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Everything posted by stoner

  1. CIA agents are like boy band members compared to what we have here at the farm in NK. you don't see our agents portrayed in movies for a good reason.
  2. troubleshoot is the damage on older or newer leaves ? how often do you water ? how much water ? what is the ph and ec of the water ? what nutrients are you using ? what stage of growth are you in ?
  3. Coming along nicely....
  4. she backed down from her entire nation. what are you on about.
  5. so you were sneaking onto the golf course and playing without paying.
  6. i got bored to the titties with it just after the biden debate. the blabber was unreal. then came the w word explosion out of no where. a group who all of a sudden all at the same time all started using the same word. ...calling others a cult.....ya im out. either you're with us ...or you're with the terrorists. i could almost verbatim type what some of the replies will be. i disagree with a point = you love trump.
  7. fool me once..shame on.... shame on you....fool me...you can't get fooled again.
  8. a clear metaphor on the state of buddhism in thailand...... it's broken.
  9. no :)......i just remember the last time i was given an ultimatum like this.
  10. either you're with us....or you're with the terrorists.
  11. check the comment below this one of yours i am replying to. you can't make this shhhh up. syndrome supreme.
  12. All those pics look horrible. Brown and old crusty looking flower. Maybe product looks different when you receive it. Also it looks like.it has very little crystal kn it. In fact I don't see any on the stems. Is the flower indoor? At that price I would be very doubtful or there's something else happening. 15b a g for indoor ? Ahhhhhh
  13. Ok you win. Have you considered doing stand up.
  14. he was so proud to post that too. like it puts a seal on the whole situation. here look i sent a link showing a vague statement. i fully expect a stupid gotcha question in return. followed by a few you love trump replies. all for simply disagreeing with what was presented as specifics. in 3.....2......1......
  15. so is it really sad then ? i would call it willful ignorance.
  16. been married for 17 years or so and my wife still asks me to roll for her.
  17. Is that what you call it. Getting it wrong. Cute.
  18. He Loves Putin and himself he just wants to Grift it’s his job as a Traitor, Trump -Putin ‘24 , Make Russia Great Again huh Yelotail and here i thought changing someone's profile name on here and using it in an inflammatory way etc was very much against forum rules. now you are just resorting to straight up name calling eh. rules for me but not for thee.
  19. here you go... https://dutch-passion.com/en/blog/a-visual-guide-to-cannabis-deficiencies-n987
  20. "faux pas". You mean lie. Conscious, deliberate lie. Even now. Constantly and continuously. lies you say eh..... It was something they used at the start cos they got it wrong. you see it was just something they used. it wasn't a lie. just something they used.......at the start.
  21. rent in canada is sky high now as well. 2k a month gets you a shack in toronto...if you could even find at that price. smaller cities like where i am 2k would get you a 2 bdr apt. with frozen wages and brutal living costs saving for a new home is out of reach for so many now. the game is not the same as it was 30 or 40 years ago. not at all.
  22. that's the entire GDP of ontario. :)
  23. becoming harder and harder to simply just be.
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