When it comes to Americans shooting Americans, I don't think they worry what the victims political aspirations or persuasions are! Do you think they take names and affiliations before they blast their AR15 (with bump stock thank you) into the crowd???
Should I go to Walmart and arm myself???
You make the stupidest comments, Skipped, it's obvious you have little or no idea where I live or how long I've lived there! Before you put your foot any deeper in your mouth, you need to realize your posts don't garner much attention!
Well how do you manage to live in a country where there are more guns than people! More mass shootings than any other country! Just a matter of time till someone fired the big one! Has your AR15 got a bump stock, Skippy?
In my long experience, It would appear that only Americans are gun crazy, I would never dream of owning a killer gun or rifle, I'll leave that to you Americans! Yee Haww!!! What a mess, Skipa!