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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Personally I would not utilise the term ‘Ting Tong’ in esteemed company. This is to what, of course, was being referred to as ‘barstool’ by @Celsius A lowly educated bar girl unable to enunciate ‘ding dong’. Please don’t use the term outside the beer bar.
  2. I know… but it’s ‘ding dong’
  3. It’s actually ‘ding dong’ 😊
  4. I’m not crazy. But I perceive you to be. I think I’m not crazy because I can interact harmoniously with animals and humans in real life. Whereas I think most of your interactions take place inside your head. Of course that doesn’t mean that there is actually anything wrong with you. It’s just that you appear to live your life in a different manner than perhaps I do. You appear to think that you are a genius because all you do it to think. You focus all your energy in that direction. To an ‘extreme’. But perhaps learning when and how to not think is also ‘genius’. So not really crazy, but just a bit ‘narrow minded’ perhaps.
  5. Sometimes the newer models are a downgrade. It pays to double check.
  6. I think with all the back and forth, some confusion was created, so I’ll map out a clear path. It helped that you made it clear that you are happy with DTAC. Obviously, if you buy a SIM package such as this one: you won’t know if you would have been presented with the offer suggested by @Pattaya57, here: It’s not clear as to how the offer may present itself. In their excitement, they didn’t mention it. Perhaps via SMS or after installing the DTAC application. So if you want to go that route, you can go to a DTAC outlet, buy a SIM, install the Application and wait to see what you are offered. If nothing of interest, you can apply for the 90 day pack shown in the first picture by topping up at least 535 baht and then applying *104*283*9# on your phone’s keypad and then pressing the Dial key. That way you are covered both ways. Of course there are other options, but you haven’t made it clear as to what you actually need.
  7. NextG

    Go Wholesale

    Exactly, so you have to go elsewhere for some better quality products. But you are complaining that they need to undercut Makro, otherwise there is no point in going there. But for some, the reason will be quality. I’ll also do some shopping in LIDL and ALDI. That’s my base quality. For better quality I head to M&S and Waitrose. For something in between, sometimes Sainsbury’s. Price is not my only criteria. In the markets, sometimes I’ll buy the 10 baht bags of vegetables that need to be utilised that day. Not because I cannot afford tip top quality, but that I like the idea of saving them from going to waste and making something delicious out of them. Three large red and yellow bell peppers for 20 baht for instance. You’ll be lucky to get one in Makro for that. Then I’ll happily drop the saving to someone more needy. These little things enhance my life.
  8. Two elderly women? One of them looks very much like a MAN.
  9. That’s the whole point of it 🤦🏻‍♂️
  10. NextG

    Go Wholesale

    But many people have stated the quality is better in some ways. Is price your only criteria?
  11. The problem with AIS is that you have to top up multiple times to extend validity to a year. With DTAC and Truemove H normal SIM you can extend validity to up to a year with a single top up and the application of a code via the mobile’s keypad. With AIS, it’s perhaps eleven separate top ups. If you change the base pack promo on your Truemove H Tourist SIM, you should be able to extend that to a year continuously. AFAIK it’s only the Truemove H Tourist SIM that has that restriction.
  12. IMG_4789.MOV Pork Look at the freshness of the meat, as compared to what you find in the supermarket.
  13. IMG_4790.MOV Beef
  14. Sometimes it’s really worth the development of a sense of humour. Do you expect everyone to know your movements and lifestyle? Not everyone here is one hundred years old and goes to bed at 6pm or some might get up early and go to the market in the early morning. The meat doesn’t rot in the meantime and no one is spraying anything on to the meat. They are not some small individual vendor in a small market where they need to keep the meat for days or even weeks. The ones that do that are obvious. But go along in the morning and take a look for yourself. I might have uploaded a video before. Meat looks much fresher and firmer than what often looks like pre-frozen meat from some super/hypermarkets. Of course not all are the same.
  15. Another thing worth noting is that DTAC’s packages appear to be asymmetrical. So even if you do get the full 30Mbps Down, you might get max 4 Mbps Up. That possibly won’t matter to most, but it’s worthy of note. AIS tend to be symmetrical in my observation. Upload speed important for back-ups and the like.
  16. Most people prefer AIS, but if DTAC works for you then that’s the most convenient, as if you can get the package suggested by @Pattaya57 that would be optimal. But if it isn’t offered, you have the other two options at hand @ 300 baht and 481.5 baht respectively.
  17. Breast of chicken is dull. I don’t use it for anything. But foreigners are used to it being the most expensive cut, so it’s a boon for them that it’s the cheapest. It’s also the easiest to handle for the usual hapless expat 🤭
  18. Maybe you should try a covered market and turn up early for when the meat is freshly delivered. That’s when I buy, but only from the large fresh market; Ratanakorn. Beef is much cheaper and pork much fresher than the supermarkets.
  19. FoodLand is not FoodMart… keep up.
  20. Because you fail to notice that I’m actually not against your suggestion but adding to it. It’s you who wants to make an argument out of it. Go back to read all the posts after you’ve had a cup of tea and ask yourself if you might have overreacted. Why else wot you argue with someone who stated that your suggestion is good, but not guaranteed. Those are simply facts and I took the time to calmly explain my reasoning. But it looks like you want you to be right and me to be wrong. Whereas I’m stating we are both right and your suggestion is certainly worth trying if DTAC works for the OP. If it doesn’t work, they can tap in a code for something else. So where is the argument? Only in your head. We were working alongside each other, until you had a fit.
  21. Strange that you don’t go to Ratanakorn. Perhaps too early for you?
  22. It’s current for you two who signed up months ago. Don’t get mad and don’t get excited. No one had stated that no one should try it. In fact I have included you positively in all of my posts. This is just you looking for a fight and wanting to win some argument. But you are just fighting inside your own head. There is no guarantee that the OP will be offered that package, but we hope that it’s available anyway. So where is your argument? There is none. It’s just you having a fit.
  23. You hit a nerve and they some are taking it personally. It’s obviously just someone’s opinion and it wasn’t directed any anyone in particular. Some could have come back as to how it didn’t apply to them and their families, but instead railed against you having an opinion at all. Look at how someone reacted to my perspective and my opinion. They don’t seem to understand that people make different choices than they and so see life from a completely different perspective. Posting here allows one to express that perspective candidly. I say what I see. There’s always someone who will see themselves described in what I see. But it’s my honest perspective and my real life.
  24. You sound bitter. I guess that means you fell under my description and it triggered you. Hey ho… the truth can hurt. You’ll just have to get used to it. Don’t be mad at me because I keep high standards. Try to bring yours up or simply understand your place in the world. Don’t try to shoot the messenger. You won’t touch me anyway.
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