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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. Are you taking that Condo with you to heaven? So who cares whose name it is in?
  2. No, sorry. Smart is not an adjective I would use to define Thai girls
  3. Apparently Thailand is unaware of the personal financial crisis affecting potential tourists from many first world countries. Recession, recession, recession is hitting folks right where it hurts the most
  4. I noticed you too posted one example, not 10?
  5. I surely don't take any financial information from a 1 year graduate in Anthropology. Deny what you want Mike.
  6. You are lucky to still have the photo!
  7. My younger brother has been married to his highschool girlfriend for 45 years Doesn't sound like much of a folly to me
  8. You are also a common denonimator in your marriages NOT working Perhaps you need to evaluate your OWN choices better?
  9. How can you learn anything from people on a forum you don't even know? Did you consult them or do you consult them before every relationship? My god man, you are a grown man, you should have learned all you needed to learn on your own by now.
  10. You seem hellbent on contract for some strange, odd reason. I guess you don't want your partner to have any benefits a contract could offer her, like dual citizenship, inheriting finances/benefits, so in the event of your demise, YOUR kid could move west and get a first class education. Who is going to look after that kid after you die? Not looking out for anyone's well being except yourself. Then men wonder why this selfish behavior crators into divorce. Contract meaning you fear losing some worthless piece of land that isn't even in your own name, has squat for appreciation and will be near impossible to resell and cash in, no matter what happens with your relationship Your phobia of loosing has you incapable of winning
  11. Well the response is from all the folks that got divorced, what exactly did you expect? Now if you read a post that had 20 answers that stated to go jump off the roof, would you believe it and do it? Don't talk yourself into everything you read here. Sometimes in life people fall victim to their own ignorance and marriage is no exception. How can you continue to tell stories and listen to others, when the ONLY person that had a say in the matter of choosing their partner was YOU, yourself? You have to have at least one ounce of common sense. What in this world lasts forever? Did your very first love last forever? Did your first car last forever? Did your first anything last forever? It has been said 10,000,000 times, if you move to Thailand, only invest what you can afford to walk away from. Did anyone listen to this advice or do YOU listen to all the crybabies that did NOT take that advice and lost it all? If you are a fat, wrinkling, old, bald, foul mouthed foreigner, do you really believe that 20 year old beauty is in love with you and will be forever? There is a darn good reason while in most of the civilized, educated world, 70 year olds do NOT pickup 20 year olds. But once men move to Thailand, they start thinking with the wrong head. If man cannot tell the difference between love and being a ATM, it is his own fault If you are outsmarted by some low educated Thai girl it is your own fault If it is too good to be true and you fall for it, it is your own fault The common denominator of all of these scenerios is it is the MAN'S OWN FAULT. He chose, he made his own decision. Can only blame himself. Move across the world and get played, yeh, sure, that is showing a hell of a lot of intelligence
  12. You seem to live your entire life on negative stories? Why is that? Is she told him to FO after marriage, well he was probably thinking with his willy and chose the wrong partner Anyone buying property and being told to FO and getting played by a Thai woman, absolutely deserves it for being that stupid.
  13. Maybe cloud your mind is what you need instead of all the I know a guy doomsday scenerios you are letting affect your personal life Cannabis is cheaper than a psychologist
  14. Reinforces your commitment to NOT walk away when something goes wrong Very well said
  15. You already answered your own question. Who knows anything at all in the next 50 years? Anything? Things could also go 100% right and be together the next 50 years. If every thought and post you make is a doomsday, bad news scenerio, what do you expect? Do you sit around all day worrying "What If" something goes wrong? My god man, maybe legal cannabis is the answer for your woes
  16. We all get old and die, so who cares who owns the property? As long as you are together with someone you want to be with, are cared for and happy, who really cares? I never understand folks that think having their name on anything in Thailand is more important than life itself?
  17. This forum is full of 10,000 stories of someone else's life that just happens to fit their own narrative. Everyone knows or has met someone that fits their narrative. I know folks that have been married for 40 years, I know folks that are divorced. Do I know why they got married in the first place? Do I claim to have intimate details? Of course not, that is just foolish. "As far as you can see" are not the facts unless you were in their house 24/7 keeping an eye on them. You only saw what they let you see and even then will never know the real story. You know one side told to you by him, her friends might have a completely different story what happened If you have spent your life learning from 1 couples hearsay that failed, I feel sorry for you.
  18. What happens if the woman gets married and has a kid and the man dumps her and walks away for someone else? You can't "What if" narratives that agree only with you. People have a 50/50 chance to choose each other. Some make it forever, some don't make it all. Perhaps you should start asking the people that make it forever?
  19. What in life is guaranteed except death? There is also NO guarantee neither of you will change and you will still be happily together till death do you both part.
  20. It not a cultural thing, it is a juvenile gang mentality kind of thing.
  21. Good on you, to think of them in your plans when you are no longer here.
  22. Some men will do the right thing for their families, some men will think they are doing the right thing for themselves. Either avenue will elicit negative responses from the other side. Those that always do the right thing for themselves, will never understand those that do the right thing for their families.
  23. Very good question for those familiar with the Florida condo collapse.
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