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Everything posted by Keeps

  1. You do know you've left yourself totally open to a Liverpool Lou attack don't you? I'm not sure how he will snipe you, but you know he will Steven.... If it's not you then it's me, for possibly putting a comma in the wrong place? It's going to end in tears for one of us...
  2. I got knocked once by a Thai 'friend' who I loaned 21,000 baht to buy a decent second hand motorbike ( long time ago and exchange rate 72/£ so didn't hurt me in anyway) so he could become a motorbike taxi rider. Didn't pay a baht back. Saw him a year later and he tried to tap me up for some wedge pleading poverty and saying his kid needed new uniform etc for school. I wasn't horrible but politely declined. Live and learn. Once bitten, etc.
  3. Extremely unlikely he topped himself but I'd better leave it at that. Best regards, Bob Smith, No wait, Best regards Harrisfan
  4. It was either: Musk himself. 1/3 fav Donald asked/told him to say it. 9/10 North Korea. 3/1 Nigerian Prince 33/1 Pretty sure it wasn't a Brit regardless of what some of you will say.
  5. I am sometimes one of the first to 'defend' my fellow countrymen when some of the usual suspects on here are having a pop just for the sake of it if a Brit is involved. But, what are these people thinking? They deserve all that's coming to them. I don't know whether that was an internal flight or a flight booked through all the way to the UK. If the latter (and maybe even the former), it has to be illegal to try and check-in contraband. You still have to run the customs gauntlet at a UK airport. I never bring anything back to the UK that could get me into the slightest bit of trouble. I seem to have one of them faces that semi regularly gets me pulled over. Regardless of that, I just wouldn't dare. Utter stupidity.
  6. Business at the front, party at the back. Still looks bad but I'd give my right arm for a barnet like that.
  7. You are overlooking the artist (and I use the term very, very loosely) previously known as Sparktrader and Bignok. I have probably missed one or two other previous posting names. I'm sure you are aware that these posts will be deleted come morning but it's worth it even if 1 or 2 take heed. In fact, I have just noticed that one of the more liberal and jovial Mods is 'lurking' as I type this but I appreciate they have to put their feelings aside and do the 'right' thing.
  8. Great exactly for what Forrest? For some of us, a buying opportunity. For the likes of yourself, your $10 holding might dip to $5 and very little you can do about it. Better hold on to those 7/11 coupons Bignok.
  9. Run Forrest, run...
  10. I can only reiterate my previous comment. Have you nodded off with your head on the keyboard? Not a single word of your post makes any sense. You been on the 49 baht cocktails again Bignok? I know that would be stretching your budget as that is normally a meal for two in your world.
  11. Inbred retard. Stupid comment but hey, what can we expect from you Forrest?
  12. I thought BS Bob and HarrisFan were FOS, but with hindsight, you surpass them. I remember your recent sagas of trips to Bangkok and your emotional woes. If you are not AI then you are an embarrassment to mankind. Truly pitiful.
  13. Every time I tub Bob's Mrs she gives me a biscuit. That's why I'm so fat. That's also why I opened a shop selling biscuits.
  14. I give my lady whatever she wants. In return I get unconditional love.....(usually once a week and twice on my birthday).
  15. It's in the chilled ready meal section IF they have it (can be a bit hit and miss). Has the pickled veg in it and a little bag of 'extras' taped to it. Chicken on the bone. Think it is 70 odd baht. It's pretty good compared to some of their other ready meals.
  16. Agree. Even my GF from Chiang Mai thinks it's passable and keeps one in the fridge for rainy/lazy days.
  17. What about the fat mingers back in Oz Malky? That is where you are from, isn't it?
  18. I first visited Thailand in 1999. Returned twice per year governed by work holiday entitlement. In 2003 I was diagnosed with a chronic illness so decided to take a career break. I planned to come to Thailand for a year but ended up staying two and a half years. I decided that I wanted to grow old in Thailand so made the decision to return to the UK. I was 36 then. Luckily got sorted with work within 1 month and picked up my career where I left off. At the time, exchange rate was favourable and interest rates were good so I thought I might have to work for 10 years and I would have enough. Exchange rate went south as did the interest rates. I worked very hard, saved even harder so at the age of 49 I was able to stop working. Had a couple of pieces of luck along the way. I'm 56 now. I still split my time between Thailand and UK as I have an elderly mother but when I am in a position to, I will make the move permanent. Best decision I ever made.
  19. I was up at 7am. Coffee then shower. Hour and half walk. Stopped at Makro for a few bits. Another coffee now then pop to 7/11 for a few more bits. Another shower. Will be out later for a birthday party then watch the Spurs match at 11.45pm. Will be a late night so will take it easy tomorrow with a lazy day. I like to be up early most days and get my walking done before it gets too hot.
  20. You didn't 'win' anything. If you constantly post inane drivel you automatically go to the top of that pointless leaderboard. You poor, deluded soul.
  21. Size of a ripped out fireplace once he had finished.
  22. My uncle was a really bad ventriloquist. He used to sit me on his knee, stick two fingers up my ar$e and tell me not to say anything....
  23. Oh, the irony. Did you manage to get your 10 baht discount meal deal at KFC today?
  24. He'll have to tie a lolly stick to it if he manages to get a lob on during the honeymoon.
  25. I have very, very little interest in American politics but seems to me Musk is running the show and Trump is his puppet.
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