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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Do they still need to do a 90 day report and file a tax return?
  2. They are all scumbagz!!!!!!
  3. Britain is a mentally ill nation
  4. My wife pays me to leave
  5. Just bought 2 business class tickets from Bangkok to Toronto. Less than 80,000 baht each with EVA. Cheap as chips.
  6. Flagged for removal by Trump. I swear to God, they are as dumb as lefties. There is no hope for USA. No wonder they are so scared of China, Russia and CANADA. https://apnews.com/article/dei-purge-images-pentagon-diversity-women-black-8efcfaec909954f4a24bad0d49c78074
  7. What is the best age to leave Thailand?
  8. Do you even lift
  9. Lest see how long the love lasts when Douggie cuts the electricity
  10. You can't trigger me because I most likely I genetally agree with your posts. Just not your degenerate Trump worshiping.
  11. You see.... I am with China on this. Canada started with tariffing China and their 100% ev car tariff just to suck up to USA was an imbecile move. Then tgat dumb Huawei arrest.... I HOPE they burm Turdo to the ground.
  12. Types like a coeard anter a small pie in the face
  13. Why can't lefties and righties simply admit when their respective prez is an idiot on the subject? If Ukraine is not a country, then 20% of the world map needs rearranging including my ex country of Yugoslavia where NATO got involved with their filthy hands. it's a known fact that Pattaya bargirls have more knowledge about geography and history than the average yank, lol
  14. I took many bullets. I was born in Yugoslavia and went through civil war. Also went through some NATO bombs. How many bullets did you take, coward?
  15. No. It takes money to support your children. Every single Western woman i was with including Serbians and Thai worked. So, i think when we kmow why you chose Thailand.
  16. No 30 year old independemt and educated woman stays with a 70 year old for free. How much are you really paying? How much was that house on family land? 😃
  17. You are not dating in Thailand you disillusioned dotard. You are paying to be touched.
  18. Wow....how special you are. Any of these women didn't require the payment upfront?
  19. it does. why are you in Canada if it's so bad?
  20. It is actually difficult to find a decent commission based job. A lot of my wife's friends who are good in sales got screwed when it actually came to paying the commission. If one is actually good in sales like my super duper wifey they would be much better off being self employed than to work on commission.
  21. How can one be so stupid to even contemplate writing such self absorbed drivel? https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/economy/40023474
  22. Aseannow posters who "invested" in Thailand.
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