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Everything posted by dhupverg

  1. I'd love to see his "supplement" protocol. Amazing at times he seems quite awake and jittery, while others not so much. What wonderful "supplements" is the guy on, just coffee?
  2. Just curious, do the people really like Biden, or is it more of "anyone but Trump"? From what I read in various polls, it's more to do with "anyone but Trump" instead of " we love Joe Biden". Surely this can't be true, Biden is a mental giant and physical specimen.
  3. Interestingly enough, my immune system has been 100% effective for the last 4 years against symptomatic infection.
  4. WHO, a bunch of grifters, appointed by those who like to splash around a lot of money in "global health"... Asking everyone for 5% of their health budget to give these unelected appointed grifters ... is maybe not the smartest play here.
  5. Hiring a guy you are blowing may not be illegal, but certainly unethical.
  6. It's certainly not seasonal, it must have been the super duper injections that have come to save the world. Just look at the uptake of the jabs and we can easily see they have saved everyone from this lethal tripledemic. Oh wait, uptake was not very high.
  7. dhupverg


    I'd say not genius. Now with all the Russians here driving cars, it's worse than pre covid. I saw traffic backed up to Kata Hill going to the circle. I've never seen that before with no accident causing a tailback.
  8. Julia is a feel good series about Julia Childs and her starting the first cooking show on TV. I'm just finishing up season 1 and I see that season 2 just completed. 8.3 on imdb https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10975574/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_3_tt_1_nm_7_q_julia
  9. dhupverg


    It seems like the traffic window for being able to move around has gotten smaller. I went to Phuket Town yesterday at 1 and traffic was bearable, then came back an hour later and traffic was thick. I'm seeing tailbacks everywhere these last couple of weeks.
  10. I enjoyed Bookie, a comedy show about some guys running an illegal book in LA. There's some brief cameos by some well known faces, Ray Romano, Charlie Sheen and a few others. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22485826/
  11. To expand on the Russian influence in the market, my niece just bought a new studio condo in Phuket Town. She is renting it out to Russians for 13K/mo for a 35 sqm unit. She said she got a lot of inquiries for the place before deciding on who to rent to. Phuket Town used to be cheap, but now all the lower income foreigners are moving there as coastal areas for new condos are quite pricey. The banks are offering financing for first time buyers, so for the first two years, her loan payment is 5K/month, then after 2 years it goes up to 10K/mo, so she is happy making 8K/mo right now.
  12. Has anyone transferred USD to their wise account lately? Last month I got a message "Due to an operational change, you’ll be temporarily unable to use your USD account details" It took almost a month for them to return the funds to the account that sent the funds to wise.. I would like to use wise if their "operational change" is now completed. I've pinged wise support a few times, nothing but crickets from them.
  13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9613797/ 0-19 years old 0.0003% 20-29 0.002% 30-39 0.011% 40-49 0.035% 50-59 0.123% 60-69 0.506% 0-69 0.063-0.082% Doesn't look like a pandemic to me for the age groups above. What's with all the fear that was pushed and is still being pushed? "The largest burden of COVID-19 is carried by the elderly, and persons living in nursing homes are particularly vulnerable. However, 94% of the global population is younger than 70 years and 86% is younger than 60 years."
  14. I've been reading reports and viewing some news that EV's are now just sitting on lots in the US and the demand for them is way down compared to gas burning vehicles due to a number of factors including higher costs, low ranges in winter, the hassle of finding charging points etc.
  15. dhupverg


    That's a really good time to go as everyone is already at work and the school run is done. I believe that between about 10-3 traffic is much better than before or after this small window.
  16. dhupverg


    I thought traffic was bad over the "low season", but it seems like there's even more cars on the road now. I've heard horror stories of 3+ hours to and from the airport, one hour trips to go 15 km's etc.
  17. Any idea what this is about? This is for a Thai citizen and just recently it seems Wise changed banking details of their US account, but then this just came after the first change. They have not yet responded to multiple help requests.
  18. I would recommend watching some of this sports doctors videos about prp. https://www.youtube.com/@JeffreyPengMD I did enquire to Bangkok Hospital Phuket and asked about the amount of blood drawn after going over meta analysis papers that the above dr reviewed. Bangkok Hospital Phuket draws very little blood in comparison to what the papers suggest is optimal for best results.
  19. "Roman Chervinsky, a colonel in Ukraine’s special operations forces, was integral to the brazen sabotage operation, say people familiar with planning". https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/11/11/nordstream-bombing-ukraine-chervinsky/ "A senior Ukrainian military officer with deep ties to the country’s intelligence services played a central role in the bombing of the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines last year, according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the covert operation." What happened to blaming Russia for this?
  20. Shill Johnny, factcheck.org and Fauci, what a trio! Fauci knowingly lied to congress when he said he did not give any money for gain of function, and in fact, NIH later came out and said they did fund the Wuhan lab. I love how fackcheck.org tries to spin everything to make things appear they way they want them to appear. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/10/nih-admits-funding-risky-virus-research-in-wuhan https://nypost.com/2021/10/21/nih-admits-us-funded-gain-of-function-in-wuhan-despite-faucis-repeated-denials/
  21. Every time she laughs she cackles. There's no other way to describe her laugh other than cackling. If you can't see that....................
  22. In this day and age of "misinformation" disinformation" "malinformation" and " fact checkers" I was hoping some historians would be able to let us know when censorship was on the correct side of history. What governments and regimes were correct to censor it's subjects? It looks like censosrship goes back a few thousand years. Here's a few links that go over things. https://fcpp.org/2021/02/13/a-short-history-of-censorship/ https://www.britannica.com/topic/censorship/History-of-censorship https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rabble-rouser/202103/the-rise-culture-censorship
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