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Everything posted by NextG

  1. You can save A LITTLE by buying the DTAC SIMs from a independent distributor. Example: https://shopee.co.th/product/33507304/24707111188 1649 baht for the 15 Mbps 100GB that’s 1790 via DTAC. But of course there’s also postage. There is also a 100GB Max Speed version with unlimited ANY network calls: https://shopee.co.th/product/33507304/17663505378 for 2000 baht
  2. If 100GB monthly is adequate, you can avail yourself of a mainstream DTAC package. https://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/products/ready-sim.html 1790 baht eSIM or normal SIM. 100 GB up to 15 Mbps, unlimited DTAC calls. 60 minutes of ANY network calls. Otherwise their cheapest Unlimited package costs 2390 baht. Unlimited data at 8Mbps with unlimited ANY network calls. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/dtac-8mbps-wpn-mobile-i2891711850-s10564661820.html
  3. Another crashing bore…. 🙄
  4. Your friend’s brother’s username on this board is AndyAndyAndy 🤭
  5. What are you doing at Rompho Market when you live on the Darkside? Nostalgia?
  6. If the cap fits… If you cannot stand the heat… People will form opinions on the evidence presented. That’s life. If you cannot cope with life on here, you are probably not doing great out there. GG is happy preaching to an audience of one. Rarely discusses anything and disappears in a huff if anyone as much as disagrees with his pronouncements. How would someone like that cope with real life interactions? Just an opinion…
  7. In one market on one occasion? I haven’t ever seen it. But I don’t buy from those small individual vendors in markets. Take a gander at my videos to see the difference.
  8. The only way you will know if it works for you, is to obtain a SIM and to test it. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/no1-my5g-30mbps-25030-12-i4889381291-s21251439863.html https://www.mybynt.com/en/PrePay.php?package=308_my-5G-แบบเติมเงิน The Unlimited 10Mbps 12 Month package for 1450 baht mentioned earlier, is actually by NT Mobile, rather than My by NT , but also utilises the 700 MHz band. NT Mobile(TOT). My by NT(CAT). The Unlimited 10Mbps package for 1350 baht is from My by NT: https://shopee.co.th/ซิมเทพ-my-by-NT-ซิมเน็ตเกินร้อย-10Mbps-ไม่อั้น-ไม่ลดสปีด-นาน-1-ปี-โทรฟรีทุกค่าย-60-นาที-เดือน-สัญญาณโรมมิ่งทุกคลื่น*-i.330732583.24805705284 Confusing? 😊 So to test NT Mobile beforehand, you would also need to obtain a normal SIM to test before springing for an annual pack. Alternatively, since you have a Thai partner, you can consider https://gomo.th/package as it uses the AIS network. You buy a 12 month validity SIM for 99 baht and then apply the Unlimited 10 Mbps pack for 149 baht + VAT monthly Another thing to consider is whether you actually need Unlimited. How much do you use on average? Would 100GB monthly suffice?
  9. I figured out immediately that it was nonsense. Why would they not, if 12 months validity was the ultimate criteria, simply top up 11 x 20 baht ‘straight off the bat’?
  10. They throttle it. Speedtest.net test is wrong. https://aseannow.com/topic/899147-vpn-speedtestnet/#elControls_10479988_menu Post your TestMy speed test results.
  11. What about your TestMy results?
  12. Is this a joke? 🤭
  13. It’s 15Mbps with unlimited free calls WITHIN the Truemove H network. Only 60 minutes in total for ANY network calls.
  14. Speedtest is not accurate for those SIMs. Use https://testmy.net/ and tell us again. Speedtest will show the maximum available as if it were not limited, as opposed to what you are actually receiving.
  15. Drink something before you go to sleep (I don’t mean alcohol) and immediately when you wake up.
  16. If you don’t mind paying full whack, then by directly from My by NT official, as they also have Unlimited 30 Mbps for 1890 baht. But make sure your phone covers B28. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ntp01-my-by-nt-30mbps-60-nt-i4888119063-s20568929092.html You get 372 days of validity. Otherwise you can pick up the Unlimited 10Mbps product for between 1350 and 1450 from independent vendors on Shopee and Lazada.
  17. A couple of people have mentioned being offered Unlimited 30 Mbps for 250 baht with DTAC and seem to be of the opinion that everyone will be offered the same. If you have a Thai partner then look at GoMo. They have Unlimited 10Mbps for 149 baht(+VAT?) Other than that, if your phone can cover the prerequisite frequency and coverage is acceptable to you, the cheapest Unlimited option is with My by NT: Unlimited 10 Mbps @ 1350 baht for 12 months and Unlimited 30 Mbps for 200 baht per month are two possible options. Since you mentioned you want a 12 month pack, then that’s the best for unlimited. AFAIK, they are on Band 1 & Band 28 LTE 2600MHz for 5G(n7?) If you don’t need unlimited, there are more mainstream choices.
  18. That’s a bold statement…
  19. NextG

    Go Wholesale

    They use different scraps of meat each time, at least in the one that I visit. The price and description usually illustrate that. But like yourself, I just buy a whole piece of meat and mince it myself. Better than buying mystery meat.
  20. It still needs work 😊 Perhaps inserting an ‘of’ would suffice. An ‘of’ AND a ‘the’ would be just Wow! Or just swap ‘food’ and ‘choices’ with each other 😊
  21. No, I meant esteemed. I didn’t realise that we had to parrot a particular phrase in order to be understood, rather than what I actually meant. I wrote what I meant. Nice try…. but a fail!
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