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Everything posted by stoner

  1. It should also be noted that while a registered dem Trump is known to have been chummy with Diddy as well. Anyone else see a pattern with these rich filthy scumbags ?
  2. Who gets raided by homeland security for having just ho and drugs.. A lot of names in those boxes that were taken.
  3. sounds like you're going to need a castration.
  4. what ? no matter who wins ...america loses.
  5. Some very well known people have partied at the freak offs.. I hope they are exposed as well.
  6. 4 or so weeks to go. Things going well. Had a spell of cold weather so got some deep colors already VID-20240921-WA0003.mp4
  7. been crazy since a child - mind opened way to early. best opening line ever in a song.....
  8. no. i don't understand. your english is horrendous.
  9. Well I was in military academy and was training Special Forces then the war ended Junior, while you were battling the Russians after the break up 55555 just a suggestion but you may want to stop laughing at your own comments so much.
  10. i would take you seriously if you could speak properly. is that an insult or fact. talking about pcp is dumb and low brow. expected. now go back to your octd.
  11. so your call to lock him up ? diddy will have an accident soon or there will be an incident involving non working cctv camera's
  12. see the thing is most people are not scared of islam.....they just don't like it.
  13. what an ignorant answer. shows more and more what kind of person you really are.
  14. What about when they kill someone when driving under the influence of 'weed'? then they would be charged with some sort of criminal driving offence......
  15. i did tell you guys anutin would handle things.
  16. he's in jail and has been refused bail. is there more locked up than that or ?
  17. troll = A person who intentionaly antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. i don't like the answer = troll.
  18. You're angry a lot. Must be difficult.
  19. She needs to win popular vote by much more than 2.
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