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Everything posted by NextG

  1. AIS for example. Live for me but not for new customers. The ONLY way to KNOW would be to sign up and hope for the best.
  2. ALL of my SIM with AIS have live offers not available to everyone. But NO ONE other than existing customers who signed up during the period when these offers were live, will be offered them. That’s how it works. DTAC might be different. We’ll find out when someone opens a NEW DTAC SIM. So cool your heels and don’t get over excited. Get off my leg! ☺️
  3. If anyone wants to take the chance with a new DTAC SIM then we’ll know for sure. Worst case, they can always apply for another package if not offered the one shown by @Pattaya57 Also depends if DTAC works okay in the OP’s location. It’s not good in mine, so I have to use another network.
  4. I just logged into the App of one of my DTAC SIM(not used for data at all) but that offer is nowhere to be found. So there is definitely some criteria to being offered that package. Mine is an old SIM so it cannot be that. I do have a SIM that I took out in the 30 Mbps offer period, so I could try that later. I could also apply unlimited 8Mbps with Unlimited calls with new SIM until recently for 175 baht.
  5. In November, 30 Mbps was still being offered. This is January. No guarantee.
  6. Not available to new customers
  7. Aaaahhh… that’s why. It’s not likely that the OP will be offered the same deal. The offers follow from the time you signed up and you signed up when 30 Mbps was offered universally. So in order to keep you as a customer, you may continue to get such offers. Now, the norm is no longer Unlimited at a constant bandwidth nor with free Unlimited calls. So the OP’s offers will be more in line with what is offered nowadays.
  8. For example, one of my DTAC SIM was opened during the time when 30 Mbps SIM were the norm. So that one continues in that vein. Others from another period don’t get the same offers. That is why I ask you WHEN you purchased and activated your SIM, as that may be the deciding factor. If it were in the last week, it’s a good offer. If it was when 30 Mbps was the ‘norm’…
  9. As stated, it’s a good package and if the OP wants to take the chance they can buy and register a SIM to see what they are offered. You haven’t clarified WHEN you purchased this SIM, as that could have a bearing on the offers that you receive.
  10. Just as an aside, why was your initial SIM priced at 100 baht? The norm is 50 baht.
  11. It states “Great value only for you”. It doesn’t mean that the offer will be available to the OP when they arrive. When did you apply yours? The offers I have posted are current and will be available for at least another month. Your package is a good offer, but there is no way for the OP to apply it independently if they are not offered it.
  12. Looks good. I also utilise some excellent value packages. But they aren’t available to the OP. Just as yours is not. There is no guarantee that they’ll be offered such a package.
  13. Alternative is a three month package, but the AIS offer is relatively poor in comparison. DTAC’s is better, but it would help if you knew in advance of how DTAC performs for your location. AIS offers half the allowance of DTAC. Nor does it offer a call allowance.
  14. If you want Unlimited, then there is scant choice. It’s 482 baht for unlimited 10 Mbps. 59 baht more for unlimited voice calls. If your usage is relatively low, then you can choose a limited package of up to 100GB monthly(approx.) for 300 baht. That will include unlimited calls of up to 15 minutes per call. All networks same, so choose the one with the best signal for you. No need to repost on another thread, as you won’t get ‘better’ answers.
  15. Ratanakorn Market will have the widest range. Open from 1am.
  16. NextG

    Go Wholesale

    I haven’t visited, only read what people have reported here. Certainly not giving them any of my details…
  17. The only way to do it is to convert the Tourist SIM to a normal SIM.
  18. It seems that you were wrong, as confirmed by @Upnotover Might have helped if you had told them to convert the SIM to a ‘normal’ SIM in the first instance…
  19. NextG

    Go Wholesale

    So you judged the whole thing in the two items for which you were looking? You didn’t look to compare with anything else at all?
  20. NextG

    Go Wholesale

    You gave those details to a supermarket? 😳
  21. If you think it’s for free, you need to think again. Money and gifts will ensue sooner or later. Same thing goes on in Turkey and before that Greece. The Gambia is but one of the places to which your women are travelling to get some action.
  22. You didn’t ever have a girlfriend? Sounds like a sheltered life.
  23. You wrote ‘owner’ rather than developer. That caused the confusion. At least you have explained it properly now. I’m glad you are enjoying your time on your marriage carousel. Better than not enjoying it.
  24. What’s with the getting married all the time? You didn’t learn your lesson the first time? ☺️ Anyway, so the city took the property over and then your wife bought it? Seems some part is missing from this tale.
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