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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. It is hard to get hired in a normal job with limited education and zero skill
  2. Misguided view 100%. Do you pay prostitutes for no sex, simply so they can walk away and you get nothing? Why have sex if you claim IT IS NOT FOR THE SEX ACT? Foolish!
  3. How is it a person can work their entire life and get to retirement with nothing left to support themselves in their own country?
  4. Steep hills present a challenge to you?
  5. Visiting and living in Thailand is a completely different ballgame
  6. You never know which government will be in charge at that point? Of course things can change. My concern is have a PM elected that doesn't want any farangs here. Always a concern. Never trust Thailand
  7. You know, you can get run over on a larger bike just as easy as you can a smaller bike. There is no road logic here in Thailand and trying to justify there is, well that is just plain senseless. You might meet your maker sooner in Thailand, no matter what size bike you ride, than in other first world countries.
  8. Buy 26 rai in Isaan. We have no issues and rarely ever see a dog. Snakes yes. Dogs no.
  9. Mike, Mike, Mike How is it you ended up at your age and cannot even afford to stay in your own country? Please tell us?
  10. The answer is a simple one. Not that many men are that desparate, cannot afford to live in their own country, and have to pay for sex.
  11. I know 100's in Isaan that would love to have a job out of the fields If you are going bankrupt because of a few extra Thai workers, at their pathetically small salary, your business is not very sound or else you are just barely making it. Let's see 6 Thai workers at 10,000 baht a month. That is 60,000 baht a month (around US $2000 a month). If you cannot afford that, what are you doing in business?
  12. 500 baht a month for lunch is peanuts. They cannot even buy anything for that price. Work environment is NOT condusive to their happiness. That is on you. Uneducated Thai's would not understand protocol to give 2 week notice as Thailand is not the west. If you are continually working your workers overtime, you have not budgeted your work force correctly
  13. It is sad human life becomes an inconvience for the rich and powerful in Thailand
  14. Business owners don't have a history of Education Visa's
  15. I own a house in the west that has appreciated US $400,000 in the past three years
  16. No need to notify anyone
  17. Must be an important minister residing in Pathumthani
  18. When you own 26 rai and a large western house, let me know. I will take the Bamboo any day compared to a condo or mooban with your neighbors an arm lengths away Not everything in Thailand is chasing bar girls and beer
  19. That is to make sure you get the image in your head that not everything in Thailand is a bed of roses
  20. If you are with the right person, everything is happy.
  21. The majority of the Thailand population lives in rural areas. If you have been around a while you would know that and accept it. You can't accept real Thai life
  22. Yes I am critical of the Thai education system Do you see Thailand producing any of their own world class cars? Space Program? Trains, planes or anything else? Or do you see Thailand being the factory slave labor for all the first would countries like Japan. Any idea why that is in 2022? When the Thai govt tells citizens to go out in the streets and squirt water guns in the air to combat air pollution, is that the sign of a good education system? Fake bomb scanners? AirShips balloons that cost $740,000,000 dollars that never flew a mission? Submarines with no engines? Armored personnel carriers with no engines? Yeh, hell of a good education on display. Ever ask yourself why the average starting salary for a Thai graduate is 15,000 baht a month? Do the math. Almost impossible to survive on that little amount. You see any college educated first world students working for $500 a month? You obviously don't get around much do you? You know how many uneducated people there are in rural Isaan? That were forced to drop out of school to work the fields for 200 to 300 baht a day? Do you know there are more people living outside the cities in Thailand than in the cities? You don't know jack about the real Thailand. Stay in the city where you belong. PS You think this little girl would rather be in school? This is the reality, not your western fantasy
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