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Everything posted by NextG

  1. No, it’s nothing like that. It’s like them giving you discount coupons for washing liquid to use in the washing machine. You don’t HAVE to use the coupons nor the washing liquid promoted by the coupons, especially as there is an alternative that costs you nothing beyond a first initial visit.
  2. At fourteen? Have all traces of intelligence been removed from this forum?
  3. What fresh foolishness are you posting today? Fourteen year old prosecuted for being prostituted??
  4. It was a promotional price. Get over it.
  5. If you cannot stand the heat…
  6. He just ‘pressed the wrong button’. Calm down with your confused ‘doom and gloom’. Firstly Lazada is warning him to ‘not act outside their procedures’ and then ‘your best hope is finding a way to contact the seller’ 🤕 ☺️ He is in contact with the seller 😊
  7. What makes your post ‘innocent’ and in your eyes, impervious from any kind of reply? My question remains the same…. why is it your business where their money might be? In some cases it might have been stolen. Are you going to help them to replace it? I guess not. Best continue to attend to your own life matters if you don’t have anything useful to contribute.
  8. Q.E.D Wise man? Certainly not you after your DTAC SIM blunder. You should really try growing up, rather than bringing your animosity across threads.
  9. It’s all a bit too complicated what you have done. You can either take a photo of your bank details and upload that for them or call to discuss it with Lazada. If you send in certain formats, they may get blocked, so send a photo.
  10. Not same https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nokia-105-4g-2023-2-fm-1-i4646577269-s19098582138.html
  11. Who said they had any worries? It seems that you are worrying enough for all of them. The usual excuse is that they are somehow harming you by not jumping through the same hoops that you did. As long as they are self sufficient, what business is it of yours?
  12. You can be tracked even with a 2G mobile…
  13. Thank you for the update.
  14. They can use The Gallery as a landmark if necessary. Friend of mine owned a bicycle shop in London of the same name.
  15. That’s what I meant. That you could discuss it within the context of your post, rather than me discussing it as a separate subject. Wise is not comparable due to the cash withdrawal restrictions.
  16. NextG

    Candied Peel

    I’ll look out for peel whilst out and about. I suspect Friendship might have it. If not, TOPS at CF or VILLA.
  17. NextG

    Candied Peel

    Of course you don’t eat bread and butter pudding, it’s not made in Thailand 😊 If I was that way inclined, we’d have a bake-off and get members of the public to rate. I’d have all of the girls loving my creamy custard. Bread pudding… meh! They’d turn their noses up. Though to be fair, they don’t have to be that different from each other, dependent on how you make them. 😊
  18. Where going?
  19. A Smartphone is a ‘cell phone’. Your comment is not that Smart.
  20. A SIM costs 50 baht. The cost of calls is up to you. If you are intending to make a lot, you can buy a package of unlimited calls.
  21. Wise is a debit card and inferior to the credit cards aforementioned. But best you ask the person who mentioned using their CC in the first place, as it’s already off-topic.
  22. Seems that it was user error then….and too ashamed to admit it ☺️ Thanks for the confirmation. Nothing to see here.
  23. NextG

    Candied Peel

    He’s not referring to a Bread and butter pudding. Bread pudding is something different.
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