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Everything posted by NextG

  1. What has he to do with anything? Is he navigating through my relationships? I would substitute ‘female’ for ‘lowest common denominator’. In other words, if you have an overly nervous female, that going to bring your quality of life down to that level. Unless you are more nervous yourself, then you are going to be controlled by a nervous female. With good reason you keep control of your household. In the hands of a nervous irrational female… or male for that matter. Some of us navigate a different path. One where we can make a friend and keep a friend. But instead of money, we use time. Far more precious. Only people who appreciate that can join the club.
  2. Perhaps he is referring to ‘the walk of shame’…
  3. Wasn’t your wife the ‘owner’? Is this the same wife that gets an allowance from her parents? I’m confused ☺️
  4. I have a couple of options. One likely a bit too expensive for you. Two apartments on beach road I’ve utilised in the past. First apartment has an entrance close to the street, whilst the lobby is fifty metres inward. Around 80 sq.m. Second apartment, closer to the lobby but with a private entrance and private elevator. Around 200 sq.m. Only two people use the elevator, as the elevator only serves two apartments. The second option just relatively inexpensive apartments in a good location(to me, not to you). They just seem to run the place on a shoestring. So there appears to be no lobby staff from the evenings and no security around ever. Decent sized apartments but ridiculous electricity charges. Though if you aren’t a big aircon user, that’s not an issue as the apartments themselves are so inexpensive but actually very good value for money. But I cannot recommend either option to you, due to your complaints about EVERYTHING.
  5. That’s a description of a ‘John’. So many here see it as normal. They get themselves into the same bind time and time again. Only, they downgrade to a cheaper option each time. Too late to learn new tricks, so they just settle for what they can afford. On the other hand, a good proportion of the relationships around the world are not based on love nor compatibility at all. So many here are not alone in their choices. I don’t settle for less than the best(for me) and money doesn’t enter the equation. Wow betide those who base their relationships solely on that.
  6. Call yourself to see if calls come through. If the phone rings, then manually search for another network other than the one you are currently using. Mobile data can be on but Data Roaming should be off. I don’t understand your last sentence.
  7. Speak for yourself…
  8. Yes, it’s in my mind, as it is in yours. But some of us adhere to certain standards and keep them stable and sustainable throughout. You to yours and me to mine. But not the same. You are writing nonsense about age and absolute nonsense with regard to your assertion that I claimed ‘vast experience’. Please link to any post where I have claimed what you suggest. You are just trying to dig yourself out of the nasty hole that you dug. There was no need to speculate about her age at all. You just proved yourself to be a disgusting specimen of a man…. in my mind. I guess you’ve found your level.
  9. Of course there was something negative in your post. There was no reason to judge nor mention her age at all. It was just a nasty and ungentlemanly thing to do in any case. If you wanted to know, you could have just asked me. But you have long let go of any standards you might have held. Age doesn’t come into it. One is a real relationship and the other would no longer exist if her allowance stopped.
  10. You posted a picture of a woman in a sari, face shown, claiming that was your wife who was obsessed with Indian culture. Fairly fit ☺️ The point is, in good shape, intelligent, talented and no payment involved. The sad thing is that you focus only on meat. Outward appearance with no mention of anything else. That is because there is nothing else. That is the point. Choosing relationships based on sex and money and then hating women for it. No! You created that relationship.
  11. Send picture via PM. It won’t be shared. Then we can have an honest appraisal.
  12. You’ve posted different pictures claiming women were your wife. What about the one in a sari? Same one? Certainly didn’t look anything like the same age as mine.
  13. Let’s see the face 😊 I showed you mine, now you show me yours and let me be the judge of whether they look the same age. What can we tell from looking at someone’s back? That is really nonsense.
  14. The only nonsense posted here, is your sad and ugly view of women. They are people. It’s you who is ugly. You create the thoughts and feelings and manifest them in yourself. Your ‘woman’ sounds ‘good for nothing’ other than bedroom fun. You probably cannot plan anything nor sustain an intelligent discussion with her. You probably have NOTHING in common with her other than a heartbeat. You have not EVER posted anything positive here about her other than you paying for her education and her having to sleep with you for money. These are your words. We are not in the same world. Stop trying to superimpose your ugliness on to my world. They are not related in any way, other than being the antithesis of each other.
  15. If I posted her pic here, not even one person would agree with you. Sour grapes 🍇 much? Your every post has been tinged with negativity.
  16. That’s ok, I’m an adult. We support each other.
  17. I don’t have a forty year old woman and I’m not forty. 😊 All you are doing is speculating… throwing mud in the hope that some if it sticks. But you are wrong EVERY time. Just accept that our lives are completely different and our relationships based on different ideals. So I meet a completely different kind of woman.
  18. We just navigate our way through life and try to avoid any major pitfalls. It’s simple. Her endgame? 😊 In a healthy relationship, you have similar goals.
  19. This is the issue for most posting here. They haven’t a clue as to what they are doing. I don’t hang around Asian women. They hold little or no interest for me at all. If I cannot have a full blown conversation with them about anything, then a relationship is not going to happen. Most people here are referring to Asian women and most are just happy to have access to sex and some kind of companionship. I stay within my realms of understanding. It also helps that I’m not attracted to 98% of them. There are ‘normal’ women around, of many nationalities and ages, but only a very small percentage of the people posting here have the ability to do anything other than ‘shooting fish that are already in a barrel’. So they only see fish that are in a barrel. I stay far away from that life and those fish.
  20. You can ‘suspect’ all you want. That is what exists in your fantasy world. Mine was and is my reality. I’m not one of the idiots here that make things up after watching YouTube. Nor do I feel the need to practice hyperbole to support an online username. YMMV.
  21. Any SIM other than a Tourist SIM can be kept valid for a year in advance in perpetuity. In fact it is likely the restriction is only for Truemove H tourist SIM. Either way, just buy a normal 50 baht SIM and go from there. You can do lots of small top up which will add 30 days of SIM validity at a time until you reach 12 months. Activate the SIM for International Roaming in so you can extend validity whilst abroad by simply tapping in the appropriate code.
  22. Drug users causing the most harm to society? Do you have any published data to back that up? Perhaps we can then compare with people who use alcohol or even prescription medicine. Then perhaps to other ‘groups’. I think you just made that up.
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