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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Agreed, Trump has not yet been found "guilty". But then, I give some credence to having citizen based Grand Juries and citizen based Trial Juries coming to a definitive decision. What does Las Vegas odds makers say about Trump being found "not guilty" on all counts?
  2. Agreed, sold all "real property" in Kentucky. The only remaining tie is my voting there and family (OK, as well as, concerns for those I knew there. If forced to leave Thailand, I would look for another lower cost country as I cannot afford to live in retirement in the USA on my sustainable $2400.00 a month budget ($1570 of that from SS in 2024.
  3. A couple of thoughts came to my mind. 1. Oops. Charging her for working internet media has potential implications for many doing internet work here. 2. I'm thinking she should be charged with defaming (causing loss of face) of all the businesses in Nana ... I do think she needs to learn about Thai ways. She walked directly into Thai cultural differences. Not that "the game" is not on in the Peoples Republic of China from my experience during my two trips there.
  4. Agree, in theory but ... the final say appears to be the IO you are standing in front of at the local office and the results to the same situation varies according to the office and the officer, at the particular day, particular hour ...
  5. What we do is, my Thai Wife registers at any nights away from Chiang Mai. No record of my being away from home. Returning from trip out of the country, I refile. Currently I am faced with changing address due to moving to a new home.
  6. Although not limited to Asian countries. We have abandoned democratic reform efforts for a long time.
  7. No simple solution. Separate bills still does not present us with a comprehensive overhaul of US immigration policies and the Republicans will not agree to further aid to Ukraine … they will ride the “taxpayers money going to aid foreigners when further tax cuts are needed for Americans” (without noting the target of any tax cuts circa 2017.
  8. Again, I see we agree. I certainly support the needed military and humanitarian assistance. That said, a serious Congressional overhaul of immigration policies is long overdue. Sadly, I am not seeing any serious addressing of the issue that both parties have kicked down the road for decades.
  9. Started visiting Thailand in 2009, 2010 and retired here in 2011. I was like a fat boy in a candy shop. not so many but a noticeable increase from living in a puritan influenced country (yea, USA). Really used condoms unless the girl insisted. Joking ... I guess they were viegins or telling the truth when they said they did not normally do this. ha! Safe sex after 2013 as I was with a gF for 4 years and have now been married (different girl) for the last 6 years. I do count myself fortunate in never encountered and STDs.
  10. Yo! Not so fast, my wife weighed 37 kilos when we met, she has gone all the way up to 41 kilos. At 50 years of age and in reflection of my own weight gain, I certainly cannot complain.
  11. Agreed.I switched from the O-A from the Royal Thai Consulate with extensions for 12 years, to an "O" Visa based on Thai Spouse this last year. I continue to transfer the 65,000 baht per month as that is what we spend anyway. Just ditched the useless (in my case) health insurance requirement. $2500.00 USD per month might well cause me problems, my sustainable monthly transfer is $2200.00.
  12. As the Zen Master said, “we’ll see” (tip of the hat to the movie, “Charlie Wilson’s War”. I welcome this showdown. I want to know if I have a country which I can believe in and defend (defend the ideals, certainly not always the actions).
  13. And the drugs or their precursors flowing through Myanmar are originating from where?
  14. NSA, and in the Southern states, biscuit with gravy!
  15. Agreed. The stress is a killer. I firmly believe a contributing cause to my need for 5 by-passes in 2005. Don’t kid yourself thinking an academic life is stress free. The internal politics are the main cause of stress.
  16. Hmm, have to admit, not pertinent to me. I have quit breathing due to anesthesia one time 1970s (told them I was a “soft touch). Then heart attack during open heart surgery in 2005. Additional heart attack here in Chiang Mai in 2015. “Borrowed time”? … I am just living in the moment and enjoying my live. I did decide to retire in 2011 at age 64 1/2 (academic year calendar played a part).
  17. Sad but not to be unexpected. I am saddened for my Brit Cousins, their government already penalizing them for seeking a working middle class retirement in a lower cost country by not giving them the same pension cost adjustment as those who have stayed in the UK. Fortunately, my SS adjustment goes up along with all other retirees who have paid into the system their entire working life … but I am a Yank (don’t tell the Republicans or they will try to follow the Brit model). Bottom line for both countries (and other western nations) is that they have outpriced their own citizens from retirement in their own countries. When judging the western “capitalist” model versus the Scandinavian more balanced model … well it does give one pause to reflect. Yet another subject for “outsourcing”, send your elderly to lower cost countries. It is working for me her in Thailand.
  18. Not my reading of Thailand in WW II. Thailand did declare war, for example, on Britain. That is why the Brits wanted to treat Thailand as an enemy combatant after the war. The failure to deliver the declaration dealt with the USA. That is why the USA did not want Thailand treated as an enemy combatant after the war. other interests played into this. The "Free Thai" forces worked with the Allies during the war. Thailand played off western powers during the colonial era to maintain its independence. France in Indochina and England in Burma. And now? China versus the USA, trying to maintain balance will not be easy as we see the struggle coming out in authoritarian model versus a more democratic model.
  19. I think the retirement extension requires health insurance if on “O-A” Visa. That is why I switched to marriage while remaining in Thailand (did no have to exit and apply for a new “O” Visa to avoid health insurance requirement).
  20. Wonder if my old USA “Forever” stamps are worth? Ha!
  21. Only with the MAGA crowd. 2020 the electorate rejected. Now add in abortion, Obamacare, Social Security, etc. Go fo it Republicans! Frankly if you can win with Trump as your nominee (which I hope for) then I have no country.
  22. My advice … not to worry if you are in the same boat as me. Not indigent (at least in my modest thinking. Retired to a Thailand in large measure to be able to afford a working middle class retirement unavailable to me in the USA. About half from SS (sadly rather low considering my teaching 41 years), a little less than half from long term retirement (no, not a pension as such, just fully vested funds). My thinking is that there will be: 1. court challenges here in Thailand, 2. court cases by those with far greater financial means than I fighting tooth and nail not to be double taxed, 3. several countries with Tax Treaties making sure those international agreements are honored. Sooo, currently? Jai yen, yen … The sky is not falling …
  23. One the one hand, I am sorely disappointed with the Dutch. Historically, they have documented their toleration of those with differing beliefs. They certainly welcomed my Quaker forbears and the English dissidents who came to the British colonies (I acknowledge their own interests were involved). On the other hand, I understand, as a student of history, the reaction across Europe (and the continuing anti-immigrate reaction in the USA), to the influx of those not holding European nations national outlooks. There is the current issue … of course no one wants to deal with the underlying cause of the immigration influx … it takes far too much effort (thought and action).
  24. Nor the aircraft maker, model and investigative reporting on the maintenance schedule ….
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