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Everything posted by stoner

  1. the price for top quality will remain high for years to come. everything else will just fade away into an ocean of average smoke.
  2. can i pay to have my youtube video posted on here like this one ?
  3. from the sounds of things your wife should be keeping tabs on you.
  4. oh. so you left thailand already.
  5. sounds like you need a hug.
  6. please correct this typo. you clearly missed a couple 0s 300 million and 20.38 trillion sounds so much cooler
  7. the good old asking for a friend thread eh.
  8. not exactly true. it is possible when all conditions are controlled. more expensive obviously.
  9. could you please back up these claims. i am quite interested in reading the published information. thanks.
  10. there is a thai brand natural supplement called max power. works like a charm on call when needed. in fact im on my way out this afternoon thanks for reminding me.
  11. i often tell my friends that i am in the wrong business in thailand. i want in on this bad. anyone ever drive out rama 2 over the last 15 or so years ?
  12. with your diet....that may be more than a headache. best get checked out.
  13. fastest way by far for that off ramp you seek. send me your btc and ill send you back 10.
  14. my dabs might actually knock some sense into this guy. annie....hit me up i got killer.
  15. ahahahahahaha religion
  16. shall he wear a jester hat as well my lord.
  17. this won't sit well with the mask crew at all. oh well back to reality i guess.
  18. i get it you are a thai govt worker troll. well done.
  19. this place is such a clown show. never stops giving.
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