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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. Only a matter of time before visa runs are thing of the past. Pretty smart of Thailand. Introduce unlimited border runs - remove the ability to do border runs.
  2. This thread is a stark contrast to other negative threads, so let us celebrate. Every little bit helps and Thai government intervening to help struggling expats is a welcome event. Now if you get a heart attack, your hospital bill will only be 22,779 British pounds instead of 22,988 British pounds.
  3. How is this going to work if illegal gas tank is installed on the bus? insurance will pay?
  4. Another massive bootlicker. Actually everyone in Thailand pays tax, including tourists. It is called VAT.
  5. You forgot the air you breathe
  6. no f way I would stay in Thailand. USA can stop the nukes, Thailand can't even stop floods let alone nuclear winter. you sexpats are funny
  7. this guy
  8. Never enjoyed or used anything made by Muzzie.... On the other hand...Spielberg, Seinfeld and numerous inventions to list including fish & chips.
  9. he should be given a break for the mere fact he doesn't have any tats
  10. What's this BS talk about autism? All this can be avoided with a bit of money IVF whatever This topic is not about retarded kids
  11. What country leads in tightest 😺
  12. Not if you pay up
  13. Did you just make this up?
  14. I am starting to think that maybe for a man it is a good idea to have kids in late 60's early 70's. You get to spend your hard earned money on them without a care in the world. You get to see them when they are the cutest. They will keep your brain active because you want to be there for them and teach them new things. Hopefully you croak once they reach 15 years of age so the chances of them giving you heart attack or dementia at that age are low. I'm 51, so still got some time to think about it, but I think that's the way to go.
  15. She is beautiful. I would like to propose.
  16. Here's the tip
  17. Farang who walk on streets should pay tax
  18. This is why Thailand is value for money. Same goes for the food you eat and condo you live in.
  19. And I want to assure Thailand I will stop trolling
  20. I believe you because after watching 1 episode in 1997 I wanted to suicide myself.
  21. Is she really getting clobbered from the same guys that fly 18 hours to pay to get laid?
  22. Can you imagine what would they charge for a schooner of VB?
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