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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. I dont seem to have that button.

    click reply.

    below the square where you are entering the text, there is another square titled attachments.

    Click browse and select your picture from anywhere on your computer.

    Then click upload.

    Anyway if you want to know more about snakes go to www.siam-info.com where you will find all the information you need about poisonous animals in Thailand.

    Look at the list on the left side of the opening page.

    cheers and goodluck


  2. My solution,

    buy bigger glasses so the whole can goes in in one time. Problem solved.

    But then again you would have to find a new pastime.

    What about knitting bikini's for the girls at TQ? You wouldn't need much wool.



  3. I think most reasonable people would appreciate that no hospital can survive if it has no satisfied customers, even though most of them might be transient tourists. The insurance companies would complain for a start if they thought they were paying excessive bills for a treatment that wasn't successful and which required further attention and expense when the tourist got back home.

    I am a reasonable person who is fit and in no need of hospital care, prior to this thread and Matt's accident I had no knowledge of BPH and whilst I agree to take much of what I read on the internet with a healthy pinch of salt I am somewhat concerned by the BPH statement. Would I now give business to BPH? Not until such time that they re-assure me. Prior to these events? Why not, their marketing campaigns are very persuasive.

    Of course I have no information on the actual numbers of satisfied clients of the BPH. I merely make the observation that whoever they are, they are:

    (1) Unlikely to be reading this thread.

    (2) Unlikely to go out of their way or take the time and trouble to express their satisfaction with BPH service. People who have a grievance tend to shout louder.

    Some truth in what you say, but given how damning this thread is to the hospital one would have thought that someone would have defended them! I mean this is a forum where you can hide behind an id so how bad can the lynching really be? There must be someone with a good experience?

    If such people do or have come across this thread, I can understand their reluctance to express a counter-balancing good story about BPH in case they are lynched too.

    Step forward and assist Barry, he is carrying on a very difficult one man crusade given he has never visited the place received treatment or for that matter set foot in Thailand in the last 43 years.

    Someone already said it:

    "All the media techniques rolled into one post. Broadening, mock objectivity, hidden message."

    What exactly is your agenda?

    My agenda is to find out what really happened in the decision-making process that resulted in Matt being transferred to another hospital. Perhaps BPH finds itself in an embarrassing situation, not because it made a wrong decision in the circumstances and with regard to Matt's best interests, but perhaps because its own blood supplies were below what they should have been at the time. Perhaps someone who's job it is to order new stocks of blood when they reach a certain level had failed in their duty, or perhaps some administrator, under pressure to save on costs or perhaps due to plain inefficiency, or perhaps because it was her day off, had failed to process the order for new blood supplies for the bank.

    Bearing in mind the importance of saving face in Thailand, one might appreciate that the hospital would be reluctant to reveal such information. On the other hand, it might genuinely be the case that Matt really did need huge quantities of a certain type of blood that a hospital of the size of BPH could not reasonably be expected to carry all the time, from hour to hour.

    There have been suggestions in this thread that getting the blood supplies to the patient should always be easier and the preferred method to sending the patient to the blood supplies. This point needs further airing. My information is, transporting blood supplies is not as easy as throwing them into an esky on the back of a policeman's motor bike.

    Funny thing about pseudonyms and false IDs on forums such as this. People can still feel the insults. Takes a bit of skill to detach oneself.

    Ignored by onzestan. Not relevant to this topic
  4. Hmmm. I will need the Sinophiles to help me on this. I remember Sun Yat Sen, the "father" of modern China attending a western conference where one of the world leaders spoke to him in pidgin; Sun nodded to the man and replied in perfect English. Dam, getting old.

    Anyway, here is a snippet from an old Telegraph article:

    Posted by Richard Spencer on 10 Mar 2006 at 19:30


    "Maybe I'm just being priggish. Chinese pidgin English is a particular embarrassment for all of us (especially to us Brits) as it's not a "natural" bad English accent but the "simplified" language coolies and servants were deliberately taught by their masters and mistresses in the colonial era. The assumption was, of course, that they couldn't possibly master the language properly."

    Pidgin anywhere means just that to me, a belief that "natives" are below us and can never learn our language. Just because you never went to school does not mean you cannot understand or learn. (oooh, double negative, sorry.)

    If you want to believe that that's OK with me. Please allow me to have my own opinion based on my character, experiences and core belief in the good of people. I strongly believe that communication is far more important than language, and as I have said earlier I find it much more demeaning to constantly point to the mistakes in pronunciation somebody you love makes, than converse in a way we both understand. The first couple of years of my marriage where a rollercoaster simply because of the many misunderstandings in communication. It is only after we had developed a common pidgin that things improved dramatically.

    I'm not a language tyrant and certainly not with someone that I love deeply, and if that's wrong in your book then ask yourself what you appreciate more in your relationship. Understanding each other or speaking correct English.

    Anyway I'm not in the mood to turn this into a pissing contest, you have your opinion and I have mine, and there is nothing you can say that will make me change my point of view no matter how many learned scholars you care to quote, I'm happy with my life as it is because in my relationship it is important what we say, not how we say it.

    Oh, before I forget, when I was learning Thai I invited people to speak to me same as they would with children and that has helped me a lot in assimilating the spoken language.

    End of story



  5. With this in mind I find your statement "It's no wonder there are so few prepared to defend the BPH and praise the excellent treatment received at a very reasonable cost" quite remarkable given your 43 year absence from Thailand, you must have made quite an impression when here, for someone to keep you up to speed with current satisfaction levels at this hospital.

    It's been asked previously but I will ask you again who are you?

    I think most reasonable people would appreciate that no hospital can survive if it has no satisfied customers, even though most of them might be transient tourists. The insurance companies would complain for a start if they thought they were paying excessive bills for a treatment that wasn't successful and which required further attention and expense when the tourist got back home.

    Of course I have no information on the actual numbers of satisfied clients of the BPH. I merely make the observation that whoever they are, they are:

    (1) Unlikely to be reading this thread.

    (2) Unlikely to go out of their way or take the time and trouble to express their satisfaction with BPH service. People who have a grievance tend to shout louder.

    If such people do or have come across this thread, I can understand their reluctance to express a counter-balancing good story about BPH in case they are lynched too.

    Ignored by onzestan. Not relevant to this topic.
  6. A troll by any other name will smell as bad......

    Forget it, he'll never stop - he's addicted to the limelight.

    That's an amusing comment from someone who's been a member of this forum for only 16 months yet has almost 3,000 posts.

    As a member for 5 months with only 100 posts I'm way behind you on the limelight-seeking front. Have you got any relevant comments?

    Ignored by onzestan. Not relevant to this topic.

  7. No barb intended at your marriage, Onze.

    I will accept that as an apology.

    That does not mean that I agree with your point of view.

    IMHO I believe that communication that is understood by both parties involved is the most important thing here.

    If your system works for you that's fine with me, I have absolutely no qualms with that.But why be so arrogant to think that your method is the only one valid. It is very easy for someone to have had the good fortune of receiving a good education to forget that not everybody has had that luxury, and I'm sure that many would have welcomed that opportunity with open arms.

    In my book there's nothing derogatory about pidgin, it's a means of communication and if you could bring yourself to accepting that it is a foreign language shared by many here in Thailand you would probably have a lot less problems accepting it for what it is.

    Think how languages have evolved in the past, distance was the deciding factor, think how different a Liverpudlian and a Cockney speak and then realize that if it hadn't been for the advent of newspapers, radio, TV, schooling and many more modern means that have made the world smaller, that that would have been 2 different languages by now. Languages evolved from local dialects and mixing of cultures, through countless migrations from different tribes.

    I hope I have gotten my point across, if not then so be it.

    It can be a lot of fun speaking pidgin and there's nothing wrong with that.

    No malice intended

    onzestan (BTW my name is Stan)

  8. Hullo

    Thailand (Chiang Mai) became my home about a year ago; and I expect to be going to Paris about once a year. Perhaps someone who's been a regular traveller to paris can give me a few tips on good deals.

    I've been looking in the usual gulf arab airline websites. Is there a general rule as to price comparisons between these and travel agents? The latter's newspaper ads look invariably cheaper but they seem to exclude every possible tax or extra.

    I'm usually flexible on dates - within a week or so.

    I'll appreciate all information.

    My experience is, try to find as much info on the internet as possible, and then go to a good travelagent (ask around in Chiang Mai). A good travel agent (at least mine does in Pattaya) alway knows the latest promotions that you cannot find in the internet.

    Good luck



  9. Well, you just broadcast the extent of your marital relationship, Onzee.

    I blushed in shame if people downtalked to me in baby speak when I was learning new languages. I may only be totally fluent in one, good in another and conversant in a few more, but I am polite in all, except with obtuse morons. I never use pidgin; to me it's like treating others like they are simpletons. Plain phrases are OK, pidgin is derogatory. Knowing many languages doesn't mean you are intelligent. Even monkeys can mimic.

    Dear Jet Gorgon,

    I fail to see what speaking pidgin has to do with the quality of my marital relationship. We are quite happy thank you.

    I'm not English and neither is she.

    I felt that The Dansai Kid insulted people that have not had the privilege to have a decent education, and therefore having to resort to speaking broken English, because the other person cannot communicate in her/his language. Is that a sign of stupidity? I think not.

    I know that knowing many languages is not a sign of intelligence, it only proves that either I had a knack for it, or maybe that I was eager to learn, but I also know that monkeys cannot mimic speech. Parrots and other birds can.

    And furthermore there's a whole lot of people out there that don't speak English, simply because English comes only third in the list of most spoken languages. And BTW my language comes way down on that list, but I'm not ashamed of that because I can speak it properly.

    So Jet Gorgon, have at me as much as you want, but leave my marriage out of it. I will NOT accept that.

    No malice intended


  10. Ah! I'm now beginning to see what might be part of the problem. I think we might have an attitude problem in Pattaya with regard to a bunch of crude and rude chauvinistic males. It sure doesn't help.

    Only people that I consider superior to me can insult me, and your not one of them.


  11. Just last month there was a report in the news from the plane manufactures that the electronics do not do any harm or affect the planes electronics and avionics at all. In the same report the engineers also said that there is a very, very small percentage of them affecting the planes systems. The airlines came out and said that it is for safety and the convienence of the passengers. But in the same way this thread shows and proves what I said before about some people feeling that the rules apply to others and not them.

    For lucifer it is not American propoganda it is just facts and truth. If anything I do agree with the racial profiling of muslims, but not by color but by name because any one can be a muslim. The facts are that it is not that hard to pack your liquids in your check in and to have the prescriptions for your medicines with you. The rest of the things like drinks the airlines will supply for you, the ones who have to do more are the flight attendants because they have to serve more drinks.

    And for trip, you are right there are so many ways to take down a plane. That is why when I did work at TSA I used to bring up many things to the management that we should not allow. To give and example is tools, people dont need them on a plane so why allow them on?

    For me it was all about making the risks as less as possible and to treat all people the same no matter the sex or the age. The reason for that is people use babies, children, the elderly, and there status as a female to try and get away with things. I have seen hundreds of instances both in person and in the news to say that you do have to treat all the same now a days.

    It is true that security at airports is horrible and uneven. I have flown a lot myself and have seen that. For me I look online or call the airlines to get the info I need to make my life easier. I know that some people that work at the airports are not in a good mood but than I always see the way they get treated and think about my time there and know that it is an accumulated affect of dealing with people thinking that they should be exempt from the rules and laws.

    To give a great example I had passengers come through, a couple, one a surgeon and one a shrink, so about 15 years of college between them, I took out a big bottle of water from there bag and told them that they could not take liquids on the plane, their response, " Its not a liquid, it is water."

    So just take the time to look online or call the airline or airport to see what the requirements are and make your life easier, and others also.

    Amen to that, well done



  12. I'm not trying to insult. When a grown adult decides to talk to another grown adult in baby talk, purely based on their nationality then I do think that person can't be over-furnished in the brain department.

    Speak for yourself kiddo, I'm fluent in English, French, German and Dutch, I can get by in Thai, Spanish and Greek.

    Knowing all these languages I still speak pidgin with my wife, simply because she is not interested in learning correct English, and nobody can teach anything to someone who isn't interested. That doesn't mean my wife is stupid and neither am I.

    BTW how many languages are you fluent in?


  13. As a non-native English speaker I have been following this thread with amusement, till the OP found it necessary to start insulting people, because he wasn't getting the replies he wanted to hear.

    I'm sure my English is not perfect but in my opinion pretty good, but let me tell you, every so often when I sit amongst native English speakers I am at a loss at what the heck they are talking about in their different slangs. If you cannot speak your own language correctly how can you criticize others that don't either.

    Anyway I have been married for nearly 18 years now with my Thai wife. She is NOT interested in learning correct English because all of her family and friends speak Thai, most of my friends speak either dutch, french or german, so between us we have developed a common pidgin whatever and can communicate without any problem. What's wrong with that?

    Do as the Thais do, and compliment someone that is trying to do you a favor by trying to communicate in your language, be it pidgin.

    My 2 cents


  14. exchange is : You'll get mine, and I'll get yours.

    I don't think you are going to find many farangs who want to exchange their language skill for yours.

    My advice



    that's a bit unfriendly to say. and btw, if u r a "falang" means also that u should try to learn thai language as much as u can, so don't waste opportunity to lear it. he also talk about culture... yeah, sure as a falang I want to "exchange" with ppl. thats one of the reasons to live aboard.

    to the rest:

    just because he is a guy he can't talk with guys?

    he is offering a chat, no sex.

    guys, sometimes been "macho" is just stupid

    welcome kitsada...!

    Your opinion, not mine and BTW I do speak Thai, this is a free for all forum, it's just that I feel a hidden agenda.

    cheers and lighten up.


  15. You weren't by any chance rude to the urologist at the BPH, who referred you to another hospital, were you?

    No I wasn't, I rarely am, but I have reached the end of my patience with your bickering, and I'm only human.

    Furthermore If you think that constantly putting the words of well meaning posters in doubt is not rude then let me inform you that this attitude is not only rude but quite insulting also.

    This topic is about the unfortunate dead of an in Pattaya admired young man, and you have turned it into a yes/no circus insofar that many members have been turned of by your meddling with something you don't no sh*t about.

    No need to reply, I've had it with you and your so called looking for the truth attitude.



  16. Hellooo guys !!

    Any one know any transport company that can delivery my bike from pattaya down to phuket ??

    Manny THX......................

    Go to the bus station and negociate a price. When the bus leaves inform someone at the other end which bus and at what time and have it picked up.

    The best and cheapest way to send goods around Thailand.



  17. Is there no-one prepared to stand up and declare what fine treatment he/she has received from the BPH?

    OK I'll grant you your wish, a couple of years ago I needed a T.U.R.P. (google for it).

    One outstanding doctor at BPH, an UROLOGIST working part time there (as most of the doctors are at BPH) said to me : Quote : I can do, and rest assured there is absolutely no danger, I do this intervention about 50 times a week, BUT at this hospital it would cost you about 150.000 Baht, and if you don't mind to travel to SriRacha PhyaThai hospital it would cost you between 40 and 50.000 Baht depending if you have to stay 2 or 3 nights because of bleeding. unquote.

    As it turned out it the final bill came to 46.360 Baht, for a very professionally done intervention and 2 nights in a room with all the frills and wonderful nurses.

    That's the only time that I have gotten good advice at BPH.

    Now if you don't WANT to believe us, there is absolutely nothing we can do or say to change your opinion, and I for one am getting sick and tired about you constantly implying that we don't know what we are talking about.

    Please go away and leave us in our ignorance.


  18. It really turns me on if they have a nice smile with a couple of crooked teeth (not jaws from James Bond) but like those little vampire teeth that stick out a little MMMmmmm KANKAROO LIKE ! :o


    You called?

    For me, its a pint of blood, direct from the vein! :D :D

    Now if you were Kate Beckinsale I would gladly offer my vein for you.



  19. Chocolate works for me but does anyone know what 'Spanish Fly' is?

    Spanish Fly was legendary when I was growing up in the 60s. We were "permissive generation" dropouts and dreamed of finding a supply of this wondrous substance and slip into girls drinks, turning them into raving nymphos. Teenage boys aren't very ethical when it comes to sex.

    It's actually....

    The Spanish fly is an emerald-green beetle in the family Meloidae, Lytta vesicatoria. It is 15 mm to 22 mm long and 5 mm to 8 mm wide, and lives on plants in the families Caprifoliaceae and Oleaceae. The beetle contains up to 5% cantharidin which irritates animal tissues. The crushed powder of Spanish fly is of yellowish brown to brown-olive color with iridescent reflections, of disagreeable scent and bitter flavor.

    Spanish fly, or cantharides as it is sometimes called, is often given to farm animals to incite them to mating. The cantharides excreted in the urine irritate the urethral passages, causing inflammation in the genitals and subsequent priapism. For this reason, Spanish fly has been given to humans for purposes of seduction. It is dangerous since the amount required is minuscule and the difference between the effective dose and the harmful dose is quite narrow. Cantharides cause painful urination, fever, and sometimes bloody discharge. They can cause permanent damage to the kidneys and genitals.


    Reading this sure turns me off.



  20. To all that showed sympathy my gratitude.

    To the guy who lost his mailbox, don't worry I'm sure it will have a better life away from you.

    To Maigo6 : I'm from Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium (in that order of importance to me) and yes it happens in my country too.

    As I tried to make clear I love Thailand, and I know that we the rest of the family will do everything to make sure that my sister in law will not suffer financially from this, it's enough that she lost her loving husband, who was a genuinely nice fellow.

    It's just that I had the impression every time I visited that this place was a small, tight, friendly community where everyone knows all the others and stuck together in times of hardships, as long ago small communities did in my country to.

    My idyllic view has been shattered and that hurts.

    Also to the guy that hates people like me that defend Thailand when we feel that it's being attacked, I'm sure that you hate the rest of the world also, and that's fine with me, but please go away.

    Once again my sincere gratitude to everybody that showed sympathy.



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