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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. You can't change your ways. I have been jailed 3 times on this forum and look....
  2. wow they really like to share everything
  3. What is your definition of being burnt? You seem to know a lot about it, so please do post.
  4. Your situation? "Mate" you are in the sex capitol of the world, sponsoring another Thai man's child and most likely his wifey while she goes back to Isaan "for work". You are very lucky indeed.
  5. it's not hate it's reality. Pattaya, baby, Farang sponsor. you think you're special?
  6. I just did
  7. Did she ride a Sybian?
  8. She would obviously be in a better place if I came into her life and offered more money. And you lose your turn.
  9. Wow...you give only 20 baht tip for 2 hour massage?
  10. I use the FACE It works every time.
  11. pre diabetes chatter
  12. She's so stupid she's literally tossing the salad
  13. My favorite Jazz musician is Herpie Handcock
  14. Yea... you say this now, but a few posts back Lol.... so you are basically barging that your wife who did not finish high school mixes up with some hiso people from the village. okay 🤣 Well, that is the difference between you and me. My wife studied with people who today hold very high positions.... just in case a favor needs to be asked once in a while. I mean.... I am mentioning this just because we are bragging right now. And I do have a University degree from Canada and wife has MBA. Ooops
  15. I guess you'd know. Once you go black you never go back.
  16. Duh.....of course they happen at work - at gogo bar
  17. Most losers that post this drivel never enjoyed their younger days it seems. Then they discovered Thailand where you can buy some women (usually sex workers) cheap. But the only reason they are cheap is because they are being shared by other sponsors. Meanwhile they think Thai people respect them 🤣
  18. A wife working is safer than a lazy wife/gf browsing TikTok. Yea....and I'll take that extra 100k a month too for a life more enjoyable.
  19. German police asked her.... "are you a lady" "nooo I am laaadyboooyy"
  20. Why does he need a debate? He is gonna win biggie.
  21. I am sure no one on AseanNow suffers from this terrible disfunction.
  22. I sure am. And washing the laundry. And dusting the bedroom. Do you think I would trust a Thai to clean my loom? Have you ever been in a Thai house? I am OCD.
  23. Another dumb post. My wife was working before she met me for many years. You on the other hand complained on the syphilis thread how people are ogling your gf on TikTok. Most likely she is already chatting with 100 potential sponsors simply because she does not know better. Yea... cue in I have a complete access to her phone 🤣
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