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Everything posted by markclover

  1. I don't speak to another human sole other than my girlfriend and the cats. I spent most of yesterday talking to an AI (Deep AI Chat). I learnt so much from it about English grammar. I never even knew a simple sentence can have a compound predicate and still be consider simple. We (Deep AI) talked about elliptical construction and implied subjects. It taught me that usually the verb is removed not the subjects and implied subjects don't affect the sentence type. I learnt that the subject has to be stated in both the first and second clause for it to be a compound sentence even though we know the subject. Not just English but other subjects as well. If the world is robots and cats I am okay with that. Can't stand other humans unless I select them or hire them.
  2. Last time I went to the Navy ship tourist attraction and the cop said my girlfriend was okay but I couldn't go in because I am not Thai. Some photographs tourists in Greece got banged up for 2 years because they were taking photos near an army base. I don't think I will risk it.
  3. I just hope we get time off work for this. Online classes are a walk in the park. No gate duty. No commuting. No noisy students.
  4. Check the serial number on the rifle and then reprint your story with those details.
  5. Good for them. It takes guts and careful planning to flee from a war you don't agree with. It's far easier to just join the army, take the salary and free meals.
  6. There is no law against it. I think ''if they do a bad thing we look bad'' isn't a law.
  7. Should have bought a bungalow.
  8. You can go in and out for about 6 months and then they will ask you to change the visa. So you just go to a Thai language school or university and start a course and it will be an ED visa.
  9. Take the bus from the airport to Mo Chit. And then you get a taxi from there. It is much cheaper that way.
  10. We 90 day checks for Thai people. Where are they and what are they doing? Never hear of a foreigner carrying around barrels of Caesium-137.
  11. Don't you mean 'Deal less with it'?
  12. When your country sucks so much no one cares about boat crossings. Just entering Laos is already a punishment.
  13. The family should travel to Thailand and stay with him. It's safer for their son than putting him on a plane for 13 hours + waiting around.
  14. Drugs and guns are fine, but open your mouth and protest all hell breaks loose.
  15. They only need one case of corruption not 10,000. Any normal member of the public would be put in a cage by now.
  16. Let's take a look at the serial number on the gun.
  17. Don't take calls from unknown numbers maybe.
  18. Don't use the C4. Just crawl into the vents and it will trigger a cutscene about strange noises and rats in the vents. Then the guard will be delayed. You can just walk up to the truck and hide in the back of it.
  19. It's not worth buy an expensive phone. They all do the same thing and they break after one month of light use.
  20. Her entire fanbase are 12 year old girls. I don't think middle ages men should be getting offended.
  21. Someone was a grass. There's no way the police found them.
  22. Yes the quality of food in Thai schools is repulsive.
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