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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Then why has he not made an attempt to correct his initial ‘mistake’?
  2. It on the same page as the written guide. Scroll down the page.
  3. The simple point, which SOME of you are a bit slow to pick up on, is to stop slagging off your sisters, mothers and possibly children in the west as inferior, only to justify your choices of picking up an Asian woman. No more describing them as ‘beached whales’ and only interested in your assets. That is truly moronic and many in Asian find that out the hard way.
  4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/foreign-spouse-visa-uk-migration-crackdown-b2459168.html
  5. Take a look at the video guide( though take note that there is an accidental space in the first line before ‘slmgr.vbs’)
  6. Did you copy and paste? Take a look at the video guide underneath before getting started
  7. It states: ‘Run As Administrator’ in the graphics…
  8. Not necessary if he deleted all partitions in the first place. But guides here have omitted that step. But honestly, there are too many ‘suggestions’ going on here.
  9. Do this firstly using Command Prompt: https://getproductkey.net/how-to-upgrade-windows-10-home-to-pro-for-free/ Hit the Enter key after each line That will tell you if you can upgrade your current edition and if so, allow you to upgrade.
  10. No. There are other steps that need to be taken. I’ll insert them in a bit.
  11. Oh diddums… resorting to name calling are you? It’s a perfectly valid question as to why your type likes to refer to ‘western women’ as ‘beached whales’ and prefer to glorify relatively ‘simple’ Asian women. Of course we all know why. Losers who now tell themselves they are winners.
  12. Great. You made the break and so had to compensate them for it. Why cry about it?You chose them. Did they force you to marry them? Envy and fear are just your spin of possibly the real reactions of disgust and pity. We all? I’m a man and I don’t ‘hook up’ with any of them. Nothing in common. No, haven’t been married. Long term relationships, always. Since early teens. I’m just used to ‘real’ relationships, rather than financially based ones. Not at all religious and certainly not obsessed nor at all interested in your life. This is a discussion board and we are discussing. If it’s too much for you, bow out. I come from the perspective of mutual affection. You can discuss your perspective. No need to try to juxtapose your anger and upset on to me. It’s seems from your ranting and language that it is you who is bordering on deranged. I’m not at all emotional with regard to this discussion.
  13. 45kgs, not 38kgs. I didn’t even have to click through the link.
  14. 10kgs overweight for some here. Though I did meet her sister in Oz.
  15. I’ve certainly turned down tiny women. On three occasions that I can remember and they at least were curvy. But tiny. Just uncomfortable.
  16. The problem for some already there, is that it might affect their renewals.
  17. “Do you have a favourite thing?” Erm… what if that favourite thing was kidnapping children? There it should end? You are getting flustered and posting absolute rubbish! The only thing we know is that you have a penchant for tiny women. Did you do the same in your home country?
  18. Not confused. I prefer women who look like fully developed women, rather than women with the bodies of an underdeveloped western child. @Nick Carter icp simply asked a question and a few of you got very hot under the collar about it. We all have different perspectives, but the under 40kg brigade seem to have the same perspective. But they are now sensible enough to keep their mouths shut about it.
  19. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/duracell-alkaline-aa-8-i2319268275-s7827937567.html is all that was necessary. But at least I know a lot more about you now. Be careful with posting unnecessary tracking info..
  20. Percentages?
  21. By making up stories to create a topic? Where does one draw the line?
  22. Apart from anything else, we know what happened to the German; Mr Jens… but he wasn’t the only one caught up in that web. There was also an American; ‘Mr Michael’. That also went very quiet. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/10/07/multiple-foreigners-and-a-thai-national-allegedly-involved-in-child-trafficking-in-pattaya-nabbed/
  23. So they were on the Walking Street side of Pattaya Tai? He shot off and you heard the ‘loudest bang’ when he was 500 metres away from you “past Tukcom”?
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