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Everything posted by proton

  1. My Mrs has taught it for 25 years she charges 500 baht an hour, one on one traveling to see the student. She does online but says in person works better.
  2. One better thing in Thailand than the recycling mad UK is the bin men, they take anything. Left a front door out once and they even took that. Always chuck old electrical in.
  3. Good one today in Tops, couple would not pay until the assistant had filled their cart back up with everything they just bought. THEN they get the phone out and the added torture of some discount vouchers, some not working!
  4. No worries, all we have to do is 'gift' it to the mrs and no tax up to 20 mil a year., They cannot check what it's spent on if she takes it out in cash.
  5. Tops food court today they had two dogs out sitting on the seats at the table, idiots taking pics of them. In the car park a puppy tied to a car with bowls of food and water, looked like somebody had gone off to work and left it for the day, still there 5 hours later.
  6. How can it be progress if it takes far longer to process? Bring behind a line of phone or card payers always takes longer than cash
  7. It's a lot to do with a certain book some years ago, they don't let their Buddhist morals interfere with cock fighting, capturing birds and turtles for so called merit making or the way livestock is treated and transported.
  8. At central etc more and more are wheeling the damn things around in pushchairs, only the expensive show off breeds.
  9. Mrs rang them up once after 4 days with no response, they did it the same day
  10. Twisting what people have posted, typical Democrat vice.
  11. You wish, it might not have quite been 100k but tens of thousands, how many would turn up to see Biden make a fool of himself?
  12. Not to be encouraged I get enough of idiots looking for the phone, logging in them struggling to pay on their phones in other shops.
  13. Did it Sunday, approved yesterday, a monkey could do it if I can
  14. Always hated this yoga nonsense, and sex is not that much more interesting. The yoga fans are usually very obnoxious types.
  15. They are vermin the same as rats, this soppy sentimental attitude to soi dogs needs to end. It's all from people who stuff dead animals down their throats on a regular basis, then pose as 'animal lovers'.
  16. Three old friends who kept it up daily all their adult life's are long dead, all with brain hemorrhages.
  17. Canon is off my list as well- no support for Mac these days, i'd get an Epson
  18. I don't know if this story is true or not, I saw it on here. Guy goes into a well known shop for 1 inch flat head screws, they don't have any in the tray. Asks assistant who goes off and comes back confirming no have. Asked when they are getting some in the answer is not getting any, why? because they sell out too quickly.๐Ÿ˜„
  19. I have only seen her 12 times, could not get into tawang deang on Thursday to see her, she's getting very popular. Cant fault her on anything, she's just about perfect all round. She's the best I have seen in 25 years. People love her manner, quite important for country singers. After concerts she often sits in her van while people line up for photos. Recently an organizer of the concert went right to the front of the line, she told him to line up like everyone else!
  20. No, along with the Earth is flat, we never landed on the moon, Oswald was a lone shooter, Nikola Tesla was a genius and the Pyramids were built by Aliens๐Ÿ˜„
  21. Just had a look the 'controversial' Thai music thread on TT, er because it was in Thai is still locked! so much for free speech. Not worth supporting. Smithydog Posted October 14, 2021 Topic has been permanently locked from further postings. One member has chosen not to respect the Moderators' requests and has gone on to abuse a Moderator. Yinn, the Moderation Panel will address you further directly regarding your comments and actions that forced us to close this thread. Moderators also identified multiple videos that fail to meet Forum Guidelines and they have been deleted for breaches of the following: Rule 1 - Use English Language only when posting.
  22. It's a supremacist cult spread by violence and intimidation which oppresses women and hates gays Jews and apostates. Being founded by a slave owning thief, killer, polygamist and child abuser just makes it worse. Islam does not seek to integrate, it wants to take over.
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