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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Hope the guy push to hitting the ground brings charges and that both these guys are deported as persona non grata. Geez, I'm thinking a stomach punch would find one's forearm disappearing in the fat.
  2. I have used the 65K baht transferred from abroad into my Bangkok bank Act. since retiring in Chiang Mai in 2011. As an American no longer able to use a statement from the Embassy. I have never been asked the source of my USA funds (retirement, SS, rent income, etc.).
  3. The song “City of New Orleans”.
  4. Sorry, Mike, I was responding with my perspective to the post not quoting. After reading the US tax treaty I do not think, and my tax filer here in Thailand confirms, currently at least, my income is not taxable by Thailand. But as the Zen Master said ... "we'll see" - credit for the line goes to the movie, "Charlie Wilson's War".
  5. Not consistent with the Alabama Supreme Court ruling and now the Arizona Court ruling. Is a genetic flaw calling for a non-viable birth the subject of being a "disease"? I am not up on the various European nations individual abortion laws. I certainly would be focusing on whether their exceptions are in line with your thinking.
  6. Appears to me that as my deductions, exemptions would affect sable income, Thailand might have some interest.
  7. Sorry? What post did I quote?
  8. Don't watch CNN so cannot comment on that rant. As far as the rest ... so far off base as to be irrelevant.
  9. The topic? Fox News as a reputable source.
  10. If I had the money, living here in Chiang Mai, I would certainly be vacating the polluted air at this time.
  11. Many in the working middle class in western nations are being outpaced in their own countries and seeking retirement in lower cost countries. I am one of those "economic refugees".
  12. Nope. Continuing with the sustainable $2200 USD transfer monthly and enjoying the 36+ baht exchange rate.
  13. Agreed. Added compensation for having Thai Wife, have her sign in.
  14. As to your last paragraph ... I am thankful for this attribute found in Thai society. Why? Because as a Western male having been raised with the "Puritan Ethic", I found, upon retiring that Thailand provided a large selection of cute girls quite willing to view me as quite the desirable fellow ... 3 long term "permanent" relationships in the USA previously, but here ... happy camper.
  15. Ha! Yes, I have oft felt a slacker after reading here in reflecting a total lifetime count of 24. One half of those were/are wonderful Thai girls in my 13 years here (now retired from the chase ... quite happy with my Thai Wife).
  16. Without any knowledge that this will be the case, I agree with you. Might be faulty reasoning but I think leaning on those supporting Thai families would not go over well with the Thai families. Would the Thai government want to threaten my Wife and Stepdaughter's wellbeing ... I don't think they will want to get her fighting mad.
  17. Ah, no ... it is not. Readily available documents demonstrate the varied and many needed medically determined visions to be made. By the medical circumstances and the woman involved not by any mandatory, artificial calendar limit. More important is the question of "American citizen Rights" not subject to individual states. Sorry, I am a student of history ... soon states allowing slavery? Jim Crow /laws" segregation by race or sex? Let us regress to literacy tests for voting ... hmm, wait ... I might support this if applied equally to all ...
  18. What is so bad about letting the woman and her medical advisers make a decision that is hers? The power over personal medical decisions, belongs to the individual not me ... nor you.
  19. Yes, Now ... previously? " "Trump’s video is a departure from comments he’s made on the campaign trail that he would support a 16-week nationwide ban. The shift in his policy platform less than seven months before Election Day could be viewed as an effort by Trump to appeal to centrist Republicans and swing voters, especially women, as Democrats have sought to rally supporters behind reproductive rights." - the Nevada Current
  20. Sorry, but as an American, while I have definite thoughts ... no, not a topic for Asean Now.
  21. So, enforcement of the law is dependent on the Defendant's threats? Just asking the question. For this American, a citizen Grand Jury found enough evidence presented to warrant a trial ... so be it, no matter the threats of the Defendant nor of his supporters who are supporting him due to his giving voice to the justified frustrations/anger ... wrong individual to follow.
  22. I am all in favor of the sharing of varied technologies. As an American, I enjoy world class healthcare here in Chiang Mai at a fraction of the cost and certainly support the USA developing a national healthcare program, such as those provided for all developed nations ... and including Thailand .... Medicare for all ... starting with Medicare, Medicaid, all Federal and State government workers, military. Ridiculous to continue with such an inefficient, highest costs in the world lack of a "system".
  23. Agreed. Not wanting to cause loss of face, humor goes a long way. At a tourist area recently. They were advertising massage prices. Many workers not much business. When approached, I joked a bit in Thai saying I was retired and my Daughter and I were not tourists but lived in a Thai city up North where I paid 50 baht less for an hour foot massage. The counter offer was for the 200 baht an hour I was used to paying for each of us. On leaving each were tipped 50 baht.
  24. I needed to bring in $10,000 USD for a home downpayment. Issues. Worked around by using two $5,000 transfers.
  25. Certainly logical. You increase the number of Visa Exempt coming in and the numbers go up across the board ... spending? Yes but also the nare do wells.
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