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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Could have just reflected regional English usage. Moving from the Philadelphia (USA) area to Western Kentucky ... dealing with electric we always said "plug it in", in Kentucky I heard, "plug it up". Nevermind "Youse guys" and "y'all" ... see I am bilingual! Ha!
  2. Chiang Mai Expats Club cancels its regular monthly meeting due to so many fleeing the city for cleaner air.
  3. I recognize this is an issue for Thai citizens, but my best advice as a friend of Thailand is that this political move against the majority party and for the stated reason brings more embarrassing discredit to a country claiming to be a democracy. The law in question does need guardrails to stop it from being misused politically to silence critics.
  4. I would take a Q-tip and coat with the Terramycin antibiotic ointment (only outside the ear canal and use a couple of drops of Otic Solution in the ear canal. See if that cleared things up. If not, then it would be off to the Doctor.
  5. I want to thank you. While having already been advised by the US Tax Return preparer not to worry ... after reading Article 20 & 21 of the Treaty I am assured that I am not to be taxed by Thailand. I will remain subject to tax only by the USA as a citizen receiving Social Security and retirement funds from my public service educator service. It was my choice but working for lower pay resulted in my need to retire to a lower cost country in order to have a sustainable working middle class retirement. Ha! Such a burden ... living in Thailand being taken care of by my Thai wife ... poetic justice (ignoring the current pollution).
  6. Taking the analogy of "the lizard" a step too far methinks ...
  7. For a young girl, fresh university grad, no children (we won't push the virgin scenario) the Thai Sin Sot is to thank the family for raising such a wonderful potential Wife. You say age 47? Grandchildren? Sorry, the 1st husband was responsible for the Sin Sot. I love Thai guys, go after the young girls, get them pregnant, leave for greener pastures. The result? A goodly number of past 30 year old females quite happy to meet western males but ... no Sin Sot. Want a laugh? If the subject of Sin Sot comes up ... explain that in the western nations it is traditional for the bride to bring a Dowry into the marriage. Ha! The reaction is priceless. Of course that dowry tradition has faded somewhat. The remnant is that it is the Bride's family which is responsible for paying the costs of the wedding.
  8. Pattaya, Thailan's remade Las Vegas? Hmm, perhaps closer to the Chinese border?
  9. I certainly opt for confrontational. With as much ignorance being in evidence in dedicated vocal minority in the USA, as an American citizen I to believe this November presidential election is critical. All one need do is read the publicly available, "Project 2025, Presidential Transition Project" to clearly see what is at stake. Should Trump not join the others of his ilk already sentenced, I could lose my country. With all the citizen constituted Grand Jury indictments, I think we may see him so wounded that he will not be able to be elected.
  10. Just finished the RT Chiang Mai to Bangkok and return. Yep, noted the drop in speed signs along the way. By the time of deceleration from 120 to 90 and then recovering the 120 speed after the U-Turn ... Hmm, keeping my fingers crossed as I tried to maintain 110-120 on the designated, separated highways.
  11. Agreed if for retirement. He would need to exit Thailand without a Re-entry Permit thus voiding the O-A. Just a footnote as I converted my original O-A Visa (Retirement) granted in the USA in 2011 (with subsequent Extensions of Stay) to an "O"Visa for reason of marriage to a Thai National without having to leave Thailand. Awaiting the 1st Extension of Stay currently.
  12. Agreed. I attribute this as the result of overthrowing an elected government by military coup. Understand, this does not address if there were valid reasons for charges being brought but rather, the result of the use of a military coup as a means of dealing with an elected government. Yep, one can infer that I think this same thinking can/will be applied to the military coup overthrowing the Yingluck elected government. Bottom line ... up to Thai citizens ... I am just an interested expat retiree residing in Thailand.
  13. Agreed. US citizen, using the 65,000 per month brought into Thailand Immigration Requirement for the "O" Visa for reason of retirement. As Thailand is my only global resident country, I am and will continue to follow this issue. However, my American Tax filing company advises not to be concerned based on the sources of my retirement income in the USA and the tax treaty. I do note that US citizens are required to report their worldwide income for taxation to the US. Anyway, even transferring, usually 1 million baht, I will not spend any time in stress at this time. Having worked in US income tax system my entire adult life and consulting the Master Tax Guide annually, it is amazing to me that Thailand would try to deal with the American tax system ... it is akin to herding cats with so many variables and to think the individual will be responsible for conforming with the complexities? Non-starter ... as free individuals, most retirees can go elsewhere if the worse happens.
  14. Tore the cartridge in both knees half a lifetime ago, now the hips flare up on occasion, so not a steady issue. I'm thinking arthritis at age 70s. So, when a flare up comes on I take the little blue pill ... 555 no, not that little blue pill ... rather "Aleve".
  15. Different strokes for different folks. I have ne reason not to wish those leaving well in their lives.
  16. Blame it on my American upbringing … raised in Christian ideals, aging Eagle Scout, educated in history. Comprehension of the plight of others is not a bad thing.
  17. I agree that laws need enforcement. I also observe that both houses of Congress areee that enabling legislation is need due to the existing law being inadequate.
  18. I encourage the Google search … Chiang Mai cheese factory. I haven’t tried their cheeses so cannot give a critique but it might be educational to visit.
  19. No, I am questioning the citation of Fox as a creditable news source. Or were they not cited in a court case they lost?
  20. Begs for the challenge of citing a creditable source at a time of record hiring, low unemployed, reports of not being able to find workers?
  21. Certainly, immigration policy is a bit more complicated when looking at things broadly rather than as a yes/no, right/wrong issue.
  22. Yah, right. I have studied some history. In so doing compare the population now and then. Take a look at earlier mass immigration ... result of 1848 Revolutions in Europe, the mass immigration from SE Mediterranean resulting in anti-immigration action (they were Catholic after all). Certainly we have seen the largest membership in the KKK in the 1920s in response to new post WW I immigration, Catholic immigration and returning Black Soldiers having fought and coming home "upity" as they had experienced better treatment in Europe. It was a different time with different immigration pressures. Right now those coming are not just from Latin America. They are part of a global refugee movement (ask Europeans). Middle East, China, Russia, Senegal ... fleeing war, poverty, domestic political repression and seeking a better secure economic life. Too bad the Republican Party Congressional representatives chose to ignore the Senate Bipartisan Bill. That all said, I figure we both recognize there is, in fact, an immigration system issue as a result of both parties having "kicked the can down the road" for decades. What is now taking place is a result of the failure of Congress to pass needed legislation.
  23. Citation of Fox News as a creditable source for fact?
  24. Allowing that all could go South, thus far the sustainable balance is continuing to work. Retirement funds are required to withdraw about $16,000.00 a year as Required Minimum Distribution. US Social Security at $1570.00 a month this year. So, my sustainable monthly budget stands at $2400.00 a month. Tough to live a working middle class retirement of that amount in the USA, so I joined millions of other Americans retiring to a lower cost country. So far, after 13 years, so good!
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