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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. One woman ripped you off, the other gave you syphilis. I think I'll stick to my own advice. 🤣
  2. Poor low content comeback I have posted pictures on this forum of 20 year old girls (syphilis free) that I dated as well as pictures of my wife (face censored, of course). Most posters like yourself live in a fantasy land. Besides getting syphilis wasn't there a Filipina that skinned you alive? It's right here for people to read. Don't try to make yourself some kind of Alpha in Thailand. it's really pathetic.
  3. Speaking of insecurity here is a guy who would take a syphilis shot just to get laid.... IN THAILAND! And I have never been in my life as someone as old as 59. Projecting?
  4. Lol.... you literally started a thread whining about your non affectionate "girlfriend" That gave you syphilis
  5. Probably all over a Thai girl
  6. But I am not average.....I am far ABOVE AVERAGE
  7. Why does she need beer if you have a huge penis?
  8. NUMBER 4 - Don't try and control your woman with money. If someone comes along with more money, you will be out of the door.
  9. So many people come to this forum asking advice about their relationship gone sour. I thought about writing a book, but decided to share my vast knowledge on this forum instead. Yes, I had 2 divorces, 3 wives, but that is beside the point. So, here we go.... NUMBER 1 - She needs to have a FULL TIME job. No job gives her plenty of time to funk around on Tinder, TikTok, ThaiFriendly etc...., whine, complain, ask for money, criticize you on the phone with her friends and complain about her loso life in general. NUMBER 2 - No kids. If she has kids, she's out. I am supporting no single Thai woman whos Thai father gave all his problems to you - the stupid Farang, while he is enjoying life messing with women. No way, outta door. NUMBER 3 - The age difference must be close to reality. Some relationships may work, but most will not. If you want to play with younger chicks you should just stay single and pay. Most people who hook up with young women long term don't even speak Thai and have no clue what her and her friends are talking behind his back. I wish you all luck in finding someone love you true.
  10. So, she is 22 years younger and you somehow expect to be on the same emotional level? She obviously thinks every day she is missing out on life by being with you. The BIG indicator of this is that she was unable to adjust and wanted to come back home to father Thailand. And being lazy is no excuse. I am actually a maid in the house, but wife works full time earning decent living. If she wasn't working and she was lazy, she would be out of the door. Nothing worse than lazy women.
  11. It became a cheeseburger and pizza thread. love it.
  12. Yes, all conspiracy theories are fake news and that's why Julian Assange spent over a decade hiding and locked up. Also Team America World Police is a documentary.
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