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Everything posted by stoner

  1. Until the wheels fall off, if you’ll pardon the pun ???? the wheels on the bus go round and round ?
  2. clearly.
  3. says the guy stressing out over open windows ????
  4. my wife has 6 nice ladies on the go.....
  5. with the daily gaffs fumbling and mumbling its a little surprising this is not talked about daily like it would be if the T was in still. there are hundreds of clips of rambling and complete breakdown in his thought process. my favorite is when he tried to shake hands with thin air. dude....there was literally no one there. the man is clearly suffering diminishing capacity. anyone saying otherwise is either obtuse or being facetious. the almost total media silence on the subject is quite telling.
  6. might want to work on the name as well. dip trip sounds like the name of a clinic at the entrance to walking st.
  7. the true kindness of this man knows no bounds.
  8. our idea of top shelf is quite different. most growers don't grow top shelf. again that is debatable on what you and i both consider top shelf. prices for mids are going to drop fast you and everyone else are right about that. my friend was getting 2200 to 2400 on average usd per pound for his grows before leaving america and coming to thailand. true top shelf AAA quality. smoked it and was totally shocked to be honest. it has changed my perception on what true top shelf really is. and i have been high for 30 years. smoked all over the world bla bla bla.
  9. the only thing that matters with edibles is mg per dose. almost all of the edibles being sold are guess work at best unless they have an extraction guy and a solid machine to do it. most don't. they almost always make it out of butter or cooking oil. mixing in the cannabis and draining out the oil after cooking. no way to tell any sort of real measurements with this process. in some instances they mean weight of the edibles in grams. so a cookie may be 5 grams of dough. etc.
  10. cheap mid to low quality weed is going to get cheaper i agree. great weed always fetches a high price.
  11. https://cannigma.com/physiology/how-cannabis-is-metabolized-by-your-body/
  12. anyone with an oven can make this though. its just decarbed nugs made to look fancy as a new groundbreaking product. good one. i too am quite interested in these trials.
  13. i called my friend jessie and told him that i needed to smoke a joint and shower. this made another friend and i about 5 to 10 minutes late........ jessie walked out of the swan and went across the street to see what had happened after the first bomb went off. thats when other bombs went off in front of brown sugar etc. he had no chance. i arrived on the main road a few minutes later. fires and smoke and commotion all over the place. looked like a movie scene was too surreal. one of the most vivid memories of my life to this day.
  14. decent size city close to the border close to the islands very few foreigners more of a laidback thai kind of life great chicken international airport less pollution than many areas of thailand was there a year or so ago and now there is way more things for foreigners. restaurants and food. central. etc. but still has the feel of small town thailand.
  15. i lived in hat yai from 2003 to 2008. love the place.
  16. just another day of negligence on thailands roads. for decades the same thing has been happening so it can no longer be considered accidental or sad or any number of words normally used to describe these situations. thai have allowed things to build to this daily carnage and did nothing to prevent or change it. many factors to consider but at the end of the day all of those factors contain the same element. thai.
  17. the lady in picture 1 and 3 is the same. so including her. 5 ????
  18. i have not seen an ad on a youtube video in years. it's so pleasant.
  19. i know of one extremely reliable source here in bkk. ????
  20. people don't actually take the UN seriously anymore right ? i mean.
  21. post your photo i am sure you prime meat yourself right.
  22. doesn't that happen when the bud is dried too fast and too hot a temp ? i understand terpene loss happens but that would only weaken the terpene smell. ive trimmed both ways and haven't had hay smell because of wet trimming.
  23. all your bookmarks etc can be transferred over.
  24. easy solution for this. stop using google chrome. look for a browser called brave. it will solve all of your problems online regarding this subject.
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