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Posts posted by David006

  1. I don't know the correct term for the bamboo fasteners so can't point you to an image. But if you have ever seen a sticky rice basket, that's what you want. Thin strips of bamboo. Just about any rural Thai should be able to show you how to make these strips as they are used for many, many purposes. The process is like this and can be done with just a machete:

    1. get a desired length of bamboo with no culm that is still green

    2. split it half over and over until you have about a half centimeter piece

    3. strip off the inner and outer surface

    4. continue splitting in half again until you have thin pieces. The right thickness is what you see in the rice baskets. Too thin can be too weak, too thick can be too inflexible. Now you have the straps.

    5. fasten by grasping the ends with thumb and finger, twisting, then tuck the end. This takes some trial and error to learn how to crank it good and tight with a circular twisting motion.

    If the straps should dry before use, wet them to make them flexible.

    Bamboo joinery is different from normal wood. Nails should not be used as they will split bamboo. Bamboo pegs are useful, but the holes should be pre-drilled. Look also at the birds mouth joint.

    Thanks for that mate, just finished building a shade house frame ( for "her in door's" million orchids) with bamboo from our farm and hardwood uprights! Used nails in predrilled holes wit minimal splitting...now I see there was a better way..cannot picture the binding setup though...drill holes.. can you advise how many and routing of strips of bamboo? Would that spiney bamboo they use for chairs be stronger ..we have a few stands of the lethal stuff lol. If you have a photo of the binding I would like to see it..maybe it is like my bamboo "recliner" construction I bought from street peddlers..but I notice lots of little nails??

    Thanks for your help ..



  2. S

    If you don't like the high prices for imported good switch to local stuff. So many people in Thailand are like the 1970s Brits who went to Spain for their holidays and spent the entire time eating fish and chips and drinking Watney's Red Bladder sorry Barrel.

    :):D :D :D :D

    "......oooh and I don't like the food here it's sooo greasy....but we have found this lovely little place in a backstreet that serves Watneys Red barrel...."

    Methinks many POMEs on "holiday" away from their locale have chronic whinger-itus, "red neck/sote pil mentalty"..".too hot, too expensive, can't trust the locals, food not to their liking....blah blah...."

    Could also be that many on TV are NOT here and wish they were ???...enjoy the ash guys!

  3. You guys don't understand currency exchange.

    Here is a good starting point: Click Me

    Best case scenario, if there are no natural disasters, terrorist attacks, real estate crashes, stock market crashes, unexpected expenditures from new health care bills, if absolutely everything goes as planned, the US gov will be paying 50% of its tax revenue towards interest payments on its debt in ten years.

    Think about that a bit.

    Well, you probably didn't make it through my post. You should have, instead you probably opened another sin sot thread and cracked another Singha, even though your belly really could use a break. It won't be long until you and many of your kind are starting threads about how "Don't the dumb Thais know that 25 baht to a dollar hurts tourism?" and "Gold? Why is it so expensive? It looks tacky".

    ouch! maybe you need a beer mate....somebody pee'd on your cornflakes this am?....

    Lighten up a little ...your belly will thank you...

  4. Your right TV is a great source of info from some very smart minds from all walks of life.. I for one am glad the resource is there

    as for the drivel mongers...whatever floats their boat..they can be quite entertaining sometimes... sort of like reading the funny papers and expecting valuable comment...

    ....as someone once remarked to me .."TV is like a bunch of barking dogs in a narrow Soi"

    fun though ain't it ....who needs credibility...TIT!

  5. Think we've gone off at a bit of a tangent..lol

    Anyway the pump is centrifugal ( same as a million of 'm you see in stores), the difference on the one I purchased is that on the intake side there are two pipes one is 1.25" and the other is 1"...there was a diagram showing water intake being recirculated up one and down the other pipe and through the nozzle inside a cast steel ( about 2kg!) u shaped unit..on the bottom of which has the non return valve and filter which all sits down in the well. Maybe this a a jet pump of sorts ? The guy in the shop seemed to think it was to increase the intake head as the diagram showed the unit inside a bore hole size well..

    Anyway it works in my concrete tube well so..happy happy..

    thanks again


    okay the pic on right shows the double intake thingy I have...the pump is centifugal though


  6. I have a monthly income of 500.000THB. I have 5 Bedroom and 3 Bathroom Park view Penthouse where i do live with 3 of the most beautiful Nana Girls all year long in a 5m x 5m waterbed. I also have a 3.000cm FullHD TV hooked up on a 18.1 Souround Sound and the new Playstation 5000.
    LOL. And a gardener that speaks 23 languages, a few extra terrestrial languages excluded + hyperbraggard Gibberish (not to mention the fact that the missus received the nobel prize eight days per week!? :D

    Wait, wait, dont tell me she's an anthropologist as well..? :D

    However, I live on the bottom of a lake, and I work 28/hours day, eating a fistfull of cold gravel etc. etc....you get the picture. :)

    :D :D :D

    you were lucky.!!......and tell that to kids today and they won't believe ya.................

  7. Interesting comments on the Thai class system considering Europeans have been practicing same same for hundreds of years!!! Particularly so in their colonies....

    Its the way of the world even in communist/socialist political countries...

    ..it seems to me the moneyed classes need the poor or lower classes as they in turn need the moneyed. Moneyed classes have historically been those who have time and funds to invent, explore and develop society .

    Redistribution of wealth has never been a viable solution. Improvement of the lot of the poor will take time its and evolution.....

    Just an observation.......

    how does it go......"the working class can kiss my arse..etc ??? lol

  8. Okay guys..we have water.

    Used a 2800 baht 350w rotary pump with 80m head ( has a double intake with "jet nozzle " cast iron fitting on bottom..not sure what that does....) and 1inch pipe..( actual pipe length only 150m and head 40m according to GPS.....not a very good initial guesstimate I guess).

    Water a bit muddy initially but now clear and filled the second tank ( 1000L) in 20 minutes.

    Thanks guys ..happy happy now



    .....oh and there is a 6" fish living in the well!!!

  9. In response to the OP's question.....

    Getting too expensive for what...?

    Staying in LOS ?

    Maintaining standard of living?

    Yes sure...things are increasing in price.. food, transportation, fuel , electric etc, etc, etc everything to do with the price of fish yes?

    So?.."how to do?" as the wife unit is fond of saying..

    NO increase in the price of heating , property tax or a good laugh though....

    No solution comes to mind except becoming a monk....maybe that should be a new topic though?

  10. Maybe this story will help you understand:

    A man was riding his Harley beside a Sydney beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice, The Lord said.

    'Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.'

    The biker pulled over and said, 'Build a bridge to New Zealand so I can ride over anytime I want.'

    The Lord said; 'Your request is materialistic, think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking, the supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind.'

    The biker thought hard about it for a long time. Finally, he said, 'Lord, I wish that I and all men could understand our wives. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a woman truly happy'.

    The Lord replied; 'You want two lanes or four on that bridge?

    :):D :D :D :D

    thanks for that mate..gotta send that on the inet rounds....

  11. You certainly know how to rattle the cage hugh! Way to get a rise!!

    I always said I would retire in Mexico...the fates landed me here, glad really can't stand re-fried beans..

    I am not sure we actually "go out of our way" in describing the life in Thailand...but people ask , then drool at the weather, girls, food, relaxed lifestyle or whatever piques their interest. Like anywhere , it's what you make it.

    UK ?....great place to be FROM! Can't say I would be happy living in N. London where my sis says it's -4c....!

    Ok gotta go pick some papaya for brekky now.... :)

  12. :):D :D

    There may be another percent or three ( out of your 70% to keep the math straight) that aren't inebriated and don't want anyone killing anyone and just enjoy life in LOS. (welcome or not)??? Maybe a bit "head in the sand" but it ain't our country and any discussions are just that...

    Gotta admit it's entertaining though!!! (TV editorial postings that is)

    Lets just be thankful/hopeful that there little potential for a "Teinaman Square" in LOS

  13. Good news comrades and fellow workers, my little finger and I survived the night with no apparent permanent damage.

    Still a little pins and needles around the fingertip but the swelling has gone.

    PS. chang35baht, I'm off into town to buy some gloves.

    Keep 'em in a plastic bag/box ( the gloves,not your empties) or something when not in use..I had a bloody nest of scorpions take up residence in mine..which I found on placing said glove on hand ,resulting in the same symptoms you exhibited ...f..g .hurts like hel_l! Had bought gloves after being zapped by a scorpion in some wood/brush I was moving too...they like to live under the peeling bark...trouble is they "freeze" when disturbed so you don't see 'em so easy. They also like to live in brick or roof tile piles, under rocks, rice bags, empties etc..come to think of it they are bloody EVERYWHERE .....lol

    Those big black ants hurt more than scorpions, ..best not to lean on a tree in LOS without inspection.....

    Now what to do about the bees nest in the tree next to the house ....they all fly around the house looking for drink I think..

  14. Single phase submersible electric pump will do the job just fine - ac, only because alternating current doesn't loose much power over distance, and the power source is readily avaliable, as are pumps to run off it - or if its a dc submersible pump, at least run ac down to the bottom of the valley, then rectify and regulate it for whatever dc voltage/current is required (most submersible pump manufacturers that supply dc type pumps will be able to offer a ac/dc circuit as part of the package). I've said nothing here about solar - solar panels that are a long way from the house and can't be viewed/covered easily, a) don't tend to function well at all when placed in low down positions on the sides of hills/slopes etc...... the miss half the days sun, and :) they tend to go walkabout after a while (good chance it'll get nicked unless you can secure it somehow, which usualy means covering it and that leads to them working even less efficiently!), and last but not least, no ways you are going to be able to run solar panel generated dc current downhill 200m plus distance angle, and expect it to work efficiently - you'd to double up on the panel requirement and then also run some enormously thick cable - hel_l knows what it would add to the overall cost(??). I just can't see it been worth it or practical.

    You'll need a submersible that is capable of more than 20bar pressure (to get up the 200meters or so of vertical lift), and provide whatever flow rate per minute/per hour or whatever to fill your storage tank however often and with however much water to want - which is all about the power needed, but thats what submersible are all about, and I'd have thought its all going to be well within what you can get setup off domestic ac amperages (unless you are wanting to pump something like 500litres a minute at 25bar - things are then going to complicated and expensive!!!). In short: so what if its only a small sub pump that is going to pump something like 5 - 10 litres a minute @ 20plus bar - theres no rush if you have a decent sized storage tank - just let the pump run longer.........

    Then you have to run your water piping - schedule 40 or some other thick wall pvc type piping with around 2" - 2,5" max ID will be fine (you ain't going to want to be pumping so much so quickly so that friction loss becomes an issue). Bury it in the ground if you can -will last for ever. PVC piping is cheap as chips in Thailand - the country is one of the worlds biggest manufacturers of the stuff.

    Put a check valve in at the bottom and at the top.

    A roll of decent diameter ac cabling - bury it long side the water pipe - you may want to thread it through 1" diameter pvc piping to keep the moisture off - won't add much to the overall cost.

    ..... thats how I would go about things: keep it all as simple as possible, and use local materials and locally avaliable hardware where ever possible - pump brand name options: both Grundfoss or Lorentz will have submersible options off the stock shelf in Thailand that will easily do this job for you - Grundfoss is my personal preference, but thats just a personal opinion - Lorentz is probably just as good.

    Lastly - this is a well as opposed to a borehole? ......get some re-bar and weld up a grid to put over the top of the well - and/or weld up a box/tube out of re-bar large enough to hold the submersible in and then maybe even chain it down - doesn't need explaining does it(?).

    Hi ...its a concrete tube well only a few metres deep so all the you good info should solve the problem.

    one thing..I already have a half inch pipe running down our road to provide tap at a shed at the bottom of the hill, so I would be able to back feed up that with the introduction of a couple of cocks. Would a submersible tend to blow this pipe? it is just hooked into our tank and does not go through household pressure pump. I would just put a divert pipe up to top of tank. Sped of fill is not an issue. Maybe I will do a "suck it and see".



  15. Well! Thanks guys excellent info and some very technical stuff there..will locate a suitable pump and use and intermediary tank if unable to push the whole distance. Will get my GPS and work out elevation and distance more accurately. Think a submersible as used for water towers would do the trick though..thanks again..

    a little it of rain at the weekend!


  16. Sugar water and Borax or Barasic Acid or Borax in jam jars with holes for access near "paths" about 10% BA to sugar water..don't interupt path..plan is they take it back to nest..maybe take up to 7 days ..works for sure!! We had 'em climbing walls , in the bed over doors etc..gone now.. try it ..good luck


  17. Okay so here's the problem ..

    We have a house on a small mountain overlooking our rubber farm with a well which for most of the year supplies our needs and the garden too.

    Right now the weather is a bit warm and dry to say the least and the well is getting a bit low..

    We have a well in a gully of the farm ( gully to be a lake as soon as funds for the backhoe etc permit).

    The well is essentially guesstimated about 200 vertical metres below us and about 10m deep and is at the moment full to ground level.

    So the challenge is... what is the easiest way to get that narm into our tank behind the house.

    Options I have considered:

    - bucket it up into containers and carry to truck which I can get within 30 metres

    - pump it up:

    a) into truck containers using a gas pump

    :) all the way up the hill to our tank using a gas pump or three??

    c) using one or many electric pumps after laying a bloody long cable to feed it..

    Any ideas I ain't thought of guys???

    Thanks in advance..


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