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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. They did well in the retail credit card business but their operations were too small to do well anywhere else. One branch, a couple of ATMS , they never really tried to compete.
  2. This is why they created fentynal. Of course, the ancient romans used to lay out in a bath and enjoy wine, good food, and even conversation while they slowly bled to death from a slit wrist.
  3. Citibank also required a 1 million baht deposit.
  4. They've been saying this for years and then always end up focusing on Chinese and Indian tour groups. I don't think there are many high end tourist destinations with wires hanging all over the place, broken sidewalks even in the luxury districts, trash everywhere, legendary poor service, one of the highest road fatality rates in the world, and nearly a foreigner a day falling from balconies or dying in some other bizarre way.
  5. jaywalker2


    Make them yourself. It's easy. You can whip up a batch in one bowl in about 15 minutes. And if you don't have an oven, you can use the microwave (although an oven is obviously better.) Moreover, all the ingredients that you need probably won't cost more than 2 store-bought brownies.
  6. Sorry, the Spanish central bank was featured in the sequal. In the original series, they broke into the Spanish mint and printed themselves a billioin Euro. I thought the original series was the best of the three. The sequal was somewhat disappointing.
  7. Another interesting series is "Money Heist." It started out as a Spanish drama about a group of criminals plotting to rob the Spanish central bank. After enjoying immense popularity in Europe, Netflix bought it and put out an expanded versions based on the originall. Now, the Koreans are having their try at a remake.
  8. I enjoyed Banshee, which ran for three seasons starting in 2013. It starred Anthony Starr, who is currently playing Homelander in the equally entertaining Amazon production "The Boys." If you like violence and mayhem interspersed with liberal doses of sex you might want to check it out.
  9. pork mince, 180 at Big C, 220 at Foodland, 298 at Tops Central. The Big C pork does look a bit strange but I haven't gotten sick from it yet.
  10. I did a transfer yesterday from New York and the money arrived in six seconds The deduction from my account at the New York bank on the other hand is still pending.
  11. I bought 3 grams at The Dispensary near Lumpini Park. I bought the weakest strain available (20 percent THC). I have to say everything has changed since I was a youth. Then you bought some cigarette papers, rolled up your joints, and used a roach clip at the end. Now you have 10 kinds of cigarette papers, filters, numerous strains, and you have to grind up the buds yourself. After I figured out how to roll a joint (and I thought I was an old pro!) I smoked one thin joint and got so high I could hardly walk although my girlfriend said she didn't feel anything. I could hardly eat and had to lie down where I hallucinated until I feel asleep. In short, this is not your dad's marijuana.
  12. There is a vaccine.
  13. You have to contact administrative support and tell them you want your account deleted. They have to do it from their end.
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