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Everything posted by peterfranks

  1. I would think that exports actually have slumped for the past 2 years, not only because of covid restrictions, but also because of sky high transportation prices. So gouging is my guess
  2. There is a difference between reorientating production, and reorientating sales/exports. Chickens are still bred/produced in Thailand, and exports are usually different quality and standards as local sales. Thai chicken has been exported all over the world for the last decades
  3. As I told you, they will make up excuses to hide their incompetence. If that was indeed the policy, why has Krungsri not deducted WHT below 20K interest for the past 2 years, and is still not deducting? I been to the revenue department last week because of this issue with SCB and another bank, and they even called the banks and told them that they don't need to deduct the WHT. Yet the banks keep lying through their teeth
  4. Any links that prove they outsourced chicken production?
  5. But the real point of my thread is not that banks refuse to play by the rules, but that for 2021 I got WHT refunded on a total of 34K baht interest, 20K automatically with Krungsri and 14K from SCB through the revenue office, where I was always told that 20K cumulated over all accounts with all banks in Thailand was the limit.
  6. Another trip to the bank will have the same result as the first one, as they come up with so many more lame excuses. Some of the excuses SCB used. -- It is only for savings accounts :: sorry darling this is a normal savings account. -- We can not do because you have accounts with other banks, and we calculated the sum :: Sorry darling, but that is the job of the revenue department at the end of the year, since you have no knowledge of my savings with other banks. Take note, interest with SCB is paid half year, so we're talking about a week ago. -- We can't do because you hold a foreign passport :: Sorry darling passport has nothing to do with this, it is the Thai tax ID that counts. Another bank made the excuse. We can't do because our bank is from Singapore. :: Sorry darling, every bank operating in Thailand is a Thai bank, regardless of their origin.
  7. Krungsri is still not deducting withholding tax on my account for the first 20.000 baht of interest. But the point of my OP was actually, that Kringsri didn't deduct the tax on the first 20K of interest, and in addition to that, I received a refund of the withholding tax, deducted by SCB on about 14K of interest. Edit : My account with SCB is also a savings account, but they have all kind of "invalid" excuses for deducting the tax, however they have my tax ID in the system
  8. I've always been told that the exemption of the 15% withholding tax, is limited to the first 20.000 baht of received interest, cumulated over all accounts held with all banks. Though I guess there must be a flaw in the system. Surprise?? I have a personal tax ID, but only Krungsri bank seems to be able to play by the book, and does not deduct the tax on the first 20.000 baht of interest. So for 2021 I reached that limit in November, and so Krungsri did not deduct tax for the first 10 months, but did deduct once the limit was reached. In the meantime I had moved some money to an SCB account, which not seem to be able to apply that automatic exemption, and have all kind of excuses for it. So by the end of the year 2021, SCB had charged me a total of 2100 baht withholding tax, for which they provided the documents needed for the revenue office. The revenue office just sent me the cheque for the 2100 baht withholding tax deducted by SCB. To me, it seems that the revenue office is either not aware of the withholding tax, which was not deducted by Krungsri, or the 20.000 baht of interest applies per bank. Any comments?
  9. I can't read Thai, but thought that meant 3 cell. Edit: it means 3A discharge current, which would not be enough anyway, as I need about 8A. Would the power supply with built-in battery suffice for my needs, let's say 30 minutes to an hour?
  10. @Crossy I found this Lifepo4 pack on Lazada, so if I could add that one to the power supply linked in the OP, that would be ideal. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/g2g-battery-lifepo4-32v-6ah-7cm32cm-screw-plate-i318708875-s6196070358.html?
  11. I can't measure the correct power usage, since we are in the planning stage, but I just take the ratings for each device, which is 6 x 1A and 1 x 2A. If it stayed on for 30 minutes to an hour would be fine for me, as I assume the power outage would be because intruders cut the power line to take the cameras out. I guess they're not gonna sit outside for an hour waiting for the batteries to be depleted, or will be aware there is a UPS at all. The power supplies with built-in battery are available, though they are limited in capacity. The version linked in the OP is available up to 30A and 18 connections, while the one with battery is 10A and 8 connections maximum. The one with the battery inside also doesn't seem to have the outputs fused. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i651456770-s1258460586.html? Can you tell me more about that, as I have a local TV repair shop who fixes everything for me and speaks good English, but he isn't really the sharpest tool in the shed, so I may have to give him exact instructions.
  12. I can't find any battery details of the UPS I'm interested in, but going by the 2.5kg weight of the APC battery, and the total weight of 4.5 kg quoted for the Zircon unit, it most likely has only 1 battery. So would that mean I have to halve the backup time quoted by Crossy, as that was based on 2 batteries?
  13. I agree, UPS is fool proof, though I like the idea of a Lifepo4 battery, as I know they can be depleted far more than any lead acid battery. I would even consider replacing the UPS battery with a Lifepo4, but not sure either if that is just easily done. What surprises me is that if you look up the spec of any UPS, they will rarely mention the details about the battery, other than that it's lead acid. They won't even mention 1 or 2. Wonder why that is
  14. Well no it isn't, unless you own the Brooklyn hotel. https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-TH&tbs=simg:CAQSiQIJOgkHjDkySSIa_1QELELCMpwgaOgo4CAQSFKYT6Sj_1CbInwyKYOfUd5CGDBt0wGhqDL0GGYmMZEuHKUnsXwEpse4PrTIrbVniA9yAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgTSgHL5DAsQne3BCRqdAQoWCgNtdWfapYj2AwsKCS9tLzAyanZoOQoWCgNjdXDapYj2AwsKCS9tLzA4Z3FwbQoiCg5mdWxsIGJyZWFrZmFzdNqliPYDDAoKL20vMDJxaHdjNAokChFicmVha2Zhc3Qgc2F1c2FnZdqliPYDCwoJL20vMDF4ZzBqCiEKDmN1YmFuIGVzcHJlc3Nv2qWI9gMLCgkvbS8wOGIxdGIM&sxsrf=ALiCzsb7ZnHIrQzBilnJur9of7Mz-9ycjA:1656852083013&q=hotel+brooklyn+manchester+breakfast&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcs-n-3tz4AhWt7jgGHUILAc0Q2A4oAXoECAEQNA&biw=1536&bih=705&dpr=1.25
  15. Can you please explain how this works?
  16. There is nothing in the spec about the spec/quantity of the battery, other than that the unit weighs 4.5kg. Would that warrant 2 lead acid batteries. I fancy the lifepo4 battery, but can you elaborate how I would set it up that it automatically switches to battery on power outage? Would it be a cheaper solution as my suggested UPS, which will set me back 1530 baht?
  17. I'm installing CCTV cameras, and want to add a UPS to the power supply. My question is now how long will it provide power to my setup. The UPS I consider is 1000va/550w, this one in particular https://zircon.co.th/en/product/hybridlcd_1000va It will feed a switching power supply, which will have a total output of 12V - 15A maximum, normally it will be less as I have 6 cameras which are rated 1A and a XVR which is rated 12v 2A. This is the power supply. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i339466822-s657928263.html? So in case of a power outage, how long will my setup run? Thanks
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