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Everything posted by NextG

  1. So not desirable then. Women ‘in your age bracket’ might already have a house and a good job. So that’s not necessarily going to attract them unless they are struggling financially…. See where that is going? Seems your actual personality isn’t that great. Why would you put “ a house and a good job” before your good character traits? Perhaps that is the issue here.
  2. Yes, that was one of them. I was a teenager. We come up with childlike ways to get someone to prove their commitment. I don’t remember if I actually allowed her to go through with it. But she might have surprised me by doing it or at least agreeing to do it.
  3. Where does racism come into anything I have written? Please demonstrate even your most tenuous of linkages. You picked poor examples of western women and you are still bitter about it. You complained about them taking half your assets, but your new friend is going to get ALL of your assets. A nice payment for treating you better than the people you despise. As long as you as happy to criticise the appearance of some women, you have to accept that other people may have opinions about your woman. You don’t seem to like it when it happens to you.
  4. Tickets to Australasia and the Americas you muppet! Nice try to skip the question of your desirability to women.
  5. This is not true. You are not fully following the instructions. By the picture you posted, I can see that you did not. But it’s clear that you’ve had enough and it’s likely that because you are already tired, that you will repeat the same mistakes. Better to rest from it and look at it with fresh eyes another time. I can see what you are doing wrongly and I can understand; because you’ve gone into ‘information overload’. Take a rest from it today 🤗
  6. Sure, if you pay for the tickets? How do you look? Desirable to women? That’s the point, isn’t it?
  7. You still haven’t given me the MODEL NUMBER of the device….that’s three times that I’ve asked now 😊
  8. Okay, the problem here is that you somehow refuse to follow the actual instructions given. Instead you mix it up with things you think that you already know. Nowhere was it suggested that you create an ei.cfg file and then to run the installation from WITHIN Windows. I haven’t seen JaiMaai’s guide, but I’m reasonably sure they haven’t suggested it.
  9. Is that preferable to a Clean Installation for you?
  10. Some cross over and then throw firebombs at their former side 😊
  11. Easily explained; To some, Western women; bad and fat. Asian women; good and slim. I actually posted about my positive experiences with Scottish girls.
  12. You didn’t report what happened when you tried the Command Prompt
  13. Apologies… but this is all to dull…
  14. Specifically into the Sources folder
  15. Confusing? ” As well as applying to those yet to come to the UK, No 10 confirmed the new higher figure risks affecting those already here. Asked if it would apply to partners when they came to renew their visas, No 10 said the change was “not retrospective, but it would apply to renewals in the future”. At that point, people would be expected to “meet the visa requirements of the day”
  16. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/windows-setup-edition-configuration-and-product-id-files--eicfg-and-pidtxt?view=windows-10 It’s simple. Yours would be likely be: Professional/OEM/0 Once you’ve created and named the text file; ei.cfg, you then just put it in the Sources folder that’s within the installation media and then follow the installation instructions as say on GroovyPost. You won’t be forced on to Single Language.
  17. It wasn’t me who gave that option. I came to the thread after that, so it looked like it wasn’t what you wanted. But it is 😊
  18. You were given a solution to that earlier, with regard to ei.cfg file. That forces the installation into the edition that you actually want.
  19. Firstly, follow these steps to create the media (if you haven’t already done so) and to initiate installation from Boot: https://community.acer.com/en/kb/articles/55-how-to-use-the-microsoft-windows-10-media-creation-tool-to-correct-boot-issues For installation, begin from Step 2 here: https://www.groovypost.com/howto/clean-install-Windows-10/ Taking note of deleting the existing partitions in so you are left with only Unallocated Space. Only then to install to the Unallocated Space. You can ignore the part with regard to creating a new partition; that isn’t necessary.
  20. Don’t neglect to post the model number. Number 😊
  21. Just relax for now. We’ll take a look at it in an hour.
  22. I’ll get back to you when I’ve finished eating etc
  23. Currently eating. Will post a guide afterwards. Post the brand and model number of the device.
  24. I made my point. Stop slagging off your own kind in order to try to justify your behaviour. If you do it, don’t be upset when it happens to you. Your Thai GF is going to get your assets anyway.
  25. If they are incorrect, then they are not facts.
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