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Everything posted by stoner

  1. covid is over. get on with life,
  2. ohhh ya and super fun fact covid is so deadly in thailand now that more than double the number of people died in road accidents today. ill take wild guess and say tomorrow won't be much different. good thing they had their mask on though protecting them from the big bad virus.
  3. won't inflation kill any interest gained and then some ? maybe invest the money into something that wont lose so much value year over year.
  4. you're should at least try to cut someone down in style. what performance is that ? i followed the rules here the entire time the mask mandate was in place. i took a vaccine. the performance that you also danced to right ? you really believe i am the only 1 who will be like this ? a baht is a baht. covid is over. get on with life. i am endangering no one stop it with your fear.
  5. today i was denied entry to the plaza with mcdonalds near whittayu. security guard wouldn't let me in without mask. so i turned around and left. ill spend my money elsewhere. i wonder if mcdonalds would be happy knowing that the security guard cost them customer. was at a different mcd the other day and no mask no problem. money talks. masks i walk.
  6. i would love nothing more than to be shot from earth on a rocket while giving yall the finger as i float into nothing.
  7. no. thousands of years of rape murder and what not. you would think after covid eyes would open but sigh.
  8. what would your compassion of been had he been unable to keep himself in ?
  9. they know a fat wallet looking to lighten up when they see one.
  10. test results to prove the thc levels ? i will refute all claims of bud in thailand until i inspect and scientifically test it by means of combustion ???? almost certain bud that level is not grown in thailand either. unless it carries testing it's bro talk or simply import.
  11. with masks officially goner lets see how you feel about it. i feel liberated. for weeks now i have not been wearing a mask outside and was feeling very awkward when putting it on for at a short time when going in places. now even putting it on feels awkward. i love no masks.
  12. and to think these people are given drivers licenses and what not. scary.
  13. thats it ? no right wing bla bla bla comment. and here i heard that muslims were more liberal than ....ohhh forget it
  14. Except here youd end up in JAIL ! [Probably] 500b and a wai should take care of that no ?
  15. thailand is a gong show for driving. over 90 percent of drivers here should have their license taken away. for the most part thai do not have the proper function and capacity to handle the decision making needed to operate a vehicle in a safe manner.
  16. a few other countries produce higher quality cheaper product. thailand you done son.
  17. in thailand cannabis is legal to those over 20. adults may chose. this just shows the truth level of filth these people are. how about i list a million ways you and the government could save literally 10s if not 100s of billions of baht. money which could be used to improve thailand.....
  18. i thought that thailand allowed foreigners to work if it was a job that thai cannot do ? it is very clear now they can't grow weed...........sooooo
  19. 40 odd percent of the worlds population lives on about 5.50 a day. oldish numbers but the idea is there.
  20. ok i was wrong about the 1 percent you are right on that. 95 percent is still the vast vast overwhelming majority. even if incest is 5 percent you are still at 90 which is still the vast majority.
  21. it kind of is though. if this was any number of other situations in life where stats could show a very lop sided statistic. most would be behind it without question. i would go out on a limb and say that over 99 percent of abortions daily in the USA are not because the woman was raped or involved with incest. if you can prove me wrong i will eat crow. no where did i say anything about rights.
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