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Everything posted by NextG

  1. So what are you having? Not a fan of turkey, as it’s relatively tasteless. Instead would go for goose, though a bit fatty.
  2. I have a few Christmas puddings that I haven’t got around to eating. The good thing is that they are soaked in alcohol, so they get better with age. The bad thing is that I’m not that fond of alcohol, so don’t bother to eat them ☺️
  3. I see lots of women going fishing with their partners. Others may collect shells at the beach. Perhaps beach location makes all the difference.
  4. Oh diddums… having a little tantrum are we? What I alluded to in case you missed it, is that you don’t need to smoke it. So smoke and lungs are irrelevant. That doesn’t cover your childish “ I don’t need it and you do”comment. When will you grow out of such childish things?
  5. It IS an appropriate analogy. That you attempt to assert that it is not, is possibly due to a somewhat limited mindset. Perhaps as it’s not packaged up as a pill produced by a pharmaceutical company, your mind cannot accept it as a medicine. That’s your problem. Stay ignorant. It doesn’t harm me. Paracetamol can also be misused, but it’s still a medicine when utilised appropriately. Similarly with cannabis. You can argue all you want. But it will just make me think that you are stupid.
  6. Actually it doesn’t mean what you assert that it means. Smoking is just one way to utilise it. Interesting that you mention “summoning up your pleasures” whilst ignoring the many people who utilise cannabis for medical reasons. It’s obviously ingrained in your mind that people only utilise it for pleasure. That’s your bias isn’t it? You sound so proud. Not much different from saying you need paracetamol and I do not, to someone with a toothache. It just makes you look a bit of a ar**
  7. Nice story…. I’ve entered one bar in more than fifteen years and in the one bar that I entered, found a fourteen year old. Her colleague told me. I actually saw a picture of her dancing in a GoGo bar. Actually make that two around that age. Plus a seventeen year old found and followed me all the way home. Though this was quite a few years ago. Of course I’m sure it’s not the norm and modifying or sharing their ID cards did happen. I know because, since I didn’t take advantage of them, they stayed friends with me. I learned a bit about their lives that way and generally tried to help them live better and more stable lives when possible. By having a safe space. I didn’t judge negatively, since I didn’t have to walk in their shoes. I even met their foreign sponsors/boyfriends and kept in touch even when they went home to have children. For some, they are just meat.
  8. That’s fine. I can put you on ignore in order to prevent myself ever responding to you again. Hope that helps.
  9. Not only on your laptop… you were asked three hours ago about the devices involved. Do you imagine that anyone can tell you exactly what to do otherwise? If Windows key + K doesn’t work for you, you’ll have to give more details or just solve the problem yourself.
  10. Maybe if you locate a Chinese person on here…
  11. So ‘simple’ that you didn’t comprehend what he is asking… It’s TV and 💻
  12. Do you mean these? https://shopee.co.th/Orico-พอร์ตจัดเก็บข้อมูลส่วนบุคคล-2.5-นิ้ว-Type-C-ความเร็วสูง-NAS-พร้อมรีโมตสํารอง-และแชร์-12V-2A-สําหรับ-PC-TV-โทรศัพท์-คอมพิวเตอร์-แล็ปท็อป-แท็บเล็ต-(CD2510)-i.154813919.21980192314
  13. Should we guess the model of TV and laptop? Why stream when you can connect via HDMI? Perhaps get yourself an Android box as suggested MULTIPLE times. There are so many ways, but you don’t listen to anything.
  14. Your BIOS is already set to AHCI, that is why there is no option to change it 🤦🏻‍♂️ Legacy BIOS is something completely different. In that case you would mean UEFI. You really need to just listen and follow the clear instructions. Because you are making a mess of things by yourself.
  15. Please just follow the video guide EXACTLY and the upgrade should work.
  16. C:\users\name is not C:\Windows\System32 How can you assert they are the same? I don’t understand why people here choose to argue and go against the people who are actually helping them. It’s like a natural resistance to being helped and they’d rather believe that ‘they succeeded in their own way’. Making a simple task impossibly complicated.
  17. So what happened?
  18. It’s such a simple thing really. You have just complicated it inside your brain. I’m not joking. I would have completed the whole thing in a minute or two.
  19. Not at all… It’s just you doing it completely wrongly, because you thought you knew it better and utilised PowerShell. PLEASE follow my instructions exactly
  20. Show a screenshot BEFORE you go ahead with entering the Command
  21. Cut and Paste! OMG… It’s like there is something in your brain that is resistant to simply following the instruction 🤭 What is going on?!
  22. NO! It isn’t!
  23. Terrible. Guides are for you to follow, not modify and then complain they don’t work. They DO work. You just CHOOSE to do it differently than instructed.
  24. Is how it should look
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