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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. I have always been amused? at folks drinking = aggressive. Joked with the girls about my wine drinking ... 1st glass = relaxed. 2nd glass = Hmm, amorous. 3rd glass = they are safe again as I will fall asleep. Obviously a light weight!
  2. Same, same but different. I had used Wise for over a decade. Authorized them, once a month, to withdraw $2200 USD from my USA bank and they transferred it directly into my Bangkok Bank Acct. No worries. Last month ... nope. After going round and round, here was the problem. Wise began using "Plaid", evidently an intermediary company to withdraw my USA bank funds. Seems my USA bank did not allow "Plaid" to withdraw funds (Plaid does not list my USA bank as a partner bank). End of Wise relationship ... did a Wire Transfer (my USA bank does not charge), directly into my BKK Bank Acct. (comes in as FTT). Ordered in eve USA Eastern time, arrived in the next morning BKK time. Cost? BKK Bank charges 200 baht + they do not give as good an exchange rate as Wise. Still under $20.00 fUSDor my monthly transfer.
  3. I recognize this is for Brits to deal with as I am a Yank. I would point out that, while I am in Thailand at my own volition, I cannot afford to be retired in the USA. OK, at least with a working middle class level, whereas I can here in Thailand. I am thinking there are many others, including Brits in the same boat, unable to afford costs in there homeland. Thank you for providing the history.
  4. I recognize this is for Brits to deal with as I am a Yank. I would point out that, while I am in Thailand at my own volition, I cannot afford to be retired in the USA. OK, at least with a working middle class level, whereas I can here in Thailand. I am thinking there are many others, including Brits in the same boat, unable to afford costs in there homeland.
  5. I agree, Walker. My thoughts, however, also reflect on where that hate and rejection of the American system stems from. I suspect that those of us who want to see Trump and his ilk rejected, are also open to recognizing serious issues within our system. I am thinking that if a substantial number of citizens believe or can be so easily convinced on the basis of evident shortcomings that the system is failing to address their needs ... well, that therein lies the problem. Oh, I do not agree that all is lost, but I do have to recognize the serious faults ... politicians reliant on money to get elected being influenced in the passing of legislation, a justice system where having money to pay the "dream team of lawyers vs the public defender, 50 states different education systems reliant on money from property taxes resulting in a deep divide between rich/poor communities. An immigration system and Social Security system that has seen both major political parties "kick the can down the road" resulting in ateetering future.There is a lot of systematic changes that must be made if we are to prevent collapse.
  6. I respect your call. It is a bit of irony as a critical piece of this case is dealing with the coverup of dealing with a porn star ... so porn comments are more difficult to parse, I would think.
  7. Agree, Tug ... Then again, hmm, I did want to see a knock down election outcome where (I had hoped) the vast majority of American citizen voters would have soundly rejected him and his ilk. This and the retention of "secure" documents, section interference may well allow enough "wiggle room" for many of those Republicans running for office to rewrite their stories before the election (I'm thinking, for example, those who appeared at the trial in his defense).
  8. I'm thinking, not trapped ... an illogical choice ...
  9. Appears to me that there was just reasoning that Buddha taught the "middle way". Here we see the result of seeking too much in the way of Thailand tourism self aggrandizement. the key for Thailand's natural attributes in the tourism, retirement and medical care realms is sustainability. The potential is there if supporting policies are put in place ... right ...
  10. Thank you. The idea that all parents are as capable to teach flies in the face of reality. OK, I am rather prejudiced but based on 41 years teaching at the US middle school, high school and college undergraduate levels.
  11. While not an international tax attorney, if I read Articles 20 & 21 of the USA-Kingdom of Thailand Tax Treaty correctly, my solely USA retirement income from government sources is exempt. I am thinking I will wait for the Thai government to come to get me ... and they can deal with my Thai Wife and Stepdaughter. Ha!
  12. This is a great example of the political misuse of that law. Ironically, it is the misuse that, in itself, reflects poorly on the Kingdom of Thailand.
  13. Just checked using my MacBook Air and Safari without VPN. No issue, opened immediately.
  14. Awaiting invitation for Permanent Residency status as a retiree over 10 years in the Kingdom of Thailand and married to a Thai citizen. Right ... not holding my breadth.
  15. Exercises to strengthen back muscles on either side of the spine might help. At age 77, I'm getting Arthritis flare ups, walking actually helps my lower back ... but the hips can be a pain (literally).
  16. Which of the 94 counts in the citizen Grand Jury indictments do you think is wrongly decided by the citizen Grand Jury? (really just a rhetorical question). We will see what the citizen Jury Trials decisions will be. guess it boils down to if we trust other American citizens to weigh the evidence and decide if the charges are proven or not. Personally, I still hold out hope in the majority of my fellow citizens ... thus I hope to be in the decided majority in the November Presidential election.
  17. I understand this to be generally true, however, as a student of history there are so many things I have learned in my studies long ago that I have forgotten. For example, only bits and pieces remain of the languages ... German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Czech. Still handy in the pub to order red wine in those languages and flirt a bit with the waitress so she will remember to bring the drinks. Ha!
  18. While I oft use the "Dry" setting, I have not done a monthlong comparison ... and month to month, weather varies so not worth my spending time on, in all honesty. I have relied on reading only.
  19. Jai yen, yen, Lou. There is no reason for you to take offense. I was giving my own opinion based on my background reading on Thailand culture. I do not represent myself as a Thai lawyer nor expert on the subject matter.
  20. I use my Capital One (Visa) at my Honda Car Dealer here in Chiang Mai exclusively without issue.
  21. One could only hope. That said, if then the Democrats do not move forcibly to address the issues most affecting the working middle class, I am all for looking to a different political system (perhaps more akin to the European Parliamentary system or a real 3rd party growth).
  22. I have not read through all the replies so, apologies if you have it fixed. OK, you did the test (and I assume reset the circuit breaker on the lower left of the water heater pictured). Next I would go and reset the house circuit breaker covering the bath. After that, I would turn off the house bath circuit and take (if here in Chiang Mai) to Amorn for testing and repair. Well, those are the steps I would take in order and I wish you luck.
  23. 77 years old, previously torn cartilage and arthroscopy surgery on one knee. It seems the arthritis "flares" at times but mostly not a bother. When the pain occasionally "flares" I pop a little blue pill ... no, not that little blue pill! ... I am speaking of Advil. Works for me.
  24. I recently used the 1888 908 3833 number quite a bit calling over Skype trying to figure out why I could no longer have Wise withdraw my $2200.00 a month from my Fidelity Investments Cash Account and transfer it into my Bangkok Bank Account. This had worked well for over a decade. Seems that Wise is now using "Plaid" as an intermediary somehow. Look at the Wise website and you will see Schwab, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc. are listed ... but not Fidelity. Finally got to talk to a Wise Rep. who found that Fidelity does not allow for "Plaid" to make the withdrawals. End of my relationship with Wise, sadly. Dropped back and now using Wire Transfer from Fidelity direct to my Bangkok Bank Account in Thailand. how does it shake out? Still less than $20.00 to do a transfer.
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