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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. English is the dominant language in the world today.

    Although I agree whith most of what you're saying, this is not entirely true.

    Most spoken language in the world is Chinese, second Spanish and English third. :o

    For the rest keep it up although I doubt that you will change the mind of Pattaya haters. :D



  2. Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

    What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

    so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

    Finally, a sensible answer.

    No that's not only sensible, but exactly what you wanted to hear.



  3. We have a 10 x 2 metre gate requirement so Baht 70000+ seems very high to me.

    Way to expensive.

    Shop around should be a lot cheaper.

    Plenty of small businesses auround especially east pattaya.



  4. Hey, I'm 23 and my dad is 53 and is coming to Thailand for 5 days to visit.

    Any good ideas on what to do with him?

    Was thinking 1-2 days in Bangkok (where im staying now) and then going to Samet. I've never been to samet before though.

    Pattaya Soi Yodsak



    Forgot the :o:D :D

  5. I beg to differ.



    I have just spent 30 minutes or so trying to figure out if there was a road and bridge I've missed.

    Its not very clear at all.

    If any body has a nice clear map of what the mass transit projects are going to look like when finished it would be great. In English would be a bonus.

    As I understand it the Industrial Ring Road is the South Western portion of the whole Outer Ring Road.

    As shown on the photo's of maps on this page. Though by no means clearly. http://angkor.com/2bangkok/2bangkok/Bridge...wongwein4.shtml


    Exactly my problem too. Didn't find any good info either, although I'm convinced (contrary to you) the Industrial ring is separate from the outer ring road as originally planned. Maybe they have changed their plans to not having to build another bridge. Anyway it is my understanding that the connecting roads are not finished on some parts of the trajectory.

    If you find anything please post.



  6. Hi Percy2,

    I don't want to be snobbish but that's the southern bridge of the industrial ring road, NOT the bridge from the Outer Ring Road.



    So which bridge has construction not started on?

    I think the industrial ring toad is another name for the Outer ring road. AFAIK BKK doesn't have 2 ring roads.


    Edit add word Outer

    I beg to differ. the article in Wikipedia clearly states the bridge is part of the industrial ring road, connecting the 2 industrial centers of Southern Bangkok and Samut Prakan. This road is 13 km long. The outer ring road is quite a bit longer than that.



  7. Does anyone know till what time in the afternoon do buses run between Krabi and Surat Thani? I'll need to catch an evening train and wanted to know what my options are...

    check out :http://www.1stopkrabi.com/getting_here/bus/

    hope to have helped :o



  8. I dont know if having a gik is considered the new 'cool' thing to do, or if its considered *almost* acceptable in Thai culture to have one, but this 40% phenomena is worryingly high

    I feel sorry for the 40 % of cheated husbands.

    Thank god I'm one of the 60 %


  9. King Power Duty Free will be given 60 days starting Friday to remove its duty-free outlets from Suvarnabhumi, Chiang Mai, Phuket and Hat Yai airports, the Airports of Thailand (AoT) board decided yesterday.

    I still can't believe it.

    King Power can... launch an appeal. And furthermore, not a word... on who could replace King Power !

    It's surreal.

    To find another operator for the commercial space in Suva is going to take time, with proper procedures. So ?

    Can we believe that... Suva is going to be cleared of all shops ?

    They probable have already someone in line to pay bakshish to the current administration. :o



  10. You sure you don't have Route 7 or some other highway confused with Route 9? Route 9 is the outer ring road and as such, goes nowhere near central Bangkok. To the best of my knowledge, the Route 9 bridge over the Chao Phraya River has not been built (this bridge will cross the river south of Bang Na).

    Hm... here is what my map shows (sorry about the graphics :o ): Rd 9 ending at rd 34, near Wat Sluut (Bang Phli). Continuing south as "proposed road", hitting and crossing road 3268, then turning R to go wset, crossing rd 3344, passing Chularat 2 Hospital on the R, then crossing rd 3, continuing to Phra Pradaeng, bendings slightly south-west, crossing Chao Phraya, hitting rd 303 to join up with existing rd 9, crossing Rat Burana westwards.

    So, is that road working? (It would be great to know soon. I leave in a day's time.)

    No, construction of bridge has not even started.

    I'm afraid best way is through Bangkok.



  11. Hi all you travellers,

    I would like to drive down to Malaysia. Anyone any idea of the standard of the roads south of Surathani to the border?

    Also is this area safe for western drivers?

    Any information from anyone living in the area would be gratefully received.

    Thanks all, AjarnP :o:D

    Upto Hat Yai no problem. Good roads. Busy traffic just before and past major towns and/or villages, for the rest very quiet.

    Don't know further south. Always managed an average of 90 km (including regular stops)/hour.

    Hope to have helped.



  12. You want science?

    Read this article on "Informational Cascade". It points out that many of us will change our opinions if we think that most other people think differently. "Because of this effect, groups are surprisingly prone to reach mistaken conclusions even when most of the people started out knowing better, according to the economists Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch".


    Not so funny now. :o

    Dear Ulysses G.

    I agree that a lot of people could be classified as wine snobs, however to me they are wine idiots.

    A good wine is a good wine whatever the price, same as a good beer is a good beer.

    I enjoy a good glass (or bottle) of wine, and I also enjoy a good glass of beer, which in my case is belgian,

    but I will NOT drink the horsepiss that some people drink just to get drunk, thats pathetic.

    Anyway I don't think of myself as a snob (although others that know me might have an other opinion) it's just that

    I prefer quality over quantity and I don't see anything wrong with that.

    You don't like wine, fine but plse don't decide for me what my tastebuds should like, I can make my own choice thank you.

    no malice intended :D



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