it's still very early days.
  12. Hope for war, that will turn round your position.
  13. You've been at that point for several months yet still manage to to keep talking about nothing and posting even greater numbers of irrelevant unnecessary posts. The smart guys took a holiday and found something useful to do, I'm going to join them. Bye.
  14. The thread has become irrelevant, just a talking shop for some bored and lonely chums to chat about their pet hobby. There's no new or practical information that's useful or relevant, just a recycling or rehash of the same old material, issues and arguments, no surprise then that so many older posters have left. It's like, the party's over, it was time to go home hours ago but the message hasn't sunk in. I'll check back in a couple of months.
  15. How do they pay tax, via PAYE (deducted by the employer)? Does the employer file a return for them?
  16. Morningstar and Trustnet both have free tracking services, as does Yahoo Finance..... but a spread sheet works best.
  17. Stop stalking me, enough already. Anyway, the numbers say I'm a distant third in this thread.
  18. Look, I can't keep going backwards and forwards in time like this, the wife gets too annoyed plus time machines are not cheap to run you know! Anyway, case proved beyond doubt, next case please ballif.
  19. Well, they can, it's just that they don't earn enough to be taxed.
  20. It's not so much the country as it is seeing six and eight compulsive posts from the same poster per page, not really adding any value nor even moving the topic to conclusions. It would be good it the volume were turned down.
  21. Anecdotal evidence, nothing more. And I doubt you are of Grandma's age, not if you can't spell it!
  22. You wouldn't say that if you were Granny.
  23. Here, along with all the other DTA's. https://www.rd.go.th/english/766.html
  24. Yes, I tested it, the mask worked!
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