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Posts posted by David006

  1. I think you are correct in your conjecture about it being Phuket..I used to be a Yachtie there and we still return to see friends etc..by the time I have driven across the bridge I am turned into a raving expat...the only cure being copious quantities of alcohol...lol. Since we live on a farm and 7k from any village I don't see the frustrations you enumerate...most of the Thais are friendly and courteous although some probably house the usual resentments of "that rich Farang"....wish it was true lol. In spite of everything you WILL miss Thailand good or bad...good luck mate :rolleyes:

  2. Steve: I have he same problem but gave up doing anything much about it...considering installing a sand filter too..someplace on TV there was a diagram of one built out of those concrete cylinders...I guess before the tank is best..

    I always open up the cocks at the bottom of tanks for a a minute or so before topping up the tanks manual switches on well pumps)..seems to pour out the worst of the sludge. I guess stirring it all up would be a good idea if the tank is almost empty..

    I think a big issue is the accumulation of sediment in our wells as my intake valves sometimes get clogged and then have to pull out the pipe clean valve etc as pumps have not held prime so do not work....aaah.. so much fun eh?

    I often dump in a handful of water softening/clarifier crystalline stuff ( soda or alum not sure..but buy it locally in lumps) Works quickly..Wife reckons she can taste it the water though!

  3. Interesting mate...

    Looks like you sprayed glyphosphate?..read someplace on an Indian website that its better to cut the grass and weeds..auto mulch etc..lol Glad o see the anti fungal...

    ..do you have termite issues...tons of the little bs on our farm. Lost a couple of big trees to wind with eaten out roots!

    Your trees are how old?..they look somewhat small for cutting...apparently if you cut too soon it stunts future growth. What is the yield like ? Percentage of latex?

    We are cutting about 500+ 10 year ++ old? (getting 39%/vol latex at about 120kg per day)trees now with another 4 thousand that are mostly at the same size as yours ..we will wait for another three years before cutting...

    Interesting to see your factory setup..have a slow internet connection so stills would be nice..

    Good luck with the farm mate thanks for the video :)

    oh yes... have you considered rain shades for the wet..I contacted some Indian company which has them but they seem to be reluctant to supply ..probably think I will copy them?



  4. ..... However, these same Thai people are much better educated than I in many ways. This may be off the topic, but it seems that if many farang have their way, the culture of Thailand will cease to exist, and the place will just be a low-rent version of london or New York. People will get all worked up about endangered creatures like frogs and spiders and all kinds of vermin, yet think nothing about destroying an entire culture. I know people who are all excited that there will be new McDonald's and Starbucks at Meechok Plaza. I just do not comprehend this. I am not anti-farang. I love my own culture and my country. This does not mean I cannot enjoy or appreciate another people and way of life.

    YES...!! ...if all the things that expats whinge about went away...it would be rather boring here...often people travel or expatriate for 'la difference"....

    if it was all clinical and just like "back in good old XXX" what would be the point? Sort of like going to a south American jungle and never moving outside the Holiday Inn or something..One thing I hate about Thailand is bloody Starbucks!! That's not to say I don't miss some foods and western things... we all do I am sure...

    .. many Farangs have managed to create their own environment subject to their perceived "needs" notwithstanding limits of personal finance..and I think that is the answer ...if one wishes to stay in a country that is currently not too far down the western wannabe slope.

    Look at the once infinitely rich eastern culture of Japan...sad..pity they still like whale meat though.. :jap:

  5. I'm sure Elk can elaborate, but one reason is that solder is used to bond not to conduct and has much lower melting point than the metals it bonds. In low voltage components, rosin core (versus acid) solder is commonly used b/c, if properly done, it forms a good bond to the connected metals. But, in high voltage situtations, solder will degrade or even melt over time b/c of it's resistance and the bond will break causing sparks and most likely a fire. Also, soldering is useless unless done properly and proper soldering is a skill most DIY's do not have.

    hmmm seems reasonable...

    BTW acid flux is never used in electrical/electronics primarily because it advances degradation of the joint..ie dry/HR joint.

    I wonder though that ac interfaces to electronics (incoming power leads) are usually soldered.

    Even my rice cooker has a "soldered in" in line fuse....good old Philips...

    Agree that inexpert soldering is probably the major factor. (apply solder to the joint NOT the iron!! :rolleyes:)

    All soldered joints do tend to degrade over time and become HR or separate...regardless of voltage.....subject to the type/method of solder... silver lead content etc and environment.

    BTW skin effect is always present but at lower frequencies the skin is that much deeper and as you say probably not a major issue.

    enough of this... brain is hurting now...back to my orchids.

    have good one guys... :lol:

  6. Old style twist and solder cover with tape.

    With regard to the above quote, DO NOT solder the wires. There are very good reasons for not soldering the wires.

    out of curiosity ...what are they mate? I can understand the inconvenience/trouble shooting factor....especially since most domestic wire is not tinned?

    I used those bloody awful connr strips in conduit boxes..threads therein are so bloody unreliable.

    I am not sure if there actually anything wrong with a twist and tape method provided it is done well ..there is greater contact between wires and since household current is subject to skin effect the more wire to wire contact the better...I used it with light fittings but with shrink wrap...twist with wires at 45 degrees for about 1.5cm.

    Look at some of the overhead taps in the street ..all have tape, though it may be self amalgamating but doubt it..granted they use substantial bronze clamps ,I hope!

    "Twisting" was and maybe still is the method used to connect telecommunications solid 23/24 gauge conductors in high pair count cables in outside plant..at one time they used paper sleeves to insulate. Granted the most voltage was approx 110v 17hertz (ringing) otherwise -48vdc at 4-6mA but.... :whistling:

  7. Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

    How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

    I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

    And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

    Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

    Dont flame me too much thanks

    Welcome to Thai visa,seem as you just joined.

    There are a lot of great ladies in Thai,dont be in a hurry and you will find.

    Don't waste your time and money on this one...would you marry a prostitute in your own country?

    Good advice.

    I know of lots of financially desperate good looking girls here, that would never consider going on the game.

    I wager that this woman was well experienced when the OP hired her services, probably been at it for years.

    Treat it like a breed of dog. Some breeds make good pets, others dont.

    Remember, fools never listen to good advice, or use common sense, they only learn by experience.

    Dont become one of those that so often end up telling all that went wrong on these ThaiVisa forums.

    bet you wish you never posted..hugh......go with your gut mate..what can happen???

  8. Another farang/Thai disaster on the horizon.

    Give it a chance.... jap.gif

    of course...good luck mate..

    nice to see the usual positive posters are awake ..bars are closed maybe..

    ..sure life's a challenge but the sky doesn't necessarily fall on every Thai/Farang marriage..

  9. No, it's not an old family secret:

    Local striploin, cured for some days(wet cured)16-17g salt per 1L of water.

    Rolled in some very good pastrami spices and finally smoked a few hours at very low temperature, finito.


    Thanks for that mate...and how do you smoke it and what are pastrami spices :) maybe I will just google it lol...okay got it...now how do you smoke it

  10. probably not "legal" Thai wise but I would be inclined to get me a few dozen multi-size good American "wire nuts" ( plastic cones with thread inside) to replace the "twist and tapes"...crimps are usually for auto or marine...but TIT

    OFF TOPIC BUT....Jesus!!! think we have a bloody hurricane here now...poor wife is out at market on motorbike..just waiting for the phone call...deeeeha..help!! LOL

    hahaa ... STGRHE we is on the same page..lol

  11. Just sent the step daughter out for another bottle of my favorite tipple from the rice vendor...she and wife unit spent the whole morning at temple feeding the monks....gotta support the Thai economy right..sorry for my Aussie mate & spouse ... just arrived in Phuket on vacation...pissing with rain and the bars are not supposed to be selling liquor...some vacation..hope he bought some duty free and his resort is comfy....

  12. is there anything to stop a UK pensioner investing in a ticket and an address in Spain or some other reciprocal locale and then fly on to LOS.....PO box and or UK bank accountant....??? By the time you try to beat/change the system you may be a puff off oily smoke or worm food.... :rolleyes:

  13. I also don't see value in the system unless TV wants to establish a star chamber of unbiased luminaries to award the rep points.

    In my limited involvement with other fora that have this system, it seems rife for abuse by trollers and those with petty-minded grudges.

    In the Thaivisa version it seems you can only get marked upwards, so i guess that can't happen (?) but then that means you could do a couple of good posts and then a load of old tosh till the end of time - so not sure about the value of this feature.

    yes... it all appears to be just a little bit "anal"... "Stars" "Ratings", "Sin bins", "Warning levels".."deletions/closures often apparently based on pettiness,personal whim/opinions"....what next "carding" "no one finger left handed typing" " no chewing" " "font limits" "senior masters' detention", go stand in the corner...sigh!... :passifier:

    Yes I know... I can leave anytime....but it IS such fun to read the agony aunt posts, the bating and whingeing and the "know all" posts....very entertaining.....

  14. ...all a bit suss eh? Gotta be a $ motive here for sure...and its unlikely it's for you benefit..

    You know of course that Centrelink is "linked" with Immigrations' data base

    I think I might be inclined to send an open letter to The Australian or..asking for an explanation. Is there still an Ombudsman?. that might be better?

  15. wow....Don't know how you survived the ice in winter in TO..lol

    Anyways I would think your best option would be a converted/unconverted boat, especially here, lots of nice marinas and you can take your "house" with you to the many great anchorages around Pang Na etc. The post about converting a fish boat sounds interesting especially as wood is easier to "convert" as against fiberglass.

    I don't know what you budget is but there are many displacement power cruisers and even sailing vessels around that provide every amenity as a live aboard with the advantage of mobility.

    Go "dock walk" the marinas and talk to the yachties etc..you may even find an absentee yachtie/boat owner who needs a boat sitter..?

    good luck..

  16. Can someone enlighten me on this please. Can you sue someone for murder? Isn't murder (or attempted murder) a criminal case, not a civil one?

    This is Thailand-can do everything as long as you happy to pay the lawyer and legal court fees

    Although you may not win but other side will have to stress and spend money to defend, so kind of like having a money throwing competition and see who gives up first. then can also always appeal.

    Amazing Thailand

    I too would have thought that a criminal case (as stated in report) has to be brought by the authorities? Interestingly the police ignored initial complaint..not surprising though...I don't think we have the full story somehow..

    and...don't forget the inevitable counter suit....the usual defense and water muddier...

    Suspect this will drag on forever and become a yawn news item on a slow day in paradise....

  17. That pastrami look wonderful. Where did it come from?

    OK, well, for me... I luv a spicy brown mustard on my Reuben.

    Guess where it came from.......... :whistling:


    you made it? nice.

    Yes Chef!


    if its not an old family "secret" How do you make it?? looks wonderful...great 1 foot high..with an ice cold Guinness! and a big pickle, mustard and french fries.....ooooh think am going to faint...mmmmmm

  18. Thanks TG, but I was looking for something weighing slightly less than 91kg :)

    Your machine makes more in a minute than we would eat in a year.

    hi Crossy: I was in the market yesterday and saw some Thai ladies buying miles of pig intestine...assumed for sausages?..I want to make 'em but don't know what the "skin" is supposed to be ..do you buy commercial 'skins" or?

    Gonna bring back my old mums hand cranker from Canada...but will look out for the machine you picture...seem to remember seeing one in a kitchen supply place in china town in Penang ...but seen zip here..



  19. Slightly different perspective:

    Question 1: Which is more important to you: your mind or your body?

    If you're unsure perhaps consider: Would you rather have a physical disability with a healthy mind or a mental disability living in a vegetative state but with a healthy body?

    Question 2: How many people sell or rent their mind or brain day in day out in their work?

    Question 3: For those that consider their mind more important than their body what does that say about those using their brains at work all day to earn a salary?

    Some people sell/rent their minds, some people sell/rent their bodies... is life really that simple? :rolleyes:

    I'll leave judgements to others...

    Exactly what I always thought...a very valid point..

    The only sex without payment in some form is rape, work without payment is slavery..?

  20. if you could give me a bit more info: I assume you mean one cable with two (Y&Bk) wires inside? Is this telephone service only or ADSL ? POTS (plain old telephone service) is usually a blue wire and white wire but TIT...

    You are correct in using pins 1& 2 pins ( centre two attached to those gold "wires" in the square socket

    ( called an RJ8 Connector in your case) polarity is not a big issue for POTS . If you have a meter test for approx 48 volts DC across the wires for POTS ( if you have no meter you can also "flick" the wires together and see if there is a little spark its not dangerous but you might want a cloth or.. over your head to cut out ambient light so you can see... lol); if none present then it's up to TOT again...feel free to pm me

  21. We hired Global Treat several months ago and took their year contract. They came back just a few weeks ago and the problem of termites eating our baseboards had spread considerably. Time will tell but so far we are not impressed. My wife grumbles that she has to follow them around because they are too lazy to do a thorough investigation of the house without supervision.

    This last time they sprayed quite a bit behind my computer desk and I am now a major sneezer. They supposedly use herbs or spices or some such stuff but my nose and sinuses don't seem to like it.

    Our next effort will be to find someone who can replace all our baseboards with something termites do not eat...

    I used cement composite baseboards in our house...available at any building suppliers..better get a carpenter to install mate ..mitre'd inside/ outside corners etc... BUT you have to tell 'em otherwise its 90 deg and cement filler... lol

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