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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. You need to go on google and dig out a map. Then check the total amount of area in ALL of Isaan that is rural poor That might teach you a thing or two about Isaan Unbelievable how you will argue and argue and argue with no facts or knowledge at all? Have you ever driven from Chaiyaphum to Nong Kai? Miles and miles and miles of nothing but empty land. PS Banks loans money expecting repayment. Collateral is the security is case of default on the loan. The banks are not in the business of real estate (selling land) They want to make interest on their loans and expect repayment. If you cannot show them an avenue for repayment, then won't loan you anything strictly on the basis of collateral. No more silly questions. Facts are facts and you are the one that needs to accept they have no idea what they are talking about. Results showed that 70% of the households sampled in the study area were poor, and nearly half of their income generated was from farming. List of Thai provinces by GPP - Wikipedia This list (2022) is NOT showing any area in Isaan making above 9,961 baht
  2. Hard to run out of the 7/11 when the nearest one is 38KM away
  3. Sorry you are not more educated than me, if you have any education at all? You don't get a bank mortgage without the ability (income) to pay it back. If you don't know that, go back to first grade. Need money to buy a prepaid phone card. Money, money, money. Not every household has access to a car, that is just an outright lie. You get seed money from your employer when you are manually cutting rice in the fields for 200 baht per day? Totally uneducated BS comment. No one would loan these people 5 baht. No one married to a farang any one near my area, no one working in Korea either. More of your BS. You simply have no idea how it works do you? All you self-educated BS'ers, please do not invade this peaceful existance in rural Isaan. There is no one here (no farangs) to listen to your BS stories, no income, no jobs, stores, restaurants. That is just a fact of life here. Stop spinning your fables, it makes you look foolish.
  4. You mean toilet like this? Once again you are generalizing what you think you know, which is just not the truth. Get out into the very rural Isaan and you will see housing hasn't changed in these areas 38 km to nearest 7/11 You will still see entire villages like this
  5. How in the world do people on this forum keep generalizing, with no facts? I can tell you for certain, the girls in my village know who has the money. Pretty easy to tell in Isaan for those that have a western house, new car, land, etc
  6. My thoughts exactly!
  7. How many Pro's and freelancers do you know in Isaan?
  8. Rising costs are a fact of life and Thailand is starting to learn that. Between the planting costs and the rice mafia, we don't really make anything farming. Lots of rice for the extended family, however, I foot the planting cost for them every year
  9. Anyone that states that have experience because they dated 1 or 2 of each is full of it. There is no way a person can generalize two entire populations of women with such a small sample. I seriously wonder about these folks that thinks they are an expert on women after dating 1 or 2?
  10. From what i have seen, the larger factor is whether or not the husband makes a good husband and has an understanding and acceptance of the culture.. Bravo!
  11. Everyone continues to grow older, while the country continues to go backwards. 2 more years of nothing to look forward to.
  12. Until the company got sued or the worker comes back and shoots the place up. Violence only increases the chances of more violence.
  13. It has never made any student change their ways. Still have tech school students killing each other every chance they get.
  14. Does TV actually address technical issues and acknowledge?
  15. Buriram the city is big, all the surrounding villages outside the city are very small. Both locations are Buriram.
  16. Students having to bow down, below the teacher. That says it all right there. Thai education has not advanced one bit in the past 40 years. Blame that on the quality of the teachers, expecting extreme obedience and superiority instead of education. Kids are too fearful to express themselves or to think for themselves.
  17. Please tell me exactly how many jobs you see here in that area outside of the city itself (aug 2022)?
  18. Have to agree with your comment
  19. Here is the electric box in one of my relatives house, near that area. Basically runs some extension cords, No appliances or TV No running water either
  20. That is an average spend of 50,000 baht per each of the 150,000 potentional tourists I call complete BS on this.
  21. How do you pay a smart phone bill every month with no income? How do you get to the city and get a job and a place to live when you start out with no money and no transportation? What jobs do you get in the city when you have limited education and no skills? Funny these people own the land and the house. Not one car, motorbike, washing machine or piece of furniture. Still cooking with fire. Still cutting rice by hand. Everyone in this village is the same way. Shows how absolutely little you know about rural Isaan. Owning land does not make a person well off? How does owning land make you well off? Can you spend land at 7/11? Land is not cash in case you haven't figured it out yet. And it is never worth anything until the day you do sell and turn it into cash. You are just another one of the ridiculous, spouting off with no idea how things really work. Stay in your own lane, you won't look so obviously uneducated.
  22. I never wife hunted in Pattaya. Get your story straight
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