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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. So now I believe there's a conspiracy to oust Srettha and throttle Thaksin's power
  2. That Thaksin was brought back to Thailand by a secret deal under which he would join forces with the Royalists and promote their agenda. I believe that one.
  3. It's built in and updates are automatically downloaded through windows update.
  4. I concur that Microsoft Defender is the way to go. It's free, they don't nag you about upgrading to some premium addition, all of the features are unlocked, it updates automatically with Windows Update and its antivirus properties are as good as any of the paid programs. I previously used Avast (until it started collecting and selling user data) and Kaspersky and Microsoft Defender is as good or better than either one.
  5. Look, the bank understands the Thai mentality. People will sign up enticed by the amount of interest but few of them will actually put in 10,000 a month for two years. So they'll lose all the interest and whatever money they do deposit the bank will get to use for free.
  6. No, he should just say it doesn't concern me, I'm not the real prime minister anyway.
  7. This from a company that states as its goal to eventually lower fees to zero.
  8. Yeah, what? The government just announced it's considering including lese majesty detainees in its political amnesty legislation, a direct consequence of her death.
  9. That's right, the complaint has to be filed with the court in order for it to be valid. In the past, the stipulation was that the accused had to be brought before the court but if I remember correctly that changed under the Prayut administration so they could convict Thaksin in absentia. But the Thai justice system is obviously flexible and the rules change depending on who is involved.
  10. Once a person is indicted, the statute of limitations no longer applies. Thai prosecutors deliberately drag out the case to make sure influential people are never indicted. That's not easy to do. This case had to drag out for 15 years.
  11. What about the transfer to your Wise account? They also charge for that, don't they?
  12. According to the email I received, the increase on a $1,000 transfer is from $8.84 to $10.98, which is pretty steep. They're recommending transferring from a Wise account, which would lower the cost to $8.81. You still have to transfer to the Wise account though so I'm not sure if it's worth it. Pros and cons?
  13. Wise is raising fees again for transfers between the US and Thailand from 8.84 to 10.98 (for a $1000 transfer), which is a pretty steep increase. They're recommending funding the transfers from a Wise account , which they say is cheaper, although it requires a 2-step transfer and funding the Wise account. Does anybody use a Wise account? How long does a transfer take? Any pros and cons?
  14. I guess next we'll be reading about you having disappeared in Thailandd.
  15. How can you do a root canal and put in the crown on the same day? Root canals alone often take more than one visit. Then the dentist has to take an impression of the tooth and have a custom crown made in a dental lab, which usually takes at least a week.
  16. Last time I paid 1100 on bolt (+tolls)
  17. You people don't get it. He has a huge inventory of unsold luxury condos he needs to get rid of and his only hope is that the foreigners will be dumb enough to buy them. That's why he keeps going overseas. Once a salesman, always a salesman.
  18. A billionaire who wants the state to pay for his luxury vacations
  19. What are these negatives he's talking about. Road accidents, domestic disputes, sexual assaults and other crimes are always fueled by alcohol or yaba, not marijuana. Pot smokers can barely move after smoking weed with THC levels of 20-30 percent. This is Thaksin returning favors to the people who brought him home.
  20. To qoute Leonard Cohen, "You were born to judge the world, forgive me but I wasn't."
  21. It's true that the days of the Land of Smiles are over but that's the nature of the modern world. Everything is about money now. Most Thais, except the rich, are deep in debt, the cost of living has gone way up, the sense of community has been lost, people are living in isolation, they're not getting married, they're not having children. It takes a psychological toll.
  22. It wasn't a guy, it was a woman. What a useless hypothtical. Self defense only applies if you're if you're being threatened with bodily harm or death. That doesn't apply here. Some aggressive bitches? Really? If you don't like the way a woman acts, you break her jaw and put her in the hospital? Nice to know. I can tell you for a fact that if this happened in Japan, which so many members of this forum seem to like for it peace and harmony, you'd easily get five years in jail. I'm just stunned by the level of misogyny on this board.
  23. She didn't deserve it. What a statement. Her slap hardly touched him (and we don't know what he said to her to provoke it) but nevertheless he punched her as hard as he could and strolled off leaving her unconcious on the ground. This is aggravated assault, a felony. His job is to protect the tenants not beat them up. She could have died while he was ignoring her. He should be in jail. I can't believe anybody would be so callous as to make such a remark.
  24. I don't think the principle of "never hit a woman" applies in Thailand.
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