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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. Two points: all of the adverse events are extremely rare and most seem to be due to the Astra Zeneca vaccine, which was never offered in the US and is no longer offered in Europe (Are they still offering it here?)
  2. An analysis of the study. Maybe not as convincing as the testimony of an embalmer, but, still, actual evidence. https://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/the-largest-safety-study-of-covid-vaccines-finds-rare-issues/
  3. Then you haven't been paying attention
  4. upmovies.to Or you could just download what you want to watch.
  5. No aircon, just fan, you'll get used to it.
  6. the subtitles on FM are "soft" subtitles that are not hard-coded and thus won't download. You'll need to find the subtitles at a subtitle site like Open Subtitles, Addic7ted.com, tvsubtitles.com, etc.
  7. You need to check your VPN on a website like doileak.com. It will tell you if you're leaking any information that can reveal you real location.
  8. 2 million views on Tik Tok for her sob story. I wonder how much that earned her?
  9. Like they're going to send in the Marines if you're kidnapped. You won't even make the news. The embassy won't even give you a free ride home if you need it despite all the money you've paid in income tax.
  10. It's a bunch of bull obviously. It's just an ad for her tik tok account.
  11. What was the point of this article exactly?
  12. The first term didn't impact me, no reason his second term should either. I detest him but I detested Reagan as well, who launched the US on the road to ruin. Their popularity is literally unfathomable to me. On the other hand, looks like I won't be able to go back to the US any time soon. If we're going to suffer through another Trump term, I wish he'd do something productive for expats like get rid of FACTA and suspend income tax for Americans who don't live in the US. Fat chance of that happening.
  13. Arguably the best non-fiction book is one that can't be named.
  14. I thought the whole purpose was corruption
  15. I still get promotions for them, so I assume they're still offered. They only run for six months and then you have to renew them. I haven't had a problem so far.
  16. Ais has bought 3bb. They're the same company now (or will be). Ais offers unlimited low speed Internet, 60 baht for 1mps, 90 baht for 2mps a month
  17. Fibre optic is equally reliable with True and it's 640 for 500 MB up and down, less, I imagine, with a promotion and their customer service has been great. 20 GB on the sim isn't much and the SuperWi is, I assume, the AIS hotspots. I get offered that promotion once a month if I upgrade my service. Playbox I have no interest in. It doesn't inspire me to make the change to AIS.
  18. I paid an agent to do it. It cost me 1000 baht. A taxi to Chaeng Wattana and back would have cost me at least 600 as well as hours of wasted time. So I considered it well worth it.
  19. Now they are but that's because of FACTA. The US government made reporting requirements for US citizen accounts so onerous that many foreign banks won't open one for you anymore. None of that existed until after 9/11. When I was living in Japan in the 1990's, the Japanese and US tax systems weren't even linked. There was no way the US could check how much money you were making in Japan. However, if you want to open a numbered account (no name) in Panama, no problem.
  20. The US Embassy no longer issues these letters.
  21. No, I opened a bank account with a tourist visa ten or so years ago. When I spoke to immigration, I was told that all the banks knew there was no regulationi against opening an account on a tourist visa. You just find the right branch. It's this increasingly strict "money laundering" rules that make it difficult.
  22. I've lived in Japan, France, Thailand, and several states in the US, and I never had any trouble opening a bank account until recently. I could open an account at Citibank from overseas. In Hawaii, I had an account that was happy to let me use a Japanese address. It's only recently that this nonsense has taken hold. If you're rich, I bet you don't have trouble opening a bank account.
  23. These requirements are ridiculous and they're occuring worldwide, not just in Thailand. My friend had just as difficult a time opening a bank account in France. Many brokerages and banks in the US and UK are closing down accounts of people who don't have a local addresses. This is all under the excuse of preventing money laundering but it feels a lot more like a mean of social control. It's a bank account, for God's sake. You can't function without one and it should be a fundamental right.
  24. I have to commend them for their integrity. They could have just failed to show up and yet continued to collect their stipends, as most of the senators appear to do
  25. All true. The Constitutional Court is one of the primary reasons for the regressive nature of Thai politics. The current justics should all be replaced and the court's jurisdiction severely curtailed.
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