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Posts posted by onzestan

  1. so there is hardly a heavy metal (now I mean 80s metal with like Tommy Vance famous Friday Rock Show in BBC) or any real 70s rock shows?? on any of these pattaya stations??????????

    Has anyone noticed that the Thai girls are very much into "Heavy Metal".

    Unfortunately it's mostly into the yellow/orange color kind.

    Sorry Guys, had to have this one.



  2. OK I'll have a go at it.

    Good of you to admit that it's not a friend but you that this topic is about.

    But you have however started off on the wrong foot, and then you cannot blame us for having some negativity about this whole story.

    Also seems to me that you are more worried over the dowry (or whatever) than about your physical and mental health, because believe me I have known a couple of friends with aids, it's not a walk in the park.

    You must first ask yourself if you are up to being there for her for the rest of her natural life, and that you are not having misplaced compassion for her situation, because that might backfire in the most cruel way.

    Anyway there's only one person that can answer your questions and that's you.

    Be careful man.

    my opinion for what it's worth.

    good luck


  3. Confirmation (even anonymous) of what we have been stating here all along.

    The only surprise for me is that someone actually resigned over the policies of the BPH.

    Was there some publicity, article or other means of confirming this anywhere?

    Might be a very powerful tool for TV.

    cheers guys keep it coming.


  4. So what do TV members think when it comes to the word "negro"

    Kind regards :o

    Funny isn't, you can call a person black but not negro, although this persons appearance can be called negroide.



  5. Many, many years ago I also had a box sent over (sea transport) by a house to house service.

    Nothing but used items, and everything that was in it was listed on the bill of lading.

    The customs seized the crate because there was one item that was not allowed to enter in Thailand at that time, and I didn't know it was prohibited.

    The item was a well used B & D circular saw amongst other electrical tools (I was a bit of a DIY freak at that time).

    The saw was confiscated plus a fine of over 7.000 Baht ( 17 years ago) and the rest was freed.

    Maybe there was something amongst your effects that caught their attention



  6. onzestan,

    Stupid people do have rights. And I'm sure, like you, we've all been stupid at some point - I have, more times than I can count. However, people do not have the right to blame everyone else & not take ANY responsibility for acts of stupidity they have committed. This guy blames the woman & society - but not himself. Why blame society, rather than himself? We can all see how the woman is guilty, but the man in this case, however stupid, needs to take responsibility for his own actions. That's all I'm trying to say, anyway.

    Dear NR,

    I agree fully with what you are saying. What I don't agree with is some of the other posters remarks.

    Anyway I can inform you that I do respect you maybe more than you can realize because I'm an animal lover to, it's just that some of the inhumanity that is going on sometimes gets to me.

    With respect


  7. This is ironic as my GF pointed someone out in her village a woman that has aids and is with a new BF. I asked if the BF had it too, she said it's unlikely he knows. What do you do. I made a comment that she should get a life sentance if she passes it on knowingly. What would you do in this situation?

    If you're sure she has AIDS & it's not just a malicious rumour, maybe find a way to let him know?

    and how would he know for sure? I'd stay out of it personally.

    What would you do if it was a friend of yours?

    I would drag them to the nearest hospital and if necessary pay for the tests myself.

    I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do anything about it.

    Also I resent the notion that stupid people don't have rights to.

    Who can say he/she has never done anything stupid.

    I have and I'm not ashamed to admit it, and most of them have been under influence (alcohol).


  8. He said their latest ‘scam’ was to convince rich patients to pay for bills through their credit cards, even when they carried full insurance, as BPH didn’t want to wait to recover their money through the insurance carriers.

    I second that, and Mobi it's not a new scam. This has been going on since they opened their new wing B many years ago.

    You had to pay first and when the insurance paid up they gave you a call, that you could come and collect the money. When I approached the German Farang "lady" from the international department about this, she told me that this was necessary because many insurance companies waited very long to pay, and that would seriously affect the hospitals cash flow. Excuse me !!!!.

    Anyway as you have noticed I have absolutely nothing good to say about this financial institute, and would like to move on.

    I find the idea voiced by steviekes about dog tags, bracelets or any other identification method to be a valid one. Any ideas on that one, and please guys let's keep this topic alive, it might save lives.


  9. There's no such thing as immunity from food poisoning and if you eat at a western buffet you may well experience the delights of food poisoning sooner rather than later.
    Resistance ?

    My father was in the "resistance"in Belgium, I've never known him to have had the runners.

    He had to run a couple of times though.



  10. If the terrorist profile was random: men/women, old/young, Christian/not, Semite/not, profiling would be useless. But, the terrorists are not from random backgrounds. Their ethnicity falls in a rather small profile, and profiling is efficient. Too, your label of "Nazi" is nonsense. With your breadth of knowledge of what constitutes a Nazi, what did someone post that would lead you to believe that they are, in fact, a Nazi? You'll claim that anyone, anywhere that uses a "profile" for any purpose, is a Nazi - and that's ridiculous.

    Agreed, however these - people??? - are having more and more success at recruting locals in Great Britain, Belgium, Netherlands etc.


    I have no qualm with any sort of safety procedure, may it be ridiculous to some, and insulting to others.

    There will always be persons that grumble over anything that infringes on what they perceive as their by God given rights.

    And let's face it, anyone that refuses consideration towards fellow passengers and/or crew is an idiot, and should be kicked of the aircraft and blacklisted.

    I cringe at the realization that my life might depend on them.

    My opinion


  11. I second Mobi's last post.

    I was one of the members that started ignoring this Barryz character and after having had a lengthy discussion about this with one of the Mod's, it is my distinct impression that this guy is somehow connected to the BPH to diffuse the other (now closed) topic.

    The problem is nothing can be proven because they were very clever about it.

    Anyway this whole episode has proven to me at least, that the BPH cannot be trusted for anything, and believe me, I live in a community inhabited by mostly Germans and Swiss expats, this group of people have at least exactly the same opinion of the BPH as many of us on this forum, and many of them have told me that they would never set foot in this establishment again.

    It is sad to notice that some of the members of this forum don't even think about what effects their negativity has on the family and friends of poor Matt, because I am sure they are following this tread closely, as I would in the same circumstances.

    This hospital has a lot of clout here in Pattaya financially, political and mediawise and unfortunately there's little we can do about that.

    There's is nothing more important to me than my physical health and that should be the same for all of you.

    Think about it, your health is their business and how ruthless business can be.



  12. My honest reply - No

    I.m quite happy with the home I bought over 10 years ago.

    If I sold it today the land alone would bring 3 times what I have paid for it.

    But again Im happy here, more than I've ever been in the west so I'll stay put.

    My 2 1/2 cents

    good luck


  13. I just noticed, because I suddenly remember that I fly on June 9th and that that's a Saturday.

    So are you guys just trying to confuse me and others by holding a Friday nights out on a Saturday?

    cheers fellows have fun


    Sub Title of the thread "or any night out"

    yes its on a Saturday

    Sorry Bazmlb,

    I was just trying to be funny. Didn't come out that way I suppose.

    Anyway have fun.



  14. Ha Onzestan,

    you really don't have to go to Belgium to get yourself a Duvel.

    Since I'm Belgian, we stock them :o

    And... Happy Anniversary Monty.
    Thanks JD !
    Monty - i guess you have to be there +1
    Yep, small chance I'll be there :D

    Hi Monty, pleased to electronically meet you. Kind of funny being a Belgian (Antwerpen) myself having to converse in English but no problem.

    Could you send me a pm with info about your place, wouldn't mind having a cold one today, since Carrefour seems to be out of stock on Duvel. At least the last time I was there 3 days ago.

    Thanks beforehand



  15. I just noticed, because I suddenly remember that I fly on June 9th and that that's a Saturday.

    So are you guys just trying to confuse me and others by holding a Friday nights out on a Saturday?

    cheers fellows have fun


  16. Would have loved to finally meet some of you guys, but I'll be on the plane to Europe at that time.

    First Germany for some german beer and sausages, and then off to Belgium for some real beer (after my medical check-up)

    I'll drink one of these on your health :

    cheers and enjoy yourselves.

    p.s. where and when is the next one?

  17. For some cases like this, the educated partner might do better learning Thai to communicate effectively with someone who has such major problems in learning the basics of a new language.

    OK, sensible reply. I guess that once again I have let my emotions get the better of me. Sorry for that.

    I admit that at my age, and physical condition it has become harder and harder to learn a new language, there's no shame in admitting that, and I sometimes feel very frustrated at not getting the tones right.

    That doesn't mean that I'm not proud of what I have achieved in my younger years, and may I say against overwhelming odds.

    I cannot begin to tell you what my relation with my wife means to me, and I have not one negative feeling about the way we communicate because we have found a way that if one of us makes a mistake we both have a good laugh about it, and if I'm not mistaken that's what love is all about.

    BTW if I address a Thai person I start off in my best Thai possible.

    Thanks for your comprehension and I promise you to try and control my temper a bit more.

    My best regards


  18. The idea that some people won't modify or sacrifice grammar rules, etc., or refuse to use alternate ways of communicating and refuse to speak anything other than "proper" English is rubbish to me. Those are the ones who I've always seen as the least effective.

    Thank you for that.



  19. Wow, Stan, I believe you be all over map mak mak. (translation courtesy of a girl I know who works in a bar)

    Let's see what you said:

    Once again I don't use pidgin English with my wife, I use a form of communication that suits us both.

    Oh. Before you said, along with insinuating that another poster was not as intelligent as you:

    "I'm fluent in English, French, German and Dutch, I can get by in Thai, Spanish and Greek...Knowing all these languages I still speak pidgin with my wife...BTW how many languages are you fluent in?"

    "Communication is what separates us from the animals, language is a barrier."

    Woof! Get beer now ching ching, TDSK. Ching gei wo ige pijou.

    "Do yourself a favor and step down from your pedestal, there's a whole lot of fun to be had out there without having to insist on the use of correct English."

    Ya, well, Stan, I'm a writer. Maybe in slipperland you don't need correct language skills, but I and others certainly do.

    And I have met Euro-types with babytalk language skills who scorn others who do not understand the basics of these languages, especially if these folks are American or Asian. You got pidgin for German and French, too?

    So Ok you're a writer, and your English is better than mine and maybe, just maybe you are more intelligent than I am, I'll give you that.

    Once again you don't know me, so who gave you the right to insult my marriage, my intelligence, my method of learning foreign languages and above all my right to speak to my wife in whatever me and she wish.

    You can write in your books or whatever you write what you want, but stop insulting me on this forum and I'll go away quietly, and that is not a retreat but plain and simple common sense.

    I'll leave it up to others to decide who is wrong on this one and I'm sure that opinions will be divided.


  20. your persistence that the use of any pidgin is an insult even when people don't intend it to be an insult but a compliment, shows me that you have a lot to learn about tolerance from the Thai people.

    Most Thai people I know with ok english, consider it insulting and stupid when farang insist on talking to them in broken pidgeon english, but put up with it as they don't want the person to lose face, or simply don't care enough to say anything. Tolerance doesn't mean they like it.

    It does seriously f&*k me off when farang people insist on using pidgeon english with me; first 10 sec, ok, but once you KNOW I speak english better than you do, don't treat me like a baby.

    Pidgeon has never been any compliment to me.!

    Dear steveromagnino,

    First of all you have taken the above quote out of context.

    Secondly I do not deny you the right to feel insulted by anything, and you should not deny me my right to defend myself against false accusations.

    There is no way that anyone on this forum is going to change my viewpoint that I communicate with my wife by whatever means I and she find appropriate, because I don't call it pidgin I call it a common communication tool.

    Oh and by the way, I find the liberal use of the word "farang"on this forum far more degrading than the use of so called pidgin, because that is a word intended to be degrading.

    I'm not a farang, I'm a european.

    Once again no malice intended.


  21. Onze, you still speak babytalk in other languages, like they first taught you? Embarrassing man. That's what pidgin is.

    Well, well well Jet Gorgon.

    There is no such fury as a woman scorned is there. You insist on attacking me personally, first my marriage, then my intelligence, comparing me to a monkey and now claiming I speak babytalk in all the languages I have mastered.

    Obviously you don't know me, and in your guild ridden feelings over what your ancestry did to those poor chinese a long time ago, your false pride, and your persistence that the use of any pidgin is an insult even when people don't intend it to be an insult but a compliment, shows me that you have a lot to learn about tolerance from the Thai people.

    Once again I don't use pidgin English with my wife, I use a form of communication that suits us both.

    Do yourself a favor and step down from your pedestal, there's a whole lot of fun to be had out there without having to insist on the use of correct English.

    Communication is what separates us from the animals, language is a barrier.


  22. Great idea! But I will crochet, rather than knit the bikinis.

    Can't buy bigger glasses - they won't fit in the special little cut-out on my chair that holds the glass while I gaze out over endless vistas of sand, sand and yet more sand. There is the occasional camel or goat strolling by, but usually followed by a dozen lusting locals.

    What about longer glasses then?

    Please do not forget that I gave you the idea of the bikini's. Please invite me to the fitting, I'll be glad to bring my measuring tape.



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