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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. If you made it to retirement and you were not aware of how much life cost? I think your comment pissing it away their entire lives is showing a telltale sign
  2. Unless you came from a ghetto one trip around London will prove everyone is not frugal Unless you drive around with your eyes closed and no, you are not living like a King Do a little research on that last topic
  3. What percentage of the entire population work 3 jobs? Try presenting facts and not your hysteria
  4. Do I really care whose name it is in? I have a cushy house in the west and her name is on that as well, so what is the point. You must be a spiteful person to point out the obvious
  5. Why is it every single poster knows 2 people out of an entire population and tries to characterize that as the norm?
  6. Try 200 baht a day where we live in Isaan You think every area pays the exact same?
  7. You must not understand Thailand very well. Issan is not materialistic at all.
  8. And how in the world does Thailand know you are working and how much you are earning?
  9. I am sure you are aware there are ton of self proclaimed millionaires on TV. Overweight western women but no mentioned of all the fit, model like women? Because you can't get anything but the overweight ones, that is why they stand out in your comment. Pretty sure if you have millions, you wouldn't be trying to run a business in Thailand unless your name is Minor
  10. You obviously have no clue how to invest safely Always up to the investor to do due diligence and if you do not have the educational background to understand what you are investing in, Caveat Emptor
  11. This is the same guy that posted first time business owner in Thailand post. He has been in Thailand for 2 months only
  12. For someone that never owned a business: If a dish sells for 60 baht, what is the cost to make that dish for the ingredients, cooking oil etc. 6o baht, minus the cost of the dish, lets say 30 baht cost, leaves you with 30 baht profit Same thing with drinks however, many drink water these days Add up all your monthly bills. Rent, electric bill, water bill, trash bill, licensing, salaries for 4 Thais and any other fees Divide that total cost by 30 (profit for 1 meal). This will be the amount of meals every month you will need to sell just to break even. Divide that number of meals by the number of days you will stay open per month (20? 30?) This will give you the average number of customers you will need, every single day you are open just to break even. When you actually do a business plan and not just dreaming about being a business owner, you can prove if the business is viable or not. Often it is impossible to get the daily number of customers you need to be successful and to make a salary for yourself Another thing is restaurants compete with local street food vendors for the same customers. If the street food vendor is selling for 30 to 40 baht per dish and your same dish is 60 baht, guess what? Thai food is something any Thai can do. Remember that.
  13. Pretty sure the majority are not living in poverty and people planned the cost for their retirement Those in Thailand living on 30,000 baht a month obviously never planned Their own fault They had their entire lives to plan for it
  14. Any idea what the concept of marriage is? Some people actually love the person they are married to and want to spend time and share everything in life with her I guess if you are on a date with someone that is whining, you didn't do a very job of vetting that person
  15. What age were you when you realized your pension was only going to be 35,000 baht a month. If you were planning to spend your golden years with that paltry amount, that is all on you
  16. What age were you when you realized your pension was only going to be 35,000 baht a month. If you were planning to spend your golden years with that paltry amount, that is all on you
  17. Mike how does a guy make it to age 50+ and still is single? That doesn't say much about the man. Everyone you know is single, perhaps your quality of friends is pretty low or there is something wrong with the lot of them to still be single after age 50 You are with a 36 year old woman for the same reason everyone else is here. Woman for the most part are desparate. Women accept fat, old men as a trade off for a better life where as per your claim men cannot accept old and fat in their own country Ask yourself would you even be in Thailand, if Thai women hated ALL foreigners and you couldn't get a 36 year old? Sure younger age, lesser means, lessor education, lessor everything These women were not lonely before you came along There are millions of men in the countries you mention have lives you could never dream of in Thailand You are in Thailand because you are of limited financial means. No more, no less. You have mentioned 100 times you would live in the US if you had millions, but you don't I seriously do not dream of your life in Thailand as a dream life. I have 26 rai and a giant house, cars, etc. I see my life as a compromise to where my wife wants to live. I still have a wonderful place, all paid for, in the US. Pretty sure that life is more of a dream than here.
  18. Poppycock. You are responsible to protect yourself
  19. Sure, that is true in your well known situation
  20. I understood it perfectly. You pay to walk way. Why go there in the first place?
  21. True statement, however, all men had the choice of who they wanted their partner to be.
  22. Luxury retirement guarantee? Come on man. Do you think a Doctor and someone working as a laborer should be guaranteed the same retirement? At some point in their lives, people should wise up to the fact if they are working menial jobs, they will won't have much to retire on. But from comments on this post, some people worked their entire lives and never realized that.
  23. How do the tens of millions of other retired folks survive in the UK?
  24. Snakes are a way of life on the rice farm Just hopefully avoid them if the best you can hope for
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