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Posts posted by David006

  1. ...not a lot of detail..where NSEW?? when ?.

    although it seems like something is pending judging by the current temps down south..already above 40c in the shade with a very warm breeze on this 'ere mountain ....no significant rain for a couple of months..well water down low and even the papaya trees look a bit sad.

    Rubber seems to love it though..green and flowering....

    ....cannot do anything significant in this heat so....back to my book and another cool one I suppose. :)

  2. Yes ...always see those ribs in Tesco ....wife says "better in market". Lots of good recipe suggestions already so won't add my good lady's. We have bought the "racks" as the Thai market guys and girls seem unable to butcher these so prettily.

    Re no oven...next time hubby is in Tesco tell/request/beg him to buy a big toaster oven...we bought one a long time ago in Robinsons I think...

    Great machine ..cooks everything from roast pork or chicken to toast...get one with an internal fan and spit if you can makes it like an efficient convection oven.

    Happy cooking :)

  3. Amazing..bids for life savers..yet no policing of the cowboy Thais who operate and show off with the jet skis ( not the renters but the "boys" who operate the rentals) in swimming areas and race along the beaches in 4WDs regardless of kids, tourists on the beach...In Kata recently some little kid returning a ski to the trailer just sped past me within a couple metres and up the beach..big grin and and laughing with his mates..wish I'd had a bloody spear gun........

  4. The OP is obviously a man of means....has titles to property ??? Would it not have been possible to "employ" an "alternative definitive final solution"...after all this is Thailand...

    Anyways good luck mate...makes my 50k settlement ( actually got the money!!)on 300K seem paltry....move on....enjoy life...sun..sea great food and a million beautiful ladies.....

  5. Thanks for the response Rags. I don't know how similar Chonburi is to Phatthalung, but you should have success with it there.

    My wife says the juice is flowing now. The cutters are saving up the juice and will sell what they collect at the end of the month. My wife has made arrangements with someone that will buy the juice twice a month so that her family won't be involved in processing it into rubber sheets.

    While searching the web, I found references that indicated that the average yearly output of one rai of rubber trees was 255 kilograms in Trang province which is next to Phatthalung province. Using a more conservative estimate of 250, we should expect to yield 4,250 kilograms per year with our 17 rai. If the average price per kilogram is 50 baht (which is lower than what my wife claims the current rate to be), then we are looking at a total yearly return of 106,250 baht for our 50% share.

    I also found out that the 10 rai that is not currently producing has trees that are 3 years old. They should start producing in a few years as well.

    I'll post again once my wife actually sells some of the rubber that they are collecting.

    Hi Donx: Well seems the price per Rai was pretty good..we paid about that about 4 years ago.

    We are on 80 odd Rai of rubber north of Trang.25 producing ( approx 500 trees) with the rest ( about 3000 trees) coming on line in a bout two years. We currently leave our latex in the cups and sell evrery few of days anywhere up to 200kg. Interested to know how you "keep" your "juice" as you put it..assume you add Ammonia? Local middle men sell the latex to rubber cos every day....if has started to coagulate the price is discounted..

    Annual returns fluctuate by large amounts due to non cutting months ( rain, rest days, leave fall period, absent cutters..) I work on about 7month year ROI on the 25 Rai is about 12% pa at the moment..a better way of looking at it methinks..

    http://www.irco.biz/ gives rough guide to pricing, but if you sell to middle men it will be discounted by rubber content (Spec Gravity of liquid latex generally about 25-40%!) and guesstimated water content if cup or sheets. generally ( 5-15%)

    So that"s a bit of info for you to ponder..feel free to PM me..would be interested to know your progress re yields etc..

    Wew are not cutting now as the leaves are still off the trees...about 3 weeks to go...before we start again....hel_l its HOT!!

  6. JMO

    The company he worked for is / was heavily involved in lots of major construction projects in Dubai and has probably suffered hugely as part of the crash, my gut feeling is that they have found out someone has beeen filtering money out of the company for years but he'll be a well connected local and this guy is an ideal scapegoat to hang the blame on.

    Big construction project Dubai/UAE...sounds like the Bin Laden Family....and they are in bed with "everyone" with cash...except maybe Israel...don't look good for the Pome...

  7. Very good and so true. No longer resourcefulness as our grandparents had. Now with all the trained subject idiots, it looks as of we're here at the moment.

    "The Future" As Leonard Cohen in his poetic prophecy song reveals

    Give me back my broken night

    my mirrored room, my secret life

    it's lonely here,

    there's no one left to torture

    Give me absolute control

    over every living soul

    And lie beside me, baby,

    that's an order!

    Give me crack and anal sex

    Take the only tree that's left

    and stuff it up the hole

    in your culture

    Give me back the Berlin wall

    give me Stalin and St Paul

    I've seen the future, brother:

    it is murder.

    Things are going to slide, slide in all directions

    Won't be nothing

    Nothing you can measure anymore

    The blizzard, the blizzard of the world

    has crossed the threshold

    and it has overturned

    the order of the soul

    When they said REPENT REPENT

    I wonder what they meant

    When they said REPENT REPENT

    I wonder what they meant

    When they said REPENT REPENT

    I wonder what they meant

    You don't know me from the wind

    you never will, you never did

    I'm the little jew

    who wrote the Bible

    I've seen the nations rise and fall

    I've heard their stories, heard them all

    but love's the only engine of survival

    Your servant here, he has been told

    to say it clear, to say it cold:

    It's over, it ain't going

    any further

    And now the wheels of heaven stop

    you feel the devil's riding crop

    Get ready for the future:

    it is murder

    Things are going to slide ...

    There'll be the breaking of the ancient

    western code

    Your private life will suddenly explode

    There'll be phantoms

    There'll be fires on the road

    and the white man dancing

    You'll see a woman

    hanging upside down

    her features covered by her fallen gown

    and all the lousy little poets

    coming round

    tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson

    and the white man dancin'

    Give me back the Berlin wall

    Give me Stalin and St Paul

    Give me Christ

    or give me Hiroshima

    Destroy another fetus now

    We don't like children anyhow

    I've seen the future, baby:

    it is murder

    Things are going to slide ...

    When they said REPENT REPENT ...


    My ex always used to say..listening to Leonard Cohen made her want to slash her wrists......i gess he does tend to be a "little" depressing" nevertheless... thanks for your input



  8. It's an old story, David006... but a truism.

    I'll leave it with a poem I wrote along the same theme...

    Shed no tears for me my friend

    I’ve lived the life I chose

    And the prickly pear I left behind

    I once thought was a rose

    Memories of a distant past

    Haunt me occasionally

    Then I look around and realize

    I’m were I want to be

    There’s much to learn and understand

    Life’s messages are taught

    With hurts and pains, and sometimes gains

    It’s never done for naught

    All I ask is one more ride

    And reach the count of eight

    Then I will smile and thank the Lord

    For making the specter wait.

    Excellent poem mate choked me up...mind if I forward to some "old" mates? Think I will print and frame! Have you published any?

  9. Got this story sent from the UK..

    Reminds me of a two day R& R I spent in the Bahamas ..got chatting to a local fisherman at the dock in front of our hotel ..invited me on board his somewhat decrepit fish boat and fed me rum and coconut water...said he fished during the night, slept and drank during the day and sold his fish to the hotel behind the dock; where he was THE chef..."mon what I want with anything else!" Envied that guy ever since...

    Life Explained:


    > A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.


    > A tourist complimented the local fishermen

    > on the quality of their fish and asked

    > how long it took him to catch them.


    > "Not very long." they answered in unison.

    > "Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"

    > The fishermen explained that their small catches were

    > sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.

    > "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"



    > "We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children,

    > and take siestas with our wives.

    > In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends,

    > have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.

    > We have a full life."

    > The tourist interrupted,



    > "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!

    > You should start by fishing longer every day.

    > You can then sell the extra fish you catch.

    > With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."


    > "And after that?"

    > "With the extra money the larger boat will bring,

    > you can buy a second one and a third one

    > and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers.

    > Instead of selling your fish to a middle man,

    > you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants

    > and maybe even open your own plant.


    > You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City ,

    > Los Angeles , or even New York City !

    > From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."



    > "How long would that take?"

    > "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years." replied the tourist.

    > "And after that?"

    > "Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, "

    > answered the tourist, laughing. "When your business gets really big,

    > you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"

    > "Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fishermen.



    > "After that you'll be able to retire,

    > Move to a tiny village near the coast,

    > sleep late, play with your children,

    > catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife

    > and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."

    > And the moral of this story is:


    > Know where you're going in life...you may already be there!!



  10. She was sitting outside a massage joint in Kata when my fellow 2004 Kings Cup volunteers and I sat down to finish a beer or three. I remarked that she needed a good meal as her jeans were falling past her hips...can't remember her response but it was a good one which shut me up..sat there for a while then left.

    After Tsunami went back to check she was OK. She was not there but her younger sister was and I mistook her (she does have a twin but that weren't her...dugh)..got a massage and started rambling and wondered why she kept laughing..turned over onto my front and ten minutes later there was more giggling behind me and my current wife took over the massage.......5 years on she's more witty than ever and can never get one over on her......

  11. Hi

    We have had to do some research on this as I think that it may have been my post that you read before. According to the land department website and Isaan Lawyers website you can request a change of title to Chanote at any point and it is up to the goverment to grant this to you. However it seems like the reality is that you have to wait for the governement to come to you as that is certainly what my husband believes and other posts seem to reflect this. As with a lot of things in Thailand - what is supposed to happen and what actually happens are two different things.


    Thanks for that Sontaya..hurry up and wait hugh...not an issue really but was curious..the wife says it will be up to five years for them to come and survey...

    Hope you sorted out your "presence" issue for your survey...we had to go to the MILs place as witnesses??? TIT



  12. a couple of points..

    ..Why on earth does anyone need a heater dryer in this climate? Spinning gets 'em almost dry then a couple of hours later...

    ...would not touch a front loading auto..ever since I used an apartment hotel unit in the states and could not get my f..g undies out to get my flight ..ie door locks during what seems to be a VERY long cycle..... had to get the hotel staff to come and open the door and packed soggy undies ..lol

    I can't believe I am entering a discussion on washing..lol .........when I have a 'pile' waiting for me to do!!!

  13. I have no idea what make it is, all I remember is paying for it. It's a machine that is exclusively used by the GF. :)

    Typical beer guzzling, pie eating, fart dropping male :D

    Goes with the old joke, "How did the woman cross the road?"

    It doesnt matter, what the hel_l is she doing out of the kitchen?

    My wife just remarked that it is amazing how many farang even know where the washing machine IS, MOST Thai men don't know what it is for or what it looks like.

    That said ...buy a big'n mate same as one poster said, need to wash dooners and that was the priority of the wife....keep it simple was mine...too many gismos break in this climate. Mind you I have replaced the nylon belt drive on the tub three times already...overloading it my wife says..my fault better let her wash the bloody floor mats one at a time..lol We have 12kg Panasonic twin tub beautiful genuine plastic..about 8k baht

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